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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I was there that night

I was there that night Çeviri Portekizce

180 parallel translation
- Yeah, good old Primo. I was there that night at the Garden, the night Baer beat him. - Really?
Estava lá na noite em que o Baer o derrotou.
I was there that night to defend the amnesty.
Estava lá naquela noite, para defender a amnistia.
I was there that night. I was there that night that you got arrested.
Eu estava lá na noite em que foi presa.
See, Lettie, after last night I didn't want you to think that there was any...
Veja, Lettie, depois da noite passada não queria que... você pensasse que houve alguma...
- Well, it started last night, I was listening to my... and THAT'S the honest truth, I know they're under there, but I don't know what they do to people.
- Tudo começou na última noite É a pura verdade. - E...? Sei que estão lá em baixo, mas não sei o que fazem com as pessoas.
I used to go downstairs a dozen times during the night to make sure that he was there.
Costumava ir vê-lo uma dezena de vezes durante a noite para assegurar-me que estava lá.
When I went into Dorothy's room earlier that night there was washing on the line. - Well?
Quando fui ao quarto da Dorothy nessa noite, havia roupa a enxugar.
Over at your house there the other day, when I was climbing that ladder, I had a thought. Something else occurred to me that's been keeping me awake at night.
Quando estive em sua casa em cima daquele escadote, ocorreu-me outra coisa que não me tem deixado dormir.
About that shooting last night, I was there, Uncle.
Olhe, tio, eu estive no tiroteio, ontem à noite.
I was there the night he got shot in that, shall we say, house of ill repute?
Eu estava lá na noite em que foi morto naquela, digamos, casa de má fama?
There is no way on earth you can prove that the robot was at the computer that night, let alone that I programmed him to operate it.
Não há forma nenhuma de provar de que o robô estava ao computador nessa noite. Que o programei e que o deixei sozinho, que é o que suspeita ter acontecido, não é?
And you are sure it was there last night? Yes, I'm quite certain of that fact.
Tem a certeza que estava lá ontem à noite?
Now, I am aware that there was a most deplorable occurrence in our house last night.
Não me conta nada. Sei que aconteceu algo terrível ontem à noite em minha casa.
Actually, what I'm saying is... that I would hope that if there was something for you to tell me... for example, that you'd spent last night with Max... that you would tell me...
Isto é, o que estou a dizer... é que esperava que se houvesse alguma coisa para dizer... por exemplo, que tinhas passado a noite com o Max... que me contarias.
I was certain I'd be arrested that day because of the money I'd received and the fact I'd spent the night there.
Tinha a certeza de que ia ser preso nesse dia por causa do dinheiro que recebera e do facto de ter passado lá a noite.
I will pick up the bulletins and dream them... and in the morning, if there's a boat that's just gone down... I'll think, "Gee, that was on odd dream about the Titanic I had last night."
E de manhã, se existe um barco que se tenha afundado... penso "Ena, que sonho estranho eu tive sobre o Titanic, que se afundou ontem à noite."
- There was some consternation that night that I had excluded Violet from my will, but tomorrow I'm going to put that right.
Houve alguma consternação nessa noite por eu excluir a Violet do testamento. Mas amanhã vou emendar isso.
The reason I know that is there was a moment last night... when you were with me and not the president.
Sei disso, porque houve um momento ontem à noite, em que estava comigo, e não com o Presidente.
I go into the Kool Breeze, the bar your brother was in just before the shootin', the bartender ID'd you in there that night.
Fui ao Kool Breeze, o bar onde o teu irmão estava antes dos disparos, e o empregado do bar disse que lá tinhas estado.
However, there was one person abroad that night who does favour the left hand, who possessed a knife, and as I have seen for myself, the will to use it.
Ora, havia naquela noite, alguém esquerdino na posse de um punhal, e tal como pude ver com os meus olhos, com capacidade de usá-lo.
Are you there? I guess I didn't get back to you that night... because I was mad, Zane.
Não telefonei naquela noite porque estava louca.
I was watching retro night on VH1, and they were doing the'70s... which, as you know, I missed. There was this singing group that was extolling the virtues of staying at the "Y."
Estava a ver Tv na VH1 e tava a dar o 70th e tu sabes como tenho saudade deles.
I remember, sometimes getting up in the middle of the night and slipping into his room just to make sure he was all right... and I'd sit there and watch him sleep and I'd think to myself that no matter what
Lembro-me de me levantar algumas vezes a meio da noite e entrar no quarto dele só para me certificar de que estava bem. Sentava-me lá e observava-o a dormir e pensava para comigo
Look, Scully, I know it's not your inclination, but did you ever look up into the night sky and feel certain that not only was something up there, but it was looking down on you at that exact same moment,
Olha, Scully, sei que não é um interesse teu, mas alguma vez olhaste para o céu à noite e sentiste a certeza de que não só há algo lá em cima, como também olhou para ti no mesmo momento preciso,
It's'cause she told him that night. I was there.
Ela é que lhe disse naquela noite.
Martin saved my life. I was sitting there alone on prom night in that goddamn rented tuxedo and the whole night flashed before my eyes.
Na noite do fim do curso estava eu com o smoking alugado e a noite toda passou-me diante dos olhos.
I think Ed Burnell knew you were using again and he was out there that night looking for you.
Eu acho que Ed Burnell sabia que você estava a drogar-se outra vez e naquela noite estava na rua à tua procura.
I was having dinner with my wife last night... there's a maitre d'and a room full of waiters who know that I was there.
Ontem, jantei com a minha mulher. O chefe de sala e os empregados podem confirmar.
That's why I was there last night.
Isso é por que eu estava lá ontem à noite.
I didn`t know that there was going to be an explosion but the night before, I had this real bad dream, you know.
Eu não sabia que haveria uma explosão, mas na noite anterior, tive um pesadelo.
Lord Edgware was there that night, and I saw how he behaved.
O Lorde Edgware estava lá e eu vi como ele se comportou.
There didn't seem to be anything I could do to help at the time, but that night, when the murder was discovered, I knew that suspicion would fall on him. Or, if not on him, on the girl he loved.
Não parecia haver muito que eu pudesse fazer por ele na altura, mas nessa noite, quando o crime foi descoberto, eu sabia que iam suspeitar dele, ou se não dele, da mulher que ele amava.
Uh, there was a full dual moon that night as I recall.
Lembro-me que houve duas luas cheias naquela noite.
Erm... there was a street fair that night. I guess that would be last night.
Havia uma feira nessa noite, ontem à noite.
I'm inquiring... well, I heard a sound last night that sounded sort of like a carcrash and I want to know if there was an accident on Mulholland Drive.
Ontem ouvi um estrondo parecendo ser de um choque de automóveis e queria saber se houve algum desastre na Mulholland Drive.
I was wondering if your friend mentioned she was there that night.
Queria saber se sua amiguinha esqueceu de dizer que estava lá.
I meant that during a night of extreme chaos and fear when we didn't yet know if we'd been the victims of domestic or foreign terrorism, or even an act of war there was uncertainty as to who was giving the national security orders and it was because you never signed a letter.
Durante aquela noite de extremo caos e medo, quando ainda não sabíamos que tínhamos sido vítimas de terrorismo doméstico ou estrangeiro, ou de um acto de guerra, havia incerteza quanto a quem estava a dar-lhes ordens e foi por isso que não assinou nada.
I thought that maybe.... Well, that night that we met I thought there was something, some feeling I had about us.
Pensei que talvez... bem, aquela noite em que nos conhecemos pensei que havia algo, algum sentimento entre nós.
I'm not sure, because, uh, actually, this is the night of, uh, uh, Yiminum, the, uh... the holiday where white people eat very little portions because that-that was the night the Lord came down, and He was... He was given food, and there was just...
Yiminun, o, há... a festa onde os brancos comem pouco porque essa foi a noite que o Senhor desceu, e lhe foi dada comida, e havia tanta, e ele disse : "Não".
I was standing there last night... feeling a little depressed... doggin'a gin and peach iced tea... when our eyes met, and it was like- - you know how dogs can smell and hear things... that other people can't?
Ali estava eu na noite passada... um pouco deprimido... misturando gin e ice tea de pêssego... quando os nossos olhares se cruzaram, e foi como se... sabe, como os cães conseguem cheirar e sentir coisas... que as pessoas não conseguem?
I think Ed Burnell knew you were using again and he was out there that night looking for you.
Acho que o Ed Burnell soube que... estava a usar outra vez, e ele estava lá fora nessa noite à sua procura.
I only knew that some mornings when I woke up there was evidence of a very strange night, and I was exhausted.
Eu só sabia que, certas manhãs, quando acordava, havia vestígios de uma noite estranha, e estava exausta.
So, one night, there was an ex of mine that I hadn't seen in years and he was sitting right there in the living room.
Uma noite, estava lá um ex-namorado meu que não via há anos... e estava sentado à minha frente na sala.
So, one night, there was an ex of mine that I hadn't seen in years and he was sitting right there in the living room.
E aqui, podia ser uma estação de tintura e lavagem dos cabelos. Shane? Sim?
I was gonna end it right there, that night and now how the fuck is it gonna look?
Ia acabar por ali, naquela noite, e, agora, o que é que vai parecer?
Come on, I was gonna be there that night of the hijack.
Eu ia estar lá, na noite do golpe.
All right, I was at the hotel that night, and Brian was there.
Sim? Tudo bem, eu estava no hotel aquela noite e o Brian também.
but that was in a night club, or a party or something. But now that I am, well, older than 25 I don't find there's an occasion for it.
Mas agora que eu tenho mais que, bem, mais que 25... não encontro muitas ocasiões para tal.
That, far as I know, when I left Wolcott there last night... to come and get you, was all three still alive.
Quando lá deixei o Wolcott ontem à noite, para vir buscá-lo, estavam as três vivas.
The funny thing is All night long, I'd been trying to chase something down That was right there in that limo.
A parte engraçada é que a noite toda, estive a tentar perseguir algo que estava mesmo ali naquela limusina.
There is a dark, scary place inside of me that I didn't even know was there, but Paula knew it was there, and every night she takes me to that scary place and shows me some new, terrible, delicious corner of it.
Há um escuro, lugar espantoso dentro de meu que ele / ela nem mesmo soube que havia, Mas a Paula soube que eu / você / ele / ela estava lá, e todos o noites me leva àquele lugar espantoso e mim ele / ela ensina coisas novas, terríveis, deliciosas.

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