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I knew something was up Çeviri Portekizce

129 parallel translation
I knew something was up, but this? What are you going to do?
Na galeria percebi que acontecia algo, mas isto...
I knew something was up when I saw the lights.
Soube que algo acontecera quando vi as luzes.
I knew something was up.
Sabia que algo estava passando.
I knew something was up.
Eu sabia que se passava algo. Venham.
I knew something was up when he turned up here!
Eu sabia que alguma coisa estava rolando quando ele apareceu!
I knew something was up, but...
Eu sabia que havia qualquer coisa, mas...
Krispy Kreme doughnuts are so good, if I told you they had crack in it, you'd go, " I knew something was up.
Não queremos saber. O dinheiro é uma novidade para os pretos.
- I knew something was up when I read for this audition.
- Sabia que havia qualquer coisa quando li as páginas para esta audição.
And then when I saw her, I knew something was up.
E depois, quando a vi, soube que algo se passava.
Like, after three weeks, I was like, I knew something was up.
Depois de três semanas, sabia que havia algo errado.
I knew something was up the day we were in the park.
- Percebi alguma coisa no parque.
I knew something was up when I saw the address.
Como sabia que estávamos aqui? Soube que se passava alguma coisa quando vi a morada.
I knew something was up when I saw yöu beating yöur baby bump like that.
Eu sabia que havia algo quando a vi bater na barriga daquele modo.
I knew something was up, didn't I, Jane?
Então, enquanto reparava o circuito das tomadas é possível que houvesse iluminação na sala de estar?
The minute Justin tried to magically glue me to my chair, I knew something was up.
Quando o Justin tentou por magia colar-me à cadeira, eu soube que algo se passava.
The minute Justin tried to magically glue me to my chair, I knew something was up.
Quando o Justin tentou por magia colar-me à cadeira, soube que algo se passava.
You know, I knew something was up.
Sabia que estava Acontecer algo.
I knew something was up the moment you moved onto the Lane.
Vi que alguma coisa se passava quando se mudaram lá para a rua.
I knew something was up, though,'cause we haven't been connecting in the same way.
Eu sabia que se passava qualquer coisa, porque nós não nos temos relacionado da mesma forma.
I knew something was up. But no matter how much I pushed her Martha wouldn't say anything.
Sabia que havia alguma coisa, mas por mais que a pressionasse, a Martha nada me dizia.
I knew there was something wrong with me when I came up here.
Sabia que tinha um problema, quando vim.
I knew that guy was up to something.
Eu sabia que aquele tipo estava tramando algo.
You knew about him all this time... And you've been acting like it was something I made up?
Sabias sobre ele todo este tempo... e comportaste-te como se fosse algo que eu tivesse inventado?
I knew there was something wrong with this set-up.
Dos amigos de Al Capone? Eu sabia que era um golpe montado.
And then I knew that something was up.
E depois soube que se passava alguma coisa.
I bet, right away in your gut, you knew something was up, and then just a few minutes later, you knew for sure.
Aposto que logo imediatamente nas suas entranhas soube que algo se passava, e depois apenas uns minutos mais tarde, tinha a certeza.
I just knew something was up with that chick.
Eu bem sabia que se passava alguma coisa com aquela miúda.
I just knew he was going to blow something up again.
Sempre soube que ele ia explodir alguma coisa novamente.
When she didn't show up, I knew something was wrong.
Quando não apareceu, soube que algo acontecera.
I tried to keep him here but I think he knew something was up.
Tentei mantê-lo aqui, mas parece que sabia de alguma coisa.
The moment I woke up this morning, I knew something was different.
Mal acordei esta manhã soube que alguma coisa estava diferente.
The man with the scar on his face. I knew he was up to something.
O tipo da cicatriz na cara, eu sabia que estava a tramar algo.
I knew she was up to something.
Eu sabia que ela andava a armar alguma.
[Dave] I knew Kozak was up to something.
Eu sabia que o Kozak andava a tramar alguma.
You kids were young when I was sneaking around on Glen, but you knew something was up.
Vocês eram crianças quando eu andava a trair o Glen, mas desconfiavam de algo.
I knew she was up to something.
Eu sabia que ela estava a tramar alguma.
No apparent cause of death, and the tox report didn't indicate anything helpful, but I knew something was wrong, so... so I decided just to cut the poor bustard's liver up and make a lovely pate
A Companhia Aérea quer factos. Não permitem que os membros da tripulação doam uma amostra de referência sem falarem com um advogado. O Ed já está eliminado.
My dad knew something was up, and I spilled the truth.
O meu pai percebeu que algo se passava, e eu disse a verdade.
I knew something was up.
Mas tu tens feito tantos golpes que eu sabia que isto ia dar asneira.
I knew something was up.
Eu sabia.
After my dad's neighbor gave me her number, I read about her in the paper and knew something was up.
Depois da vizinha do meu pai me dar o número de telefone dela, li sobre ela no jornal e soube que algo tinha acontecido.
Yo. I knew there was something up with her and her boyfriend.
Eu sabia que havia algo estranho nela e no namorado.
When she didn't show up after 3 days, I knew something was wrong.
Quando ela não apareceu depois de três dias, soube que algo estava errado.
I could tell you knew something was up with me, and you're right.
Percebi que sabias que se passava algo comigo, e tens razão.
I knew something was up.
Eu sabia que havia alguma coisa.
I knew he was up to something.
Eu sabia que ele tramava algo.
I knew he was up to something so I followed him.
Sabia que ele andava a tramar alguma, por isso segui-o.
I knew she was up to something.
Eu sabia que ela ia armar alguma.
Nick.. And that was something I knew I liked more than what they were doing so I always ended up being there.
E isso foi algo que eu sabia que eu gostava mais do que eles estavam fazendo então eu sempre acabava ficando lá.
I knew something was wrong when she didn't come to pick up Charlotte.
Soube que algo estava mal quando a tua irmã não foi buscar a Charlotte.
Yeah, I knew something was up.
Pois, tinha a certeza que se passava alguma coisa.

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