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I saw him last night Çeviri Portekizce

114 parallel translation
I saw him last night.
Vi-o ontem à noite.
Funnily enough, I saw him last night in his car
Tem piada, na noite passada, vi-o no carro dele.
- Yes, I saw him last night.
Sim, vi-o ontem à noite em Montparnasse.
I saw him last night.
Eu o vi a noite passada.
I saw him last night at Shrublands, but he was dead.
Vi-o esta noite em Shrublands, mas estava morto.
Yes, I saw him last night.
Vi-o a noite passada.
I saw him last night.
Eu vi-o ontem à noite.
- I saw him last night and...
- Vi-o ontem à noite e...
- I saw him last night, actually.
- Por acaso vi-o na noite passada.
I saw him last night at the Playtime Pizza Theater.
Vi-o ontem à noite no Playtime Pizza Theater. Quando saí com a minha namorada.
Well, I saw him last night.
Vi-o a noite passada.
Because I saw him last night with my own eyes.
Porque o vi ontem à noite com os meus próprios olhos.
I saw him last night late.
Estive com ele ontem à noite, já tarde.
I saw him last night, skulking in the lab, ordering secret blood tests.
Vi-o na noite passada no laboratório a pedir testes sanguíneos secretos.
Well, I think I saw him last night.
Bem, acho que o vi ontem à noite.
- I saw him last night.
- Vi-o ontem à noite.
I saw him watching the sunset last night with a short little guy.
olhando o pôr-do-sol...
Last night I saw him very much alive.
Morto? Ontem à noite vi-o bem vivo.
Hilly, the man that I saw outside the window last night... this is him.
O homem que vi pela janela ontem à noite, é ele.
Got into town last night, and I saw him from the back-
Cheguei na cidade na noite passada, e vi ele de costas...
I saw him watching them last night.
Eu vi-o a espreitá-los ontem à noite.
Last time I saw him here was for Sportsmen's Night.
A última vez que o vi aqui foi na noite do desportista.
I went to dad's office last night, and I saw him there kissing another woman.
Eu fui ao escritório do pai ontem á noite e vi-o beijar outra mulher.
- I saw him at 10 o'clock last night.
- Vi o detective ontem às 22h.
Well, I was just seeing out the last of the public and getting ready to lock up for the night when he came at me. You saw him?
Estava com os últimos visitantes e preparava-me para fechar, quando ele me atacou.
I saw him with her last night.
Eu vi-o com ela ontem à noite.
I saw him with my own eyes last night in Trachas.
- Ei, o que é tão engraçado?
I saw him murder a man last night.
Eu vi-o a matar um homem, na noite passada. Ele?
I saw him on a rerun last night.
Vi-o ontem numa reposição.
I saw him last night.
Vi-o ontem.
I saw him in the square last night.
Vi-o na praça á noite.
I had to wash him last night. I saw numbers on his arm...
Ontem à noite tive que o lavar.
I saw him in some church last night.
Vi-o numa igreja, ontem à noite.
I just saw him last night. A couple of hours ago.
Vi-o mesmo ontem à ontem, há poucas horas.
When I saw him at the party last night I wished for something like this to happen.
Quando o vi na festa, ontem à noite desejei que algo como isso acontecesse.
That night we did the show and that's the last time I saw him.
Nessa noite, fizemos o espectáculo, e foi a última vez que o vi.
I just saw him last night. We had dinner with him.
Ainda ontem o vi. Jantámos com ele.
Kid that just legged it in here - don't deny it, I saw him - snatched my bag last night.
O miúdo tem as minhas coisas, não o negues, nós vimos-te... a roubar a minha bolsa.
Honey... I need to know if you saw him last night.
Preciso de saber se o viste esta noite.
- -but I was just grateful that he's been so kind to Marissa... ... and then last night I saw him with Veronica, and it hit me :
Estava só agradecida por ele ter sido tão bom para a Marissa, mas, quando o vi na noite passada com a Veronica, percebi...
I'm sure he sent him half the people we saw on the beach last night.
Ele estava com metade das pessoas que vimos na praia, ontem à noite.
Mom, is it bad if I saw Meg tie up Brian last night, put him in the trunk of his car and then drive away? What?
Mãe, é mau se eu tivesse visto a Meg amarrar o Brian ontem à noite, colocá-lo na bagageira do carro e depois ir embora?
I saw you sneak out last night and meet him.
Vi-te a saíres à socapa e a ires ter com ele, ontem à noite.
I saw him at the arena last night, but we didn't talk.
Vi-o na arena ontem à noite, mas não conversámos.
- I saw him on TV last night...
- Vi-o na televisão na noite passada. - Sim.
I just saw him last night.
Eu acabei de o ver, a noite passada.
- You kissed him last night. I saw you.
Beijaste-o ontem à noite.
I went to Dad's office last night, and I saw him there kissing another woman.
Eu fui ao escritório do pai ontem á noite e vi-o beijar outra mulher.
I went to dad's office last night and I saw him there kissing another woman.
Fui ao escritório do pai ontem à noite e vi-o beijar outra mulher.
I saw it with my own eyes, late last night, and I don't think she heard you unless you told her it's okay to kiss him.
Bem, vi isso com os meus olhos ontem de madrugada. E acho que ela não o ouviu, a menos que lhes tenha dito que não havia problema em beijá-lo.
I thought I saw him going in to the Golden Spruce last night.
Acredito tê-lo visto lendo no "Golden Spruce" ontem à noite.

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