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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I told you about him

I told you about him Çeviri Portekizce

352 parallel translation
I told you about him.
- Eu já lhes falei nele.
dear. I told you about him.
Ele veio aqui no dia em que casámos.
- I told you about him. - Yes.
- Eu falei-lhe dele.
I told you about him dozens of times.
Já te contei sobre ele uma dúzia de vezes.
- I told you about him.
- Já te falei dele.
I told you about him... the one in my dreams.
Já te falei sobre ele... o dos meus sonhos.
Remember I told you about him? He told the cops he was from Buffalo.
Disse aos chuis que era de Buffalo.
He's a friend of mine I told you about him once, didn't I?
Ele é um colega amigo meu. Já te falei sobre ele.
I told him about you, Gordon. I gave him a copy of Hail and Farewell, which he's reading this very minute.
Falei-lhe de ti e dei-lhe uma cópia de "Viva e Adeus", que ele está a ler neste minuto.
Then I told him I had come to talk about you.
Então lhe disse que tinha ido para falar sobre você.
I could tell you a story about him. I've never told anyone.
Posso contar-lhe uma história sobre ele, que nunca contei a ninguém.
All the time, since you first asked me about him, i've told you nothing but lies.
Desde que interroga-me não te disse mais que embustes, uma sequencia de embustes.
This man I told you about, his name is Leonard Eels... but, uh, you won't go to him directly.
Vai trabalhar para mim. O tal homem chama-se Leonard Eels.
I told you all about him...
Eu falei-te sobr ele.
I told him about my temporary job, and he doesn't like it. What with the murder and all. You know, madam.
Falei-lhe no meu trabalho temporário e ele não gostou, por causa da história do homicídio.
- I told him all about you. - Everything?
- Contei-lhe tudo a teu respeito.
I told him about you.
Falei-lhe de ti.
I told him about getting some money, getting you well.
Disse-lhe que queria ganhar dinheiro para te curar.
He believed the lie I told him about you.
Ele acreditou na mentira que lhe contei sobre ti.
- I told you not to worry about him, Charlie.
- Disse para não se preocupar, Charlie.
Oh, but I expect you've told Oliver all about him.
Oh, mas espero que tenha dito tudo ao Oliver, a respeito dele.
I'm glad you told me, I was about to stab him with a bread knife.
Ainda bem que me disse, eu estava quase a degolá-la com a faca do pão.
And I don't believe all those things you've told me about him.
Não acredito naquelas coisas que me disse sobre ele.
You know what I told him about the railroad?
Sabes o que lhe disse sobre a linha?
Eu disse-lhe que havia algo de estranho nele.
I told him about you.
Falei-lhe de si.
I was sure it was you who told him about me.
Foi você quem lhe falou de mim.
I told you not to worry about him.
Disse-te para não te preocupares com ele.
He's the one I wrote, and told him all about you.
Foi a ele que eu escrevi aquela carta, e disse-lhe tudo sobre ti.
I told him a lot about you, Andrew.
Contei-lhe muitas coisas sobre si.
I told him about you, but that's all I did, man.
Eu falei-lhe de ti, mas foi só isso.
I called the U.S. Attorney up there... and told him you were instrumental in bringing about a major arrest.
Falei com o procurador... e disse que a tua contribuição foi decisiva para uma detenção importante.
Nora, I've never told him anything about you.
Nora, nunca lhe contei nada sobre si.
I've told you about him, haven't I?
Já o tinha avisado sobre ele, não tinha?
I just told you about him!
Qual benefício? Tenho um compromisso com Kishan.
I told him all about you, Violet, and he insisted that we come and get you.
Eu disse a ele tudo sobre você, Violeta, e ele insistiu isto nós vamos e conseguimos você.
I told you all about him out in the desert :
Falei dele no deserto.
I told you guys I don't know anything about him.
Já disse que não sei nada sobre ele.
I think they want to kill him, but they never told me about you.
Acho que querem matá-lo. Mas nunca me falaram de ti.
And I told him about you.
Eu falei-lhe de ti.
I told him all about you.
Contei-lhe tudo sobre ti.
I guess I should have told you about him then.
Acho que devia ter-te falado dele antes.
I never told him about you, Bobby.
Eu nunca lhe falei sobre ti, Bobby.
When I told the Don about Dominic putting out contract on you... it knocked him out.
Quando contei ao Don que o Dominic queria te matar... ele ficou espantado.
I told him we didn't need to know anything about you.
Disse-lhe que não precisávamos de saber nada a seu respeito.
If I had told him about the spring, he'd still be playing his harmonica, and you'd all be living in our family home.
Tivesse-lhe falado da fonte, ainda estaria a tocar a sua harmónica... e todos vocês viriam morar na nossa casa da família.
He's worried about the devil's magic, but... I told him that you have stolen it.
Estavam preocupado com a mágica do diabo, mas disse-lhes que a roubou.
He'd love to meet you, and I've told him a lot about you.
Ele adorava conhecê-la. Falei-lhe imenso em si.
Mom, I told you I don't want to hear about him.
- Eu disse que não quero saber dele.
I told him about you've lost that lovin'feeling by the righteous brothers and what that song does to me.
- Contei-lhe sobre You've Lost That Lovin'Feeling dos Righteous Brothers e o que ela significa para mim.
I just told you because If you want Bill to be your friend, Its better not to talk to him about George.
- Eu contei-te porque se queres que o Bill seja teu amigo, não fales com ele sobre o George.

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