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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I've got to tell you

I've got to tell you Çeviri Portekizce

610 parallel translation
I've got to tell you the truth, Abe,
Vou ser sincero contigo, Abraham.
- But sir, I've got to tell you...
- Mas senhor, tenho que lhe dizer...
You see... ... I've got to tell you now that I love you.
Sabes, tenho de dizer-te agora que te amo.
Open her up. You two, get your ears up'cause I've got something to tell you.
Ouçam bem, porque tenho algo a dizer-vos.
I've been waiting for you to tell me I've got you beat... so I would think I have not got you beat, but I personally know I have got you beat... with my two kings against your lonely ace.
Pois, estava à espera que me dissesses isso. Podia pensar que não ganhei, mas eu sei que ganhei. Com os meus dois reis contra o teu solitário ás.
As though I ain't been tryin'to tell ya. - You've got to behave like I expect ya to behave. - Where's the sheriff?
Como tenho tentado dizer, tens que te comportar como eu quero.
I've got something to tell you.
Tenho uma coisa para te dizer, Carol.
- Listen, now that you're married I can't let Robert be tortured like this so I've got to tell you, I changed the name on the bracelet.
- Estando casados, näo vou deixar o Robert em tortura. Confesso que alterei o nome na pulseira.
But I've got something wonderful to tell you.
Mas tenho algo maravilhoso para lhe contar.
Well, listen, folks, there's something I've got to tell you.
Bem, escutem todos. Há uma coisa que gostaria de dizer.
I tell you, you've got to get him!
Têm de prendê-lo a ele.
Oh, I've got so much to tell you about.
- Eu gosto, querido. Tenho tanto para te contar.
Miss Milligan, I've got something to tell you.
Miss Milligan, tenho algo a dizer-lhe.
Susan, look, there's something I've got to tell you.
Susan, há algo que devo contar-lhe.
But I've got to tell you.
Mas tenho de lhe contar.
Christine, I've got to tell you,
Christine, tenho de dizer-lhe.
I've got a million things to tell you.
Tenho um milhão de coisas para lhe dizer.
Phil, I've got something to tell you.
Quero dizer-te uma coisa.
I've got something to tell you.
Tenho algo para lhe contar.
I've got to tell you.
Tenho que lhe contar.
Angie, there's something I've got to tell you.
Angie, há... algo que eu não lhe contei.
Angie, I've just got to tell you this.
Angie, tenho que lhe dizer isto.
I've got to tell you.
Tenho de te dizer.
I've got something very wonderful to tell you.
Tenho uma coisa maravilhosa para te dizer.
I've got something very important to tell you.
Jeff, tenho algo muito importante para lhe falar.
I've got to show the kids my Marine hat and tell them you rode home in a Flying Fortress.
Vou recolher os pratos. Vou mostrar pros meus amigos... e dizer que veio num Flying Fortress.
Sam, I've got something to tell you.
Sam, tenho algo para lhe dizer.
You've got a right to ask, so I'll tell you.
Você tem o direito de saber, então vou-lhe dizer.
I've got something to tell you.
Tenho uma coisa a dizer-lhe.
I know you've got to slosh this around in here a little bit and get the dribble off and give it right back to you. Don't tell me.
É óptimo.
But I've got to tell you what I've told the others with civic pride who had a theory.
Mas tenho de lhe dizer o que disse aos outros que tinham uma teoria.
I've got something to tell you.
Tenho uma coisa para te dizer.
I've got a lot to tell you.
Tenho muito que lhe dizer.
"You've got to do exactly and very carefully what I tell you."
"Tens de fazer com exactidão e cuidado o que te disser."
I just dropped by to tell you I've got both feet in the Manion case.
Passei por aqui para te dizer que estou metido no processo do Manion.
Today, something happened I've got to tell you about.
Hoje, aconteceu algo que tenho de lhe contar.
I've got something to tell you.
Tenho que te dizer uma coisa..
A hora é agora.
I've got to tell you.
Eu tenho que te contar.
Paul, there's something I've got to tell you.
Preciso de lhe dizer uma coisa.
- I've got something to tell you.
- Preciso falar com você.
I've got something to tell you.
Tenho de te contar.
Rosalia, I've got to tell you something.
Rosalia, Rosalia, tenho de te dizer uma coisa agora!
I guess you've got something to tell us or you wouldn't be here.
Se veio até cá, é porque tem alguma coisa para nos dizer.
- Major, I've got to tell you...
- Major, tenho de lhe dizer...
- I've got something to tell you.
- Quero contar-te algo.
I've got so much to tell you.
Tenho tanta coisa para te contar.
Ouça, Chefe... não sei bem como lhe dizer... mas há um cowboy morto na minha cama e o embaixador vai ser envenenado.
- I've got to tell you about Arne. - I know.
- Vou-te contar sobre o Arne.
I've got to tell you something about me.
Eu preciso lhe dizer uma coisa sobre mim.
You got me to tell you things I've never told anyone.
Fizeste-me contar coisas que nunca contei a ninguém.

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