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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I was going to call you

I was going to call you Çeviri Portekizce

141 parallel translation
I was going to call you this afternoon, Ann.
Eu ia ligar-te esta tarde, Ann.
I was going to call you up, only I wanted to make sure you were up.
La telefonar-te, mas queria certificar-me que estavas acordado.
I was going to call you at home.
la buscá-lo a casa.
- I was going to call you tomorrow.
- Eu ia chamá-lo amanhã.
I was going to call you...
- La telefonar-te...
I was going to call you, but I didn't want to waste your time.
Ia te ligar, mas não te queria fazer perder o teu tempo.
I was going to call you today.
Ia telefonar-te hoje.
So I was going to call you back, but I figured why call when I could come over?
la-te ligar de volta, mas pensei melhor e decidi passar cá.
And I was going to call you.
E eu ia ligar-te. A serio.
Well, um, no, I, I was going to call you, because, I'm having a-a housewarming on the 20th.
Bem, n-ao, eu já estava para te ligar, porque vou fazer a apresentação da casa na 20th.
I was going to call you again from the prison but I was locked inside that cell with Massey all night.
Eu ia ligar-te de novo da prisão... mas estive trancado naquela cela com Massey durante toda a noite.
I was going to call you guys...
Eu ia chamá-los...
I was going to call you.
Além disso, ia telefonar-te.
I was going to call you, Mr Harris, tell you your credit checked out fine. But...
Ia ligar-lhe Sr. Harris, para lhe dizer que tudo correu bem.
Actually, I was going to call you.
- Por acaso ia ligar-lhe.
I'm really glad you called, you know. I was going to call you this morning. - Why?
Ainda bem que telefonaste porque eu ia telefonar-te esta manhã.
Pull up a chair. I was going to call you in.
Puxa uma cadeira, ia mesmo chamar-te.
I was going to call you, actually.
Eu ia ligar-te, na verdade.
Thank you. I was going to call you tonight, but... I've been so busy.
Ia telefonar-te hoje à noite, mas estive ocupada.
I was going to call you tomorrow.
Ia ligar-lhe amanhã.
I was going to call you.
- Eu ia te ligar...
I was going to call you before but...
Era para te ligar antes mas...
I was going to call you guys... Mmm. ... But he apologized and said that, uh, there was bad blood between him and Doodles.
Eu ia chamá-los Mas ele desculpou-se e disse que houve sangue quente entre ele e o Doodles.
Yeah, I was going to call you tonight. I swear.
Sim, ia telefonar-te hoje à noite.
Oh hey Jenna I was going to call you.
Olá Jenna ia-te telefonar.
Well, if you gave me a chance, I was going to call you... a crazy, pig-fucking, dumb-ass, pussy piece of shit!
Se me deres oportunidade, eu ia-te chamar de porco maluco filho da puta, rabetas de merda!
I said I was going to call you, and then I realized that I didn't have your number, so...
Disse que te telefonava, mas depois vi que não tinha o teu número.
- I was going to call you...
- Eu ia ligar-te.
I was going to call you. I've just been busy packing and I...
Ia telefonar-te, mas estive ocupado a fazer as malas e...
Weston, I was just going ashore to call you.
Weston, ia agora mesmo chamá-lo a terra.
I was just going to call you.
La agora mesmo telefonar-lhe.
- I was just going to call you to breakfast.
- Eu já ia chamar para o café.
- I was just going to call on you.
Eu ia até sua casa. - Porquê?
What made you think I was going to call the police?
Porque pensou que eu ia fazer isso?
Do you know what I was going to call it?
Sabe que título ia colocar-lhe?
Superintendent Sugden was going to call in Scotland Yard in any case,... so I suggested that, as you were just across the border...
O Superintendente Sugden ia mesmo chamar a Scotland Yard, por isso sugeri que como o senhor estava por perto...
I was just going to call you.
Ia mesmo chamar-te.
I was going to call to let you know where I was.
Ia ligar-te a dizer onde estava.
I was going to give them another five minutes, but I'll call them now, if you'd like.
Ia lhes dar mais cinco minutos mas posso chamá-los agora, se quiser.
I was just going to call you.
Estava para lhe ligar.
She was asking for a booty call. I said, "I'm going to give you a zooty call."
Disse-me que ia dar-me uma coisa, respondi-lhe que ia mas era rifá-la.
I was going to call you.
- Eu ia ligar-te.
Mrs. Lambert was a member of our HMO. I was, uh... going to call you.
A Sra. Lambert detinha um seguro de saúde nosso.
I was just going to call you.
- la mesmo te ligar.
Which is why I was just going to call you.
Por isso é que te ia telefonar.
Anyway I'm glad you came by, I was actually going to call you.
Mas ainda bem que apareceste. Ia telefonar-te.
As a matter of fact, I was going to give you a call.
De facto, eu ia ligar-lhe.
Well, just to tell you that I wasn't going to call so you wouldn't... be aggravated, sitting around and wondering when I was...
Bem, só para dizer que não ia ligar para que tu não piorasses... andasses por aí a pensar quando é que eu...
I was going to, uh, call you...
Não sabia se virias. - Ia ligar-te...
You know, Michael, I was happy to call UncleJack for you... but that's as much as I'm going to do.
Sabes, Michael, não me custou ligar ao tio Jack por ti.
You know, I was going to call backup and have you booked, but you know what?
Eu até era para chamar reforços para te levarem, mas sabes que mais?

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