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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I was there for you

I was there for you Çeviri Portekizce

762 parallel translation
Was I not there for you?
Desculpa, não te apoiei?
And you know there's nobody been any sorrier for their sins than I have once they was done.
E sabes que ninguém se arrependeu mais dos seus pecados do que eu assim que foram cometidos.
But what I ought to do is to lock you all up for if ever there was a nuisance, it's you Tobacco Road folks.
Mas o que eu devia fazer era prender-vos a todos, porque se alguma vez houve uma praga säo vocês de Tobacco Road.
I only wish there was something I could do for you.
Quem me dera que houvesse algo que eu pudesse fazer por si.
If you are grateful to me for what I did when I was a child, and if you have come to thank me, there is no need.
Se me está agradecido pelo que fiz quando era criança e se me procurou para me agradecer, não era necessário.
I was just coming over to tell you there's a call for you. Telephone, Mr. Green.
Vinha dizer que há uma chamada para o Sr. Green.
If there was a regulation for it, I'd make you take the tippler's oath.
De todos vocês. Vocês são a vergonha do Regimento.
There's a letter for you, sir. It comes from the ambassador that was bound for England - if your name be Horatio, as I am let to know it is.
Eis uma carta do embaixador que se dirige a Inglaterra, se o vosso nome é Horácio, como ouvi dizer.
Blue moon You knew just what I was there for
Lua azul, sabias o que eu ali fazia
Now if I was you and you was me, I'd mosey up them stairs... and I'd get a rig and drive around to the back... and wait there for both of us.
Se fosse a ti e tu fosses eu, corria pelas escadas acima, arranjava uma carruagem, ia pelas traseiras... e esperava lá por nos.
There was another matter I had in mind when I sent for you.
Eu tinha outro assunto em mente quando mandei chamá-lo.
I was just thinking, suppose you call this guy down there just for a gag, you know, and tell him that when Lucy gets down there to tell her that the license is no good and that we're not married at all.
Eu estava pensando, Suponha que você chame esse cara lá embaixo, apenas por piada, você sabe, e dizer-lhe que quando Lucy chegar lá para lhe dizer que a licença não é boa. E que não estamos casados de todo.
I could not bring myself to kill you... and there was no place in Massai's life for love.
Não tive coragem de matá-la. E não há lugar no coração do Massai para o amor.
I thought for a while there was something really bothering you.
Por um tempo pensei que havia algo que te preocupava.
I always used to think there was too much of me in you... for us to hit it off... but I know now that that was wrong.
Sempre achei que havia muito de mim em si... para nos entendermos. Mas sei agora que estava errado.
I said there was no danger, but there is for you.
Eu disse que não havia perigo, mas há para ti.
And lastly there is the case of the king vs Sullivan in which this issue was raised, which I'm sure Your Lordship will remember, since you appeared for the prosecution.
E, finalmente, existe o caso do Rei contra Sullivan... no qual esta questão foi levantada e do qual certamente Sua Excelência se lembrará, uma vez que aparecia como representante da acusação.
Now wait, and please excuse me for asking you these questions, but I'm simply trying to find out whether or not there was something on your husband's mind when he came home.
Agora espere e, por favor, desculpe por lhe fazer estas perguntas, mas estou só a tentar descobrir se havia ou não, alguma coisa na mente do seu marido, quando ele voltou para casa.
Now, like I told you, it was five dollars for me coming out there to get you nice folks.
Bem, como lhe disse, foram cinco dólares, para vos ir buscar, gente simpática.
If there was anything I could do for you, and so forth.
E se eu poderia fazer qualquer coisa por si, e portanto...
- I wish there was something I could do for you.
Eu gostava de poder agradecer-lhe.
If I was to ride south with you, there's them that'd see me hang.
Se for para sul contigo, serei enforcado.
I only wish there was something I could do for you.
Só queria poder fazer algo por ti.
I mean, there was simply no excuse for it... playing opposite an actor like you.
Näo havia desculpa para isso, a contracenar com um actor como tu.
You might tell him I'd have stayed at home if there was anything at all to stay home for.
Podias dizer-lhe que eu tinha ficado em casa se houvesse alguma coisa em casa para que pudesse ficar.
You and I served together for six years, and I know there's no better soldier in a fight. And I thought there was no better man.
Você e eu servimos juntos há seis anos... e sei que não há melhor soldado numa luta.
By the way, Dr. Humbert, there's so few people in Beardsley who appreciate music, I was wondering, sometime if you'd like to come by I could play something for you.
Devo ter entendido mal. A propósito, Dr. Humbert, poucas pessoas aqui apreciam música. Pergunto-me se estaria interessado em aparecer um dia destes para me ouvir tocar.
Annie, I know how unhappy it was for you there, but that battle is dead and done with.
Annie, eu sei o quanto você foi infeliz lá, Mas essa guerra está terminada.
- Good morning if there's anybody waiting I'll see them in a minute. The deputy manager, he was looking for you, Mr. K.
- Se tiver alguém, atendo logo.
I am glad, for your sake, that I was not there so that you may believe.
Estou feliz, pelo teu bem, por não estares lá... para que possas crer.
The reason I come up here tonight was to see if there was anything I could do for you.
Vim aqui, agora, para saber se há alguma coisa... em que possa ajudar.
If it was not for Vince, you would still be herding sheep... And I would be there with you.
Se não fosse pelo Vince, tu ainda estarias a pastar ovelhas e eu estaria a fazer isso contigo.
I thought you and Vince could patch up whatever difficulty there was between you... Just for Papa's sake.
Pensei que tu e Vince podiam solucionar as coisas entre vocês pela saúde do papá.
When I signed for my witchcraft course there was a free bonus, a marvellous travelling spell if you paid in advance.
Quando me inscrevi no curso de bruxaria, havia um brinde, um feitiço para viajar, pagando antecipadamente.
You know, when I look back at it, I know now that it was all there for the seeing, except we didn't see it.
Sabes, quando olho para trás... sei que podíamos ter ganho a guerra.
And I was wondering if there was something else - you could correct for me, sir.
Pode explicar-me outra coisa?
Listen, if you're really looking for him, the last time I saw him, he was lurking behind a potted palm over there.
Se queres mesmo falar com ele, a última vez que o vi, ele estava ali atrás de uma palmeira.
Arch, believe me, if there was an emergency here, I'd give you this check without thinking twice about it, but right now, I'd like to use the money for something special.
Arch, acredite-me, que se houvesse uma emergência aqui, eu lhe daria o cheque sem pensar duas vezes, mas justamente agora, que eu gostaria de usar o dinheiro para uma coisa especial.
I beg your pardon for waking you up at this hour, but there was something I had to tell you immediately.
Lamento tê-la acordado, mas precisava lhe comunicar algo, já.
Of course, I was disappointed, to a large extent because, ordering my crews for there, wise person that would suffer decreases you add, e if we had made a good one work, these would be prevented.
Naturalmente, fiquei desapontado, em grande parte porque, mandando as minhas tripulações para lá, sabia que sofreriam baixas adicionais, e se tivéssemos feito um bom trabalho, estas seriam evitadas.
There for a while last night I was afraid you were dying.
Houve uma altura esta noite... em que temi que fosses morrer.
I just wondered if there was a reward for helping you find one or two.
Haveria alguma recompensa pra ajudá-los a encontrar um ou dois?
I was lookin for a cigar smoker and there you were.
Anda à procura de um fumador de charutos. E aí estava o senhor.
And there was always a candidate or two waiting to apply for the situation. I'm sorry for you, Mr. Barry.
E sempre com um ou dois candidatos... pretendentes à situação.
I wish there was some way I could show you my gratitude for what you've done for Russia.
Gostava de mostrar-lhe a minha gratidão pelo que fez pela Rússia.
Even though tonight's show was not organised by an athletic organisation I can assure you there is great sport in store for you tonight.
Digo desportistas porque não tendo sido a reunião desta noite organizada por nenhuma federação conhecida, podem e devem assistir a um desporto excelente!
You know, I was gonna sleep there for a minute.
Eu ia dormir um minuto.
Well, listen, up to the last minutes there was as you said, a calm environment, but we have received recent information which leads us to believe that the police will react, here, now, there is some unease sincerely, I ask the defenders of the barricade that they don't stand on it, but behind it, because a barricade is raised for protection.
Paris, margem esquerda, 6 de maio. Paris, margem esquerda, 6 de maio.
♪ You knew just what I was there for
Adivinhaste o meu anseio
You know, for a minute there, I was gonna get angry.
- Estou aliviado.
Yeah. I mean, I... I know this is hard for you... and I know... we've had our problems, but... there was good stuff, too.
Quer dizer, eu... Eu sei que isto é difícil para ti... e eu sei... que nós temos tido os nossos problemas, mas... também havia coisas boas.

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