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It should have been you Çeviri Portekizce

168 parallel translation
It should have been you who died, not Germanicus!
Vós devíeis ter morrido e não Germânico!
It should have been you, Gordon.
Devias ter sido tu, Gordon.
? Iorek Byrnison was the first bear to receive a daemon, but it should have been you.
O Iorek Byrnison foi o primeiro Urso a obter um Demónio, mas devias ter sido tu.
- It should have been you.
- Devias ter sido tu.
It should have been you who died.
És tu quem devia ter morrido.
I have been a burden which I don't know why you've endured. I should shoot myself and end it all.
Um canalha Não sei o que fazer devia me dar um tiro e acabar com isso.
You little rascal. It's the left you should have been watching.
Pequeno patife, deverias ter cuidado com a esquerda.
Maybe I wasn't around a lot of times I should have been but I guarantee you that I'm gonna spend all the time I have off duty making it up to you.
Eu não estava lá quando devia mas garanto-te que vou passar todo o meu tempo livre a compensar-te.
If I'd done what I should have... If I'd been half smart, I never would've let you see it.
Se tivesse feito o que devia... se fosse esperto, jamais a deixaria saber disso.
Before you speak, Mrs. Wilberforce, has it occurred to you to wonder... why five such men as ourselves should have been driven to this?
Antes de falar, Sra. Wilberforce, já lhe ocorreu qual a razão porque 5 homens como nós fizeram isto?
It should have been me, but you can't change things by wishing.
Devia sr eu, mas as coisas não se mudam como desejamos.
And it should not have been interfered with by you.
E você não devia ter interferido com ela.
You should have been there, Bernie. It was really...
Devias lá ter estado, Bernie, foi mesmo...
You should consider yourselves highly honoured to have been chosen to perform it.
E devem considerar uma grande honra a vossa eleição para a levar a cabo.
Oh, you think my guys and I have been taking money from some fruit peddlers... and you expect that I should pay it back.
Vocês acham que eu e os meus homens roubámos dinheiro a lojistas e esperam que o devolva?
You said one when it should have been two!
- Aliás és um tri-palerma.
I want you to tell her that... Tell her it took me a while to figure out what ajerk I've been but, um... that... that when things started to pan out for her I should have been more supportive.
Quero que lhe digas... que demorei muito tempo a perceber... que tenho sido um idiota... mas... que... que quando as coisas começaram a acontecer para ela... eu devia ter-lhe dado mais apoio.
It should have been housed in a, you know, atmospheric receptacle like this.
Deveria estar num... recipiente apropriado, como este.
Not my fault. She at it again! You should have been more careful.
- Havia um tipo que me fez rir bastante.
It should have been me in jail, not you.
Eu é que devia estar na cadeia. Não tu.
It's you who should have been working, you who should have been using them... doing real work.
Deve trabalhá-las, Deve usá-las para obter um trabalho de verdade!
You should never have been dragged into it.
Você não deveria nunca ter sido arrastada pra isso.
But you should be aware that because we are incapable of scanning beyond the force field, we will have no way of communicating with whoever transports inside it, nor will we be able to verify that the transport has been successfully completed.
Mas devemos alertá-la que dado sermos incapazes... de sondar para além do campo de força,.. não teremos qualquer forma de nos comunicarmos... com quem quer que seja que transportemos para o seu interior,... nem seremos capazes de verificar... se o transporte foi concluído com sucesso.
Now you may feel it should have been A voluntary cause
Decerto pensam que deveria ter sido Uma causa voluntária
You've not told me they're pleased, and if they had been, I should have had some sign of it.
Não me disseste que estão contentes, e se estivessem, demonstravam-no.
You see, this is the way it should have been from the start, Will.
Vês? Era assim que devia ter sido desde o início, Will.
You know as well as I do that you should have been more careful... you should have seen that the barrier was unstable when you scanned it.
Sabe tão bem quanto eu que devia ter tido mais cuidado... Devia ter visto que a barreira era instável quando a analisou. Mas não o fiz.
You stopped Gilgamesh. The people are safe. It should have been me.
Tenho ouvido historias de marinheiros que se perderam no mar... e viram luzes ao sul no céu.
If you didn't want to spend the day with me, Debra, I think at least you should have been honest about it.
Se não querias passar o dia comigo, Debra, acho que, pelo menos, deverias ter sido honesta.
Okay, I admit it. Maybe I wasn't as nice as I should have been, but, Yzma, do you really want to kill me?
Pronto, talvez eu não tenha sido tão simpático quanto devia, mas queres mesmo matar-me?
For the mother, and for the family, and for the stardom and... Goddam it! Everything you have that should've been mine!
Pela mãe... pela família e pelo estrelato que deviam ter sido meus!
Look, I know why you broke up with me in college... and not that it wasn't messed up... but I should have been there for you.
Olha, eu sei porque acabaste comigo na faculdade... e não, que não tenha sido mau... mas eu devia ter estado lá para ti.
Well, you know, it's funny you should ask... because we have been super, super busy.
Bem, sabes, é engraçado que tenhas perguntado... porque nós temos andado super, super ocupados.
My Queen, as you may know I'm building. In fact, it should have been easily finished four months ago
Minha rainha, como deveis saber, eu mandei construir uma casa e as obras já deviam ter terminado há... 4 meses, pelo menos.
"You will say it should have been told 20 years ago, " but I could, or would, not.
Dirás que devia ter-te dito há 20 anos atrás... mas não pude ou não quis.
You live your life the way it should have been.
Vive a tua vida do modo que devia ter sido.
You should have been able to pick it up from the subject.
Devias ter conseguido perceber pelo assunto.
And if that chopper had have been where the hell you know it should have been my whole life would have taken a different direction.
E se o helicóptero tivesse estado onde tu sabes que deveria ter estado toda a minha vida teria tomado um rumo diferente.
You've got mothers killing their children children killing strangers, maniacs flying airplanes into buildings and I just want life to go back to the way that it should have been.
Têm mães a matar os filhos, crianças a matar estranhos e tarados a atirar aviões contra prédios e eu quero, apenas, que a vida volte a ser o que devia ter sido.
You should have been rich, Joe then it might have been
Devias ser rico, talvez isto assim resultasse.
Though not for me yet for your vehement oaths you should have been respective and have kept it.
E não por mim mas pelas tuas veementes juras e por respeito, o devias ter guardado.
Maybe you're right. Maybe I didn't say it. I should have been here.
Talvez estejas certa e não o tenha dito.
What it should mean to you is that you're lying, because the S-class has a 62-inch wheelbase, and it means that it couldn't have been the abduction car.
O que significa é que está a mentir, porque um classe S tem 62 polegadas isso quer dizer que não poderia ser o carro do rapto.
You should have been a scientist. It's cleaner.
É mais higiénico sem o prepúcio.
How simple it would have been to board a train in Paris to mete out punishment to your daughter, so that the two women in your life, who had let you down - your wife and your child - should never be reunited.
Teria sido muito simples entrar no comboio em Paris, aplicar o castigo à sua filha, de modo a que as duas mulheres da sua vida que o haviam desiludido, a sua esposa e a sua filha, não se voltassem a encontrar.
You've been on medical leave For two months, recovering, and... Obviously, it should have been three.
Estiveste em licença médica durante dois meses, a recuperar, e... obviamente, deveria ter sido três.
Well, you should never have been playing with it, which is why you don't get any tv this week,
Bem, nunca devia ter brincado com ele, E é por isso que não tens TV esta semana.
I should have known it would have been bad luck to do it without you.
Eu deveria saber que traria má sorte, fazer isso sem ti.
I knew you should have been taking it easy.
Sei que deverias ter ido com calma.
Look, I know it's been a few months since Luc died, but you know if you're starting to have feelings about someone, you should accept it.
Sei que passaram alguns meses desde a morte do Luc, mas se começas a ter sentimentos por alguém, deves aceitá-los.
I hate this job. You know, I should have been a fireman. They got it made.
Odeio este trabalho, devia ser bombeiro, eles arranjam companhia.

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