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Josef Çeviri Portekizce

542 parallel translation
A man called Josef Falk worked only when hunger made him to.
Um homem chamado Josef Falk trabalhava só quando a fome o obrigava.
All your reflections about it were put into a certain direction by Josef Goebbels, by the papers, by the broadcasts, and the influence of that propaganda was rather effective, I think.
A nossa reflexão ia numa certa direcção apontada por Joseph Goebbels, pelos jornais, pelas emissões de rádio. E a influência dessa propaganda foi bastante eficaz.
Here on St. Joseph's Isle, there's a building like nothing else in the world.
Aqui, na ilha de Saint Josef, temos a pior cadeia jamais construída.
And I got to the window and saw them carry the body to the other side... uh, Josef, the Josef...
E fui à janela e vi-os levarem o corpo para o outro lado... Josef, Josef...
Emperor Josef statue.
A estátua do imperador Josef.
He came later, after they carried him to the Josef statue.
Ele veio mais tarde, depois de eles o terem levado para a estátua do Josef.
Franz Josef!
Franz Josef!
- Miss Kelly, Father Josef.
- Miss kelly, o Padre Josef.
How about it? As soon as I'm through up there we could head back and stop by Father Josef's.
Entâo, e se assim que eu terminar voltarmos e passarmos pelo Padre Josef?
Charlie, Josef, get the medallion!
Charlie, Josef! Apanhem o medalhão!
Josef, go get Klaris. We'll dump him in here while Charlie takes his place.
Joseph, vai buscar o Kharis para que Charlie o substitua.
The British will provide Franz Joseph and the sentry.
Os Britânicos fornecerão Franz Josef e o sentinela.
I was wondering if you could talk to Franz Josef and ask him to ennoble a young actress.
Estava a pensar se podia falar com Franz Josef e pedir-lhe para dar um título a uma jovem actriz.
Right in the mouth of "Cecco Peppe" [Franz Josef].
Imagina se tivessemos voltado... Para a boca do inimigo!
Well, it looks to me as though your working hours are over, Josef.
Parece que seu horário de trabalho terminou, Joseph.
After all, Josef, I'm the nearest thing... to a parent and a father that you can lay claim to in the world. Don't forget that. Oh, I don't forget it, Uncle Max, believe me.
Afinal, sou a coisa mais próxima de um pai... que você pode achar no mundo.
We've got to get some competent legal advice, Josef.
Precisamos de ajuda legal.
This gentlemen says he's in charge of the electronic brain, Josef. We're not in charge.
Ele diz que toma conta do computador.
I agree with you, Josef, all these fancy electronics. They're alright in their place but not for anything practical. Please, uncle Max.
Essa parafernália eletrônica... não serve para nada prático.
- Josef K.
- Joseph K.
Josef K...
Joseph K.?
Careful now, Josef.
- Cuidado agora.
Of course. That's logical, Josef.
Claro é lógico, Joseph.
Josef K.
Joseph K.
I think your friend here should be warned that the case of Josef K is likely to be followed through any number of courts. And sometimes the case never reaches verdict...
Seu amigo deve ser alertado... de que o caso pode passar por muitos tribunais e, às vezes...
- Leni! - Josef!
Well, Josef, well...
Joseph, como vai?
- You'd better think about it, Josef.
- É melhor pensar bem.
Josef, you don't seriously believe you can defend yourself?
- Como pode achar... que conseguirá se defender?
Well, well, Josef...
Bem, Josef...
But Josef...
Mas Josef...
Josef Varsh, Public Prosecutor and head of his country's secret police, is one of the most dangerous men in Eastern Europe.
Josef Varsh, promotor público e chefe da polícia secreta de seu país... é um dos homens mais perigosos da Europa Oriental.
Josef Varsh has one deadly rival for power,
Josef Varsh tem um rival mortal pelo poder...
We've learned that he's been liquidated, secretly, by her new boyfriend, Josef Varsh.
Soubemos que ele foi morto, secretamente... pelo seu novo namorado, Josef Varsh.
Madam Goren, would you please tell the court what is your relationship to Josef Varsh?
Madame Goren, poderia dizer a este tribunal... qual a sua relação com o Sr. Josef Varsh?
And Josef Varsh.
Com Josef Varsh.
A letter written by Josef Varsh to Lisa Goren.
Uma carta escrita por Josef Varsh para Lisa Goren.
The Guard will place Josef Varsh under arrest for attempted murder.
A guarda deverá prender Josef Varsh por tentativa de homicídio.
Josef, Sir Hilary Bray will take number four.
Josef, Sir Hilary Bray fica no no 4.
If you were running against the storm and trying to make Kingsbay... you could've been around Franz Josef Land here.
Se vocês estavam no meio de uma tempestade e a tentar chegar a Kingsbay... podiam estar perto da "Terra de Franz Josef", aqui.
Franz Joseph!
Bem, que raios! Franz Josef!
Franz Joseph!
Franz Josef!
But your friend Franz Joseph - that was a very funny idea.
Mas o seu amigo Franz Josef, essa foi uma idéia muito engraçada!
Good evening, Josef.
Boa noite, Joseph.
No, Josef... You stay out.
Fique fora disto!
Josef K!
Joseph K.!
- You are Josef K?
Você é Joseph K.?

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