I wasn't going to Çeviri Portekizce
1,078 parallel translation
I was just making sure your fish were OK. I wasn't going to eat them.
Estava a ver se os peixes estão bem, não os ia comer, nem nada.
I wasn't going to steal it.
- Eu não ia roubá-la.
I wasn`t going to hurt it.
Não ia fazer-lhe mal.
I wasn't going to hurt him anyway.
Eu não lhe ia fazer nada. Só queria ensinar-lhe a ter boas maneiras.
I wasn't going to let this opportunity to meet my competition go by. I'm no competition.
Vais deixar escapar a oportunidade de conhecer o teu concorrente?
- I wasn't going to be first to say.
- Não queria ser eu a dizê-lo.
- Did you think I wasn't going to find out?
Pensaste que eu não descobriria?
I wasn't going to ask you to.
Não ia pedir-te que o fizesses.
I wasn't going to piss my life away because of anger.
Não ia desperdiçar a vida por causa da raiva.
She thought like everybody else thought that I wasn't going to run again.
Ela pensava, como toda a gente, que eu não voltava a candidatar-me.
Later the doctor said we needn't have gone to hospital, but I wasn't going to take any chances.
O médico disse que não era preciso ir para o hospital, mas não quis arriscar.
Fine. I wasn't going to tell.
Pronto. Não ia te denunciar.
All right, I wasn't going to tell you, but...
Está bem, não lhe ia contar, mas...
I realized I wasn't going to die young.
Percebi que não ia morrer novo.
If he wasn't going to counseling, I could see the point of saying something. But I'm sure there won't be any more occurrences.
Ele anda em tratamento, não é preciso dizer nada.
I was just fooling. Wasn't really going to let you have it.
Estava apenas a brincar.
I wasn't going to.
Eu não ia pedir!
- I wasn't going to.
- Não ia dizer essa.
I just wasn't going to miss this.
Eu esperei, mas não ia perder isto.
I wasn't going to have her name bandied about in the courtroom.
Não queria que o nome dela andasse por ali a circular.
I made up my mind because I could have gone under... but I wasn't going to.
E decidi-me. Eu podia ter sucumbido. Mas decidi resistir.
I was going to tell Bernie I wasn't available, but...
Eu ía dizer ao Bernie que já não estava disponivel, mas...
Well, I didn't think it was... I wasn't sure whether I was going to tell you or not. Given the way this evening has panned out...
Bom, eu não pensei que fosse... eu não tinha a certeza se vos ía contar ou não... tendo em conta como esta noite está a correr... acho que até pode ser apropriado.
I wasn't going to hurt nobody, man.
Eu não ia fazer mal a ninguém, pá.
See, I promised myself I wasn't going to cry.
Vês, prometi a mim mesmo que não ia chorar.
No, what I was going to say was I hope that... money wasn't a part of your decision... because I'd be more than happy to help you with your tuition.
Não, o que eu ia dizer é que espero que... o dinheiro não tenha influenciado a tua decisão, porque eu gostaria muito de te ajudar com as propinas.
I knew if Paul saw me, he'd never understand that going to Papua New Guinea wasn't the answer. Flying was the secret.
Sabia que se o Paul me visse, nunca entenderia que ir para Papua Nova Guiné não era a resposta.
Well, I wasn't going to... but... it was hard to ignore the three phone messages, the fax, telegram, homing pigeon.
Não era para vir, mas foi difícil ignorar três mensagens de voz, o fax, o telegrama, o pombo-correio.
Thanks. I wasn't going to.
Obrigado, não ia olhar, mesmo.
- I wasn't going to shoot him.
- Mas não ia disparar.
Carla... I wasn't going to tell you this, but maybe you should hear it.
Carla, eu não te ia dizer isto, mas talvez devas ouvir.
I dreamt about exploring the stars as a child and I wasn't going to allow any handicap, not a chair, not a Cardassian station, to stop me from chasing that dream.
Sonhava explorando as estrelas desde que era menina e jamais permiti que nenhum... obstáculo, seja uma cadeira ou uma estação cardassiana, interpor-se entre meu sonho e mim.
And I wasn't altogether sure they were going to be compatible.
E não estava segura de que fossem ser compatíveis.
And a short time later... walking home with my pals... feeling very Christian... ready to live the good life... my father didn't drink, smoke, gamble, or chase women... and I wasn't going to, either.
E pouco tempo depois ia para casa com os meus amigos, a sentir-me muito cristão, pronto para viver uma boa vida. O meu pai não bebia, não fumava, não jogava, nem andava atrás de mulheres e eu também não ia fazer nada disso.
I wasn't going to tell you about it.
Não lhe ia falar dele.
I wasn't going to hurt her.
Não ia realmente magoá-la.
Look, I wasn't going to tell you this till later but you remember that surprise I told you about?
Olhe, ia dizer-lhe isto mais tarde mas lembra-se da surpresa que lhe falei?
I swore I wasn't going to do this.
Jurei que não faria isto.
I wasn't really sure I was going to keep it.
Eu não sabia se o ia ter.
I kind of made this promise to myself... that I wasn't going to think about... where it was gonna end up because I didn't want to... unintentionally commercialize it.
Fiz uma promessa a mim própria... que eu não iria pensar até onde é que isto iria ter porque eu não queria... comercializá-lo não intencionalmente.
No, I wasn`t going to say that.
Não, não ia dizer isso.
I had to sort of reassure him that he wasn't going to be lynched or something.
Tive de lhe assegurar... que nao seria linchado nem nada que se parecesse.
But I wasn " t going to do anything about it, not until I met you.
Mas não ia fazer nada, até te ter conhecido.
I wasn't going to resuscitate her.
Não ia ressuscitá-la.
I wasn't going to do this.
Não ia fazer isto...
I wasn't even going to get married. Here it comes.
Nem sequer ia casar.
'" I wasn't going to get married, I was going to be a vet'"?
"Não ia casar... ia ser veterinária?"
I wasn't going to speak again... but as you're in such a good mood...
Eu não ia falar de novo... mas como você está em um humor tão bom...
He was hiding something - that was for sure. But I wasn't going to be given the chance to find out what.
Era evidente que ele estava a esconder algo, mas não me deram oportunidade de descobrir o quê.
I wish I wasn't, but I saw him going over to Daulin's side along with Iolaus.
- Não temos opção. Daulin e Hércules nos massacrarão se não atacarmos imediatamente.
I wasn't going to ask you that.
- Não era isso que eu ia perguntar.
i wasn't going to say anything 17
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't invited 33
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't invited 33
i wasn't looking 38
i wasn't there 230
i wasn't ready 79
i wasn't alone 27
i wasn't sure 126
i wasn't asking 33
i wasn't sleeping 39
i wasn't scared 51
i wasn't doing anything 47
i wasn't worried 33
i wasn't there 230
i wasn't ready 79
i wasn't alone 27
i wasn't sure 126
i wasn't asking 33
i wasn't sleeping 39
i wasn't scared 51
i wasn't doing anything 47
i wasn't worried 33