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I couldn't believe it Çeviri Portekizce

486 parallel translation
I couldn't believe it.
Eu não podia acreditar.
When you told me you'd taken it, I just couldn't believe it.
Quando me disseste que o tinhas tirado, não acreditei.
I don't believe that destinies are controlled by a throw of dice, but it couldn't have been merely a succession of accidents.
Não acredito que o destino seja obra do acaso, mas não pode ter sido uma sucessão de acidentes.
When I saw you just now, I couldn't believe it possible.
Quando te vi agora, achei que não era possível.
And I must say I couldn't believe it.
E não pude acreditar.
I couldn't believe it.
Eu não conseguia acreditar.
- I couldn't believe it was true.
- Não queria crer que fosse verdade.
I couldn't believe it.
Não podia acreditar.
I couldn't believe it.
Nem acreditei.
I couldn't believe it when I was told you were a slave.
Não quis acreditar quando soube que eras escravo.
I tried to believe it was born in me and that I couldn't help it but that's not so.
Tentei acreditar que já tinha nascido assim... e que nada podia fazer para evitar, mas não é verdade.
Jo! When we got your wire, I couldn't believe it.
- Nem acreditei quando soube!
Oh, my dear, when I... When I saw this in the personal column, I couldn't believe it.
Minha querida, quando vi o teu anúncio, nem queria acreditar.
I couldn't believe it was meant for me.
Nem sequer imaginava que era para mim.
Well, when I saw you crossing from the courthouse, I just couldn't believe it was you.
Quando te vi no tribunal, nem acreditava que eras tu.
I couldn't believe it at first, not of Helen.
Eu não podia acreditar a principio, não de Helen.
It's sad when a mother has to speak the words that condemn her own son, but I couldn't allow them to believe that I would commit murder.
É triste uma mãe ter de proferir as palavras que condenam o próprio filho, mas não podia deixar que acreditassem que eu era capaz de matar alguém.
Também me custou a acreditar, mas vi com os meus olhos.
I didn't know what to do. I couldn't believe it.
Não queria acreditar.
When I saw their guide was Zachary Shawn, couldn't believe it.
Quando vi que o guia deles era Zachary Shawn, não podia acreditar.
I couldn't believe it.
Nem acreditava.
When they gave me my hotel bill, I couldn't believe it.
A fatura do hotel foi incrível.
I just couldn't believe it...
Não pude acreditar...
He couldn't have forgotten it, and I can't believe he was testing me.
Não o podia ter esquecido.
They told me something and I just couldn't believe it.
Disseram-me uma coisa e simplesmente não acreditei.
- I couldn't believe it when I heard. - What?
- Nem podia acreditar quando me disseram.
When I saw Sandra Forest in the library I couldn't believe it.
Tinha escrito a peça para a Juliette.
Gino had been condemned to death, and I still couldn't believe it.
Gino tinha sido condenado a morte, e ainda não podia crê-lo.
And I couldn't really believe it.
Eu não podia acreditar.
I mean, if it wasn't started by some kind of device or something... well, you don't really believe someone that close couldn't see who was in Mr. Parks's car, couldn't see that it was Miss Davis that was gonna be killed?
Se não foi ateado por um dispositivo qualquer... Não acredita que alguém tão perto não visse quem estava no carro? Não visse que era a Menina Davis que ia ser morta?
These new microphones are just incredible. I couldn't really believe it myself.
Eu quase que nem acreditei.
I couldn't believe it.
Nem queria acreditar.
I couldn't believe it when they told me.
Não podía acreditar quando me disseram.
I couldn't believe that it was Aurora.
Não queria acreditar que fosse a Aurora.
I couldn't believe it either, but that thing runs like new.
Também não acreditava, mas aquela coisa anda como nova.
And then today, you know, I woke up, and I couldn't believe it.
E hoje, acordei e não estava.
At first I couldn't believe it.
- Saindo um Bourbon com gelo.
I couldn't believe it!
Nem queria acreditar!
I went, "No!" I couldn't believe it!
Foi... não, não pude acreditar.
I couldn't believe it.
Eu não queria acreditar!
I couldn't believe it really worked. I just...
Nem queria acreditar que realmente funcionasse.
I couldn't believe it either not until I got the telex from Interpol this evening.
Eu nem podia crêr... até que recebi um telegrama da Interpol esta noite.
When you took that wig off, I just couldn't believe it.
Quando retirou a cabeleira, nem pude acreditar.
When I first saw this program, I really couldn't believe it.
Ah. Viva ele e todos. Pão!
I couldn't believe it.
Eu não acreditei.
I couldn't believe it!
Eu nem acreditei!
I mean, after your friend came over I couldn't believe it!
Quando o teu amigo apareceu... custou-me a crer!
I couldn't believe it when Clark gave it to me.
Nem acreditei, quando o Clark mo deu.
I couldn't believe it myself.
! - Eu também não queria acreditar.
I couldn't believe it.
Nem podia acreditar.
You'll say it's impossible, I couldn't believe it either, but this woman exists.
Vocês, dirão : 'Não é possivel' Nem eu quería acreditar.

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