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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / It just came to me

It just came to me Çeviri Portekizce

212 parallel translation
- It just came to me out of the blue.
- Veio-me ao pensamento do nada.
One night it just came to me.
Uma noite foi ter comigo.
It just came to me.
- Ocorreu-me agora mesmo.
You're not gonna believe this, but... there I was, lying on that table... and I had my feet in those stirrupy things... and all of a sudden, it just came to me in a flash... that maybe the only reason I wasn't roasting somewhere in hell was- - was because God wanted me to have this baby.
Estava ali, deitado na maca, com os pés naqueles estribos e, de repente, tive uma ideia-relâmpago de que talvez só não estivesse a assar no Inferno porque Deus queria que eu tivesse este bebé.
Honest, I don't know, man. It just came to me.
Não sei, meu, tive essa ideia.
I don't know. It just came to me.
Não sei, ocorreu-me.
It just came to me.
Ocorreu-me de repente.
I looked at the hypospray, and it just came to me.
Pensei no hypospray, e ele veio até mim.
It just came to me.
Tive um insight.
It just came to me.
Isto veio-me à cabeça agora.
It just came to me.
Lembrei-me agora.
It just came to me, we ought to attack them from the riverside.
Lembrei-me que deviamos atacá-los desde a margem.
It just came to me like truth, you know? Even though it didn't seem possible.
Não exactamente um sonho, mais como se eu tivesse esta informação.
- It just came to me. - What?
- Acabou de me ocorrer.
I woke up suddenly, and it all came back to me. I just had to come down before I lost it again.
Acordei de repente e o meu pensamento, foi de que... tinha mesmo que vir cá abaixo antes de perder isto de novo.
No, dear, because I remember when Mr. Hoskins first came in it occurred to me that he'd make just an even dozen.
Lembro-me que quando o Sr. Hoskins entrou eu pensei que já ia fazer uma dúzia certa.
Then I'll swear it came as just as big a surprise to me as any one of you here.
Então juro que isso foi uma grande surpresa para mim como para qualquer outro aqui.
It's hard to believe me being the same Lloyd Gruver that came over from Korea just a little bit ago.
Que eu sou o mesmo Lloyd Gruver que chegou da Coreia há tão pouco tempo.
I told him I didn't want to swim in it but he just grabbed my hand and dragged me into the water all the way in and I came out looking naked.
Eu disse que näo queria nadar mas ele agarrou-me no braço e arrastou-me para a àgua até ao pescoço e quando saí parecia que estava nua.
My girl keeps talking about some beauty queen and I think, she is young, you know, inexperienced, somebody might get the better of her, so I came to ask... to see... well, just to find out what it's all about.
A minha filha falou-me de um concurso de beleza, e acho... que ela é jovem e inexperiente. Alguém pode-se aproveitar dela. Então, eu vim... para ver.
Now, I'm just guessing, but I have a feeling you didn't come down here looking for me. I think you came down here, and it had something to do with these files.
Estou só a atirar para o ar, mas acho que não veio aqui à minha procura mas sim à procura de alguma coisa relacionada com estes ficheiros.
Yes, as I was saying, it came to my attention that just before Dr. Ashley's untimely death he was planning to make some very big changes here at the Institute.
Sim, como eu estava a dizer, chamou-me a atenção, o facto de que pouco antes da prematura morte do Dr. Ashley, ele estava a tentar fazer algumas alterações importantes no Instituto.
I was just staring at it and the words of my old flight instructor came back to me.
Estava a olhar para ela... de repente, as palavras do meu velho instrutor de voo vieram-me à cabeça.
It's okay. Hey, I just came to apologize.
Ei, só vim para me desculpar.
Was it hasty of me to come? I came because I couldn't just sit by and watch, though Saburo will surely be angry with me.
Talvez me tenha precipitado, mas a minha preocupação espicaçou-me.
- It just came to me one day.
- Ocorreu-me um dia.
If it came down to just us two, would you take my head?
Se só sobrássemos os dois, cortar-me-ias a cabeça?
It just scares me to think how close you came To actually turning yourself in.
Eu fico assustada só de pensar o quão perto estiveste de te entregares.
They were fast enough to keep up with me going the wrong way on the expressway but when it came time to jump that drawbridge they just didn't have the guts.
Conseguiram seguir-me na faixa contrária da via rápida, mas... quando foi para saltar a ponte levadiça... não tiveram coragem.
I thought, if they came to me and asked me... that I was just gonna say the truth, and that's it.
Pensei que, se me perguntassem alguma coisa, eu simplesmente diria a verdade e pronto.
It just came to me.
- Não sei, lembrei-me agora.
It was a couple of years ago, a young attractive bride to be came up to me after the service and asked me just that question.
Foi a uns anos atrás. Uma jovem noiva veio ter comigo e perguntou-me isso.
I was just trying to figure out where I knew Kelly's aunt from, and it finally came to me.
Eu só estava a tentar descobrir de onde eu conhecia a tia da Kelly e finalmente veio até mim.
So I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and just like that, it came to me - the answer I was looking for.
Por isso fechei os olhos, respirei fundo e de repente ela surgiu-me. A resposta que eu procurava.
Not at all. It's just that Cmdr Riker came to see me this afternoon.
É que o Comandante Riker veio ver-me para falar de você.
I was willing to let it go at that but then, he pulled a knife and came at me and the truth of the matter is he was so inebriated that he just fell...
E a verdade é que estava tão embriagado que simplesmente caiu.
I don't have the money for a hotel... so I was just going to walk around, and it'd be more fun if you came with me.
Não tenho dinheiro para pagar o hotel, portanto, ia dar umas voltas, seria mais divertido se também viesses.
Let's just say it would be better if you came to me.
Digamos que seria melhor se viesse até mim.
I just came by to tell you that me and Strozzi made it up this morning.
Vim apenas aqui dizer-te que eu e o Strozzi fizemos as pazes esta manhã.
He came off junk at the same time as me not because he wanted to, you understand, but just to annoy me. Just to show me how easily he could do it, thereby downgrading my own struggle.
largou o cavalo ao mesmo tempo que eu, não por querer, notem bem, mas só para me chatear, para me mostrar o fácil que era, minimizando assim a minha luta.
He came by to pick me up, I opened the door and it was just like, "click!"
Ele veio buscar-me, eu abri a porta, e foi instantâneo.
It's just that he came up to me one day after class, and he's been sort of like my mentor and my family ever since.
Ele veio ter comigo depois de uma aula e, desde aí, tem sido o meu mentor e a minha família.
And when I think how most of what you learned so far came from your dad... - it just hurts my heart to think how little... - No.
E quando penso que a maioria do que aprendeu veio do seu pai, me dói o coração de pensar no pouco que consegui fazer.
I seriously don't know what came over me. And I just wanted to make sure that you were fine about it.
Não sei o que deu em mim... e não quis dar a impressão errada.
Besides, are you telling me one guy came in here... and killed eight men with eight extremely well-aimed shots in just a few seconds? No way. It had to be at least two.
E está a tentar dizer-me, que entrou um homem aqui e matou oito homens, sem errar um tiro, em poucos segundos?
I mean, it just came out of nowhere. I didn't have to concentrate or anything.
Veio de repente, nem tive de me concentrar.
I don't know if you came here out of guilt or just plain stupidity...,... but it's just a little too late to start offering up some brotherly advice!
Já que minhas palavras parecem não te impressionar, deixe-me mostrar algo que vai.
It had grown to over six feet tall, and when I came up to it, it just shrank back down into the ground.
Cresceu quase dois metros, mas, quando me aproximei, encolheu-se para debaixo da terra.
I just came over to apologise and clear it up.
Só vim me desculpar e esclarecer o que houve.
Aw, it just kinda came to me. Mmm.
Simplesmente ocorreu-me.
You know, a little birdie told me a secret about you and I just came by to see if it was true or not.
Um passarinho me contou um segredo sobre ti e passei a ver se era certo.

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