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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I didn't want to tell you

I didn't want to tell you Çeviri Portekizce

482 parallel translation
I'm a member and I have been for two years, and I didn't want to tell you cos I was afraid of what you'd think.
Eu sou um membro, e já o sou há 2 anos, e eu não queria dizer-lho, porque tinha receio do que pudesse pensar.
And Leon, I want to tell you something which I thought I would never say... which I thought nobody ever should say, because I didn't think it exists.
Leon, quero dizer-te algo que pensei nunca dizer, que achei que ninguém devia dizer, porque achava que não existia.
I'm glad you didn't tell me what he's done. I don't ever want to know.
Ainda bem que não me disseste o que ele fez.
I didn't want to tell you this... but now, you see, I have to.
Não queria dizer-te isto, mas agora tenho de te dizer...
I didn't want to have to tell you but i took pupils.
Não há nada.
I didn't want to tell you, it would only make you sad.
Não te quis dizer, para não ficares triste.
That's what I wanted to tell you after it I didn't want to spoil your supper Sneaked out of the room without my knowing about it
Fui à polícia contar-lhes dos Kellersons.
- I didn't want to tell you but...
Vá lá. O que foi?
I told Father I didn't want to go on with this. I wanted to tell you everything.
Disse ao meu pai que queria acabar com isto, que queria contar-te tudo.
I didn't want to tell you till I had it pretty well cinched.
Não diga isso até ter certeza.
- Why didn't you tell me, honey? I didn't want to hold you that way.
Que outra decisão eu poderia tomar?
- I didn't want to tell you.
- Não queria contar-te.
I didn't want to tell you before your birthday.
Não queria dizer-te, pois amanhã fazes anos.
I didn't want to tell you, either.
Também não lhe queria dizer.
I didn't want to tell you over the phone'cause I knew how excited you'd get.
Eu não te quis dizer pelo telefone porque sabia que ias ficar excitadíssima.
To tell you the truth, I didn't want to come here in the first place.
Para ser franco, de início, não queria nada cá vir.
Now you know why I didn't want to tell you,... and now you know, Philippe,... why we got to get out of here and lock this place up and never come back again!
Agora já sabes porque não te queria contar, e porque é que temos de sair daqui e encerrar este local e nunca mais cá voltarmos.
I didn't want to tell you. She left yesterday morning without explanation. I hoped she'd be back before you arrived.
Não lho quis dizer, mas ela partiu ontem sem qualquer explicação, esperava que ela voltasse para a sua chegada.
I didn't want to tell you this, but you have to know the truth.
Não to queria dizer, mas tens que saber a verdade.
I want to tell you how sorry I am... that I didn't let you take us with you when you offered.
Lamento por não ter aceitado a sua oferta.
Today you're 5 and I want to tell you the truth. You're not my son and I didn't find you in the sea.
Hoje você faz cinco anos e vou-lhe dizer a verdade... não é meu filho.
Look, I didn't want to have to tell you.
Ouve, não queria ter de te dizer.
Now can you see why I didn't want to tell you.
- Vês porque não te queria dizer?
I didn't want to tell you... but my daughter's retarded.
Não queria lhes dizer isso, mas minha filha é retardada!
Tell them you didn't want to admit I was dying.
Diz-lhes que não querias admitir que estou a morrer.
If you didn't want to see me I don't know why the hell... you didn't tell me when I was in Washington?
Se não queria ver-me, porque diabo... não mo disse logo?
I didn't want to tell you before, but that tenant frοm the sixth flοοr is a nο-gοοd naysayer.
Não lhe queria dizer isto mas o inquilino do sexto andar... é um derrotista,
I didn't want to tell you until I had to.
Não quis dizer-te antes.
But I didn't get a chance to tell him what you want.
Mas não pude dizer o que você queria.
I know everything you didn't want to tell me.
Já sei tudo o que não quería dizer-me.
'Cause I didn't want you to tell me not to.
Porque não queria que me dissesses para não vir.
Maybe I didn't want to tell you about it...'cause I was a little bit embarrassed about it, all right?
Não quis contar-te porque tive vergonha.
- I didn't want to tell you until I believed.
- Não quis contar antes de ter certeza.
I didn't want to have to tell you this... but maybe you should know.
Eu não queria, ter que lhe dizer isto... mas, talvez devesse saber.
I didn't want to tell you until it came through.
Não queria dizer-te até saber.
I didn't want to tell you before.
Não queria dizer-te antes.
I didn't tell you... because I didn't want to frighten you.
Eu não te disse... porque eu não queria assustar-te.
Marcie, I didn't want to have to tell you this, but the women in the neighborhood really look up to you.
Não queria ter de te contar isto, mas as mulheres da vizinhança respeitam-te.
There's something i want to tell you. What, you didn't want ice?
- O quê, não querias gelo?
I didn't want to bring it up. But rather than have you make another mistake, I'll tell you.
Não queria falar nisso... mas mais vale saberem, para não cometerem erro.
I didn't want to tell you, but I almost ran into her.
Não era para contar, mas quase dei de caras com ela.
I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd get upset, but I traded your socks and the family cow for these magic beans.
Vês esta fresta entre o fogão e a parede? De vez em quando encontro um MM poeirento.
I want you to look me in the eye and tell me you didn't write him another note.
Eu disse-te que não era nada contigo, não disse?
That's why I had an abortion, I didn't want you to tell me it was all right
Por isso é que abortei, não queria que me fosses dizer que estava tudo bem
I didn't want to tell you on the telephone.
Não queria te dizer no telefone.
Maybe I didn't want to tell you that my father was black.
Talvez eu não quisesse te contar que meu pai era negro.
If there's going to be an encounter I don't wanna be sitting around with my finger up my nose because some smart-aleck jokester didn't do his job. Now, I don't care what you have to do or what lie you have to tell but I want that code cracked and I want it cracked now.
Quando aterraste na nossa garagem, eu era uma menininha desajeitada e tímida, com aparelho.
I know this is the last thing that you want to hear, and i sure as hell wish i didn't have to be the one to tell you.
Sei que esta é a última coisa que queres ouvir e eu não queria ser a pessoa a contar.
- All right. I didn't want to tell you.
Não te queria dizer isto.
I didn't want to tell you on the phone, but Hank got his parole.
Não te quis dizer por telefone, mas o Hank conseguiu a condicional.
- I didn't want to tell you this on the telephone.
Não queria dizer isso por telefone. - Dizer o que?

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