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Iam Çeviri Portekizce

9,396 parallel translation
Sooner or later, they would have.
Iam atacar, mais tarde ou mais cedo. - Acredita que a guerra é inevitável?
So, this is the post office,'cause where else are they gonna get their "bills"?
Aqui são os Correios, senão, como iam eles receber as contas?
They were going to cut me out, so...
Eles iam cortar-me, por isso...
I told you things would change if you plucked your eyebrows!
Eu disse que as coisas iam mudar se fizesses as sobrancelhas!
Figured you want to talk to her first.
Imaginei que iam querer falar com ela primeiro.
And I had this romantic notion that when I read that final sentence, her eyes would open.
E tive esta noção romântica que quando eu lesse a ultima frase, os olhos dela iam abrir.
And you would need pharmaceutical knowledge to know that Dorvatrin would send Thomas into anaphylactic shock, right?
E iam precisar de conhecimento farmacêutico para saber que o Dorvatrin ia levar o Thomas a um choque anafilático, certo?
The Kellion collection, $ 50 million of British gold coins, being shipped to some Silicon Valley billionaire.
A colecção Kellion, 50 milhões em moedas de ouro britânicas, iam para um bilionário do Vale do Silício.
But thousands of workers would lose their jobs.
Mas milhares de funcionarios iam perder os empregos.
The people who tattooed me didn't know the policemen were gonna die.
As pessoas que me tatuaram não sabiam que os polícias iam morrer.
You couldn't have known that they were gonna blackmail
Não tinhas como saber que iam chantagear
[sniffles] Like, I just couldn't believe that this had happened to me, and now my life was over, and people were, you know, not gonna take me seriously.
Não podia acreditar que aquilo me tinha acontecido e que agora a minha vida tinha acabado e que as pessoas já não me iam levar a sério.
Just thought you'd appreciate a little video.
Achei que iam gostar deste videozinho.
After Hudson retired, they were gonna dispose of the body, move to the Caribbean and live off of Lauren's money.
Depois do Hudson se reformar, iam descartar-se do corpo, e iam para o Caribe viver do dinheiro da Lauren.
Something with the right combination of skeletons and naked people usually does the trick. Now, a lot of people will say you should stash your pills in a prescription bottle that you've already got, but the government's thinking pills already, and if they look in there, you could wind up in prison.
Muitas pessoas dir-te-iam para esconderes as pílulas num frasco de medicação que já tenhas, mas o governo já está a pensar nisso e se procurarem lá, podes acabar preso.
We'd fought earlier about how many of your teammates would get invitations to the wedding.
Tínhamos discutido por causa de quantos dos teus amigos iam receber o convite para o casamento.
They promised me that they weren't gonna hurt Chester.
Eles prometeram-me que não iam magoar o Chester.
I mean, weren't they going to blow up our school?
Quero dizer, não iam explodir a nossa escola?
Rachel's dad and I used to joke - that maybe they'd marry each other.
- As vezes brincávamos que iam casar-se.
You said they'd never see it!
- Disse que eles não o iam ver!
- Mongrels? - "They'll turn on you."
Que iam virar-se contra ele.
Sorry I had to go all Jason Bourne on you guys, but, uh, your heads would literally kerplode if you knew about all the crap going on in this house.
Desculpa ter sido tão "Jason Bourne" convosco, mas as vossas cabeças iam literalmente explodir se soubessem de tudo o que acontece nesta casa. - A sério?
That makes no sense. It does if the birth parents knew how much Catherine and Caleb would inherit.
Faz, se os pais biológicos soubessem o que a Catherine e o Caleb iam herdar.
They told me you would try and blame the victim.
Disseram-me que iam tentar culpar a vítima.
Four guys took one girl upstairs, so don't you dare say you didn't know what they were going to do to her.
4 rapazes levaram uma rapariga para o andar de cima. Não digas que não sabias o que iam fazer com ela.
Maybe that says a lot about me, about how stupid I was and how stupid I am, but I didn't know they were gonna do that. I didn't and...
Talvez isso diga muito sobre mim, sobre como fui burro e como sou burro, mas eu não sabia que iam fazer aquilo.
Negotiations that would allow U.S. Minuteman missiles in the Cocos Islands.
Negociações que iam permitir instalação de mísseis Minuteman americanos na Ilhas de Cocos.
And you don't think they'd want to hear about this?
Não achas que iam gostar de saber disto?
'Cause I think they would.
Porque julgo que iam gostar.
I found all this bacon, and I kept it to myself, and none of you would have ever known a thing.
Encontrei este bacon todo e não contei a ninguém. E vocês nunca iam saber disso.
You know what, actually, you would be surprised how many people would rather talk to a bartender than a therapist.
Sabem que mais, na verdade, iam ficar surpreendidos com quantas pessoas preferem falar com uma empregada de balcão do que com um terapeuta.
And then we found out that the CrossFit Games 4 were
E, depois, descobrimos que os Jogos CrossFit 4 iam realizar-se no fim de julho.
At 10 : 00 PM that night, he and Hillary would Officially become parents.
Às 22h00 dessa noite, ele e Hillary tornar-se-iam oficialmente pais.
And I knew those were going to be tough.
E sabia que essas iam ser difíceis.
They thought it was going to be an unbroken challenge.
Não pensavam que iam ter penalizações.
And because none of them were going to tell where the drugs came from, they were going to ship all of them to individual different prisons.
Como nenhum deles ia dizer de onde tinham vindo as drogas, iam enviar todos eles para prisões diferentes.
He even had an argument on the way out of the door.
Iam a conversar, enquanto saíam.
They weren't going to torture us with silence any more.
Não iam continuar a torturar-nos com o silêncio.
They're giving me updates on some things that I haven't caught up on and people back down in the county jail who was going up to the state prison.
Contaram-me o desenrolar de coisas de que nunca ouvira falar e de pessoas na prisão do condado que iam para a estatal.
They went monthly to prisons around Pennsylvania and visited death row prisoners to check on their mental state, to see if there were issues they could get involved with to help the better treatment of the overall population of death row prisoners.
Mensalmente, iam a prisões da Pensilvânia, visitar prisioneiros, avaliar o seu estado mental e averiguar se seria possível ajudar a conseguir um tratamento melhor para a população geral de prisioneiros no corredor da morte.
They weren't taking him to the hospital to get arrested, so they dumped him, stole his drugs, and he's dead.
Não o iam levar para o hospital para serem presos. Largaram-no e roubaram-no. " Morreu.
And they were going to take my life.
YARRIS APANHA A CADEIRA... e iam tirar-me a vida.
But I guess I wouldn't have gone through with it, or they would've arrested me.
Mas creio que nunca o teria feito. Senão, ter-me-iam prendido a mim.
We got to talking, and agreed that both agencies would apply for the money to go to the drug rehab clinic at Walter Reed.
Conversamos e concordamos que as duas agências iam aplicar o dinheiro na clínica de reabilitação de drogas de Walter Reed.
But from the way Victor talked about him, it seems like they weren't gonna be partners for long.
Mas, da maneira que falava dele, parecia que não iam ser parceiros muito tempo.
With all the time that we spent together, I mean, what would they think?
Com o tempo todo que passamos juntos, o que eles iam pensar?
Gil, Georgia, I didn't know you'd be here.
Gil, Georgia, não sabia que iam estar aqui.
! I thought we were all...
Pensei que vocês iam...
Well, my lady friend, Gabby Margraff, they said they were taking her for a P.T.
Minha amiga, Gabby Margraff. Disseram que iam levá-la para uma PT, ou PP.
They were going to fire me.
Eles iam despedir-me.
But they didn't think they were going to have to.
Mas não pensavam que iam ter de a usar.

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