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Impatiently Çeviri Portekizce

35 parallel translation
Natasha was impatiently waiting for her husband...
Natacha esperou, impacientemente, pelo regresso do marido...
She must be waiting, I think impatiently, for the day she will join him.
Deve estar impaciente por se juntar a ele.
" Mother and I waiting impatiently your arrival.
" Mamãe e eu esperamos impacientes por sua chegada.
The Dormouse shook his head impatiently and said without opening his eyes :
O Arganaz sacudiu a cabeça, impaciente, e disse sem abrir os olhos :
The crowd surges impatiently to hear the words of Mussolini and Hitler, which will be broadcast by loudspeaker.
A multidão estremece na impaciência da espera... para ouvir as palavras de Mussolini e Hitler, que serão difundidas pelos altifalantes.
She arrives at Ladder Bay at about a quarter to 12 and sees Madame Arlena sitting impatiently, awaiting the arrival of Patrick Redfern, with whom, I am convinced, she had a rendezvous.
Ela chega à outra Baía às doze menos quinze, e observa Arlena esperando pela chegada de Patrick Redfern, com quem deveria ter um encontro.
impatiently waiting.
E esperava com impaciência.
Are you Maria Escalosa Fiona Infan... ( Speaks impatiently in Spanish )
És Maria Escalosa Fiona Infan - Despache-se, idiota,
Impatiently yours, Bubbles. "
Impacientemente tua, Bubbles. "
Teacher... I " ve been impatiently waiting for you
Professor... eu estava ansioso te aguardando
I've spent 3 days impatiently waiting for you
Passei 3 dias impacientemente esperando por ti.
Doctor Hess, General Mueller is waiting impatiently for the results of your Deathcore project.
Dr. Hess. O Geral Mueller esta a espera impacientemente pelos resultados da sua... profanador projecto.
He must be impatiently waiting for my arrival, flapping his tail.
Já deve aguardar ansioso a minha chegada.
For years, TV critics such as yours truly, Kent Brockman have waited impatiently for cracks to appear in the show's hilarious facade.
Durante anos, os críticos televisivos, como eu, Kent Brockman, esperaram ansiosamente pelo aparecimento de falhas no programa.
I wait impatiently as it connects.
Espero impacientemente a ligação.
Amar has been waiting impatiently
Você veio? Amar tem esperado, impaciente.
I waited impatiently for my mystery maiden to return.
Esperei impacientemente por ela.
Monsieur is waiting impatiently.
O senhor esperava-vos impacientemente.
But she did know that her successor, Jane Seymour, was waiting as impatiently and as heedlessly as she'd once done to step into her shoes as queen.
Mas sabia que sua sucessora, Jane Seymour, estava esperando impaciente e imprudentemente por sua morte para tomar o seu lugar como rainha.
78-year-old Minnesota Senator Howard Stackhouse stands alone tonight in the well of the Senate chamber as his colleagues, somewhat impatiently, wait for a vote that was scheduled to take place more than nine hours ago.
O Senador do Minnesota Howard Stackhouse de 78 anos está só, na sala do Senado, à medida que os colegas esperam impacientemente uma votação que devia ter ocorrido há mais de nove horas.
Well, may Chana Singh, wife of Ghana Singh, leave now? My two children must be impatiently waiting for their mother's arrival
Bem, pode ir se chamar de Chana, a esposa de Gana Singh?
Four men waited impatiently on a small island surrounded by a calm sea.
Quarto homens esperavam impacientemente numa pequena ilha rodeados de um mar calmo.
After a brief goodbye to the passengers, I take the launch, which is honking impatiently now, back to Shokwan.
Depois de despedir-me dos passageiros, pego a lancha, que estava buzinando impacientemente, para Voltar a Shokwan.
The members of sesame street on ice wait impatiently to begin their matinee performance. Hold the black label, mabel!
À medida que entramos no sétimo fabuloso prolongamento, os membros da Rua Sésamo no Gelo esperam impacientes para começar a sua performance habitual.
Boys always impatiently wait for a chance.
A minha querida Jugni estudou Inglês E fala
We've been impatiently waiting for you.
Estávamos impacientes à sua espera.
I'm the one parent who's been waiting impatiently for your call.
Sou o único pai que estava impaciente pela sua chamada.
- Thank you, we're waiting impatiently for the supplies.
- Obrigado, estamos impacientemente à espera dos materiais.
She wanted to wait, but your father outside was honking impatiently.
Esperou por si, mas o seu pai buzinava com impaciência.
- Okay, I'm gonna go find my family, who are impatiently waiting to embarrass me.
- Vou procurar a minha família que deve estar ansiosa para me envergonhar.
- How impatiently I have awaited your coming.
Quão impacientemente esperei pela tua chegada.
You were impatiently awaited.
Você foi esperado com impaciência.
For this I will impatiently wait.
Posso esperar pacientemente por isso.
[impatiently] Okay, I'm trying to say you're kicked out of the choir, Miranda!
Estou a tentar dizer que estás fora do coro, Miranda!
Big Brother's also waiting very impatiently.
O Big Brother também está à espera muito impaciente.

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