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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I wanted to talk to you about

I wanted to talk to you about Çeviri Portekizce

914 parallel translation
- I wanted to talk to you about the exemption.
Queria falar-te sobre a exoneração.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Era sobre isso que queria falar consigo.
But, Dad, this is really what I wanted to talk to you about.
Mas, pai, queria falar-lhe sobre outra coisa.
I don't want to impose upon you... but you're Johnnie's cousin as well as his employer. I wanted to talk to you about him.
Capitão Melbeck, não quero incomodá-lo, mas é primo do Johnny para além de seu patrão e queria falar consigo sobre ele.
Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about a little later.
Bem, sobre isso queria falar consigo mais tarde.
- I wanted to talk to you about...
- Quis falar contigo sobre...
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Era sobre isso mesmo que te queria falar, Lewt.
I wanted to talk to you about Ms. Damien.
- Quero falar-lhe da senhora Damien.
I wanted to talk to you about him.
Queria falar consigo dele.
Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Sim, é disso que quero falar consigo.
- I wanted to talk to you about something.
- Queria falar contigo sobre outra coisa.
Actually I wanted to talk to you about something.
Queria falar algo com você.
Well, I wanted to talk to you about last night.
Bem, eu queria conversar consigo sobre a noite passada.
I wanted to talk to you about the Big Muddy. Oh.
Queria falar consigo sobre Big Monti.
As a matter of fact, I wanted to talk to you about maybe working out a partnership on them claims you filed.
Na verdade queria falar contigo sobre sermos sócios nas concessões que registaste.
Actually, George, I wanted to talk to you about another lion.
Na verdade, George, queria falar contigo sobre outro leão.
Exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.
Exactamente o que eu queria falar consigo.
No, but... I wanted to talk to you about the two boys, Ben and Billy-Joe.
Não, mas... queria-lhe falar dos dois rapazes, o Ben e o Billy-Joe.
Yes of course you did, and I wanted to talk to you about that. We're done talking, Clanton.
- Queria falar convosco sobre isso.
There's something I wanted to talk to you about, Mrs Stewart.
Queria falar-lhe sobre uma coisa, Sra. Stewart.
I wanted to talk to you about my taxes.
Andava à sua procura para falar dos meus impostos... Sim, sim, sim, venha comigo!
There's one other thing I wanted to talk to you about.
Há outro assunto de que queria falar-lhe.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Era sobre isso que queria falar-lhe.
Yes, I wanted to talk to you about that.
Também queria falar-te nisso.
Something I wanted to talk to you about.
Queria falar-te de uma coisa.
I wanted to talk to you about it.
Queria conversar consigo sobre isso.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Era disso que queria falar contigo.
And that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
E era por causa disso que te queria falar.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
É por isso que quero falar contigo sobre isso.
Richard, I wanted to talk to you about something.
Richard, eu quero falar contigo sobre uma coisa.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
- Era disso que queria falar.
Which brings me to the project I wanted to talk to you about.
O que me leva ao projecto de que lhe queria falar.
You wanted to talk about something. I was trying to please.
Querias um tema e eu tentei ajudar.
Because I wanted to talk to you, I want to tell you something about our city.
Porque eu queria falar consigo. Quero-lhe dizer uma coisa acerca da nossa cidade.
I've wanted to talk to you, to tell you how sorry I am about everything.
Queria falar contigo, para dizer como lamento tudo isto.
I wasn't going to give you any high-flown talk about prejudice, Andy. I just wanted to know where you stood.
Eu não lhe vou dar nenhum sermão iluminado sobre preconceito, Andy, só queria saber a sua posição.
I've so often wanted to talk to you about it all. It's like a...
Já muitas vezes te quis falar desta coisa nova.
Well, uh, that's a bit of a long story, sir. I wanted to talk to you about him.
Queria falar-lhe dele.
I went there because you talk about it on your program sometimes and I wanted to meet you.
Fui lá porque, às vezes, você o refere no seu programa... e eu quis conhecê-lo.
He wants to talk to you about something so I wanted to make sure you'd be home and wait up for him, will you?
Quer falar contigo sobre umas coisas, por isso, queria certificar-me de que estarias em casa e esperarias por ele. É...
Uh, well, there's something I'm trying to remember. We, uh, wanted to talk to you about, sir.
Estou tentando me lembrar de algo... que queríamos falar, senhor.
Well, um, I just remembered what it was. sir, we wanted to talk to you about.
Acabo de recordar o que queríamos falar com você, senhor.
But what I wanted to talk to you about was, how did you put it in the apartment?
Como é que o pôs cá dentro?
That's why I wanted you to talk to him about me and the collecting job.
É por isso que queria que falasses com ele acerca de mim e das cobranças.
I just wanted to talk to you about some of the things that have been happening lately.
Só lhe queria falar de certas coisas que têm acontecido aqui, ultimamente.
Jim, of course I'm delighted to see you, but is this purely a social visit, or is there anything in particular you wanted to talk about?
Jim, é óbvio que é óptimo revê-lo, mas esta é uma visita de cariz social, ou vem falar comigo por algum assunto em particular?
I thought you wanted to talk about Christine.
Pensava que querias falar sobre Christine.
I understand you wanted to talk to somebody about kidnapping?
Ouvi que queria falar com alguém sobre um rapto?
I just wanted to talk to you about C.J. Mack.
Vim falar sobre o C. J. Mack.
i just wanted to talk to you about your bombs.
Eu devia tê-lo trancado na garagem!
I wanted to talk with him about it, but he said he wanted to bring it up to you, face to face.
Tentei falar com ele, que preferia falar contigo, cara a cara.

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