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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ K ] / Korby

Korby Çeviri Portekizce

138 parallel translation
Dr. Korby- - often called the Pasteur of archaeological medicine.
O Dr. Korby era também chamado "o Pasteur da medicina arqueológica".
This is Roger Korby.
Fala Roger Korby.
Repeating- - this is Dr. Roger Korby.
Repito, fala o Dr. Roger Korby.
This is Dr. Roger Korby... standing by.
Fala o Dr. Roger Korby. Escuto.
Dr. Roger Korby has been located, he and part of his expedition remaining alive due to the discovery of underground ruins left by the former inhabitants of this world.
Ele e parte do grupo sobreviveram graças a ruínas subterrâneas deixadas pelos anteriores habitantes deste mundo.
Enterprise to Korby. We have your coordinates. We're preparing to beam down a party.
Enterprise a Korby, preparamo-nos para enviar um grupo.
The man making it is Dr. Roger Korby.
O homem que o faz é o Dr. Roger Korby.
Mathews, we'll look for Dr. Korby. Accompany us. Yes, sir.
Matthews, acompanhe-nos.
My name is Brown, Dr. Korby's assistant.
Sou o Brown, assistente do Korby.
Come. Dr. Korby will be waiting.
Venham, o Dr. Korby aguarda-vos.
Dr. Korby has discovered that as their sun dimmed, the inhabitants of this planet moved underground from an open environment to this dark world.
À medida que o sol foi esmorecendo, os habitantes passaram para o subsolo. De um ambiente ao ar livre, para este mundo de escuridão.
When you were a student of his, Christine, you must have often heard Dr. Korby remark how freedom of movement and choice produced the human spirit.
Quando foi aluna dele, deve ter ouvido o Dr. Korby dizer que a liberdade de movimento e escolha produziram o espírito humano.
Dr. Korby has been able to uncover elements of this culture which will revolutionize the universe when freed from this cavernous environment.
O Dr. Korby descobriu elementos desta cultura que revolucionarão o universo, quando livres deste ambiente.
I don't remember Dr. Korby mentioning an Andrea.
Não me lembro do Dr. Korby mencionar uma Andrea.
Where is Dr. Korby? Here, Captain.
- Onde está o Dr. Korby?
I'm, uh, I'm Roger Korby.
Sou o Roger Korby.
Dr. Korby's records and specimens will require careful packing.
Os registos e espécimes do Dr. Korby requerem um cuidadoso embalamento.
Dr. Korby has made some fascinating discoveries.
Está, Sr. Spock. O Dr. Korby fez descobertas fascinantes.
[Korby's Voice] Christine, it's all right now.
- Christine, agora está tudo bem.
You will call me Dr. Korby from now on, Andrea.
- Doravante, chama-me Dr. Korby.
Yes, Dr. Korby.
- Sim, Dr. Korby.
Dr. Korby suggested that you have lunch.
O Dr. Korby sugeriu que almoçassem.
What he's done may seem wrong, but he is Roger Korby, whatever he seems to be doing.
O que fez pode parecer errado, mas ele é o Roger Korby. Faça o que fizer.
Dr. Korby said you are to obey me!
O Dr. Korby disse que me obedecerias!
Dr. Korby has considerable cargo to beam aboard.
O Dr. Korby tem muita carga.
Isn't it Korby who's creating the same danger to you all over again?
- O Korby não criará o mesmo perigo?
And Korby?
- E o Korby?
The danger to you is Korby. I was programmed by Korby.
- O vosso perigo é o Korby.
I cannot harm him.
- Fui programado pelo Korby.
I am Roger Korby!
Sou o Roger Korby.
Dr. Korby... was never here.
O Dr. Korby nunca cá esteve.
Dr Korby, called "the Pasteur of archaeological medicine".
O Dr. Korby era também chamado "o Pasteur da medicina arqueológica".
Repeating, this is Dr Roger Korby.
Repito, fala o Dr. Roger Korby.
This is Dr Roger Korby, standing by.
Fala o Dr. Roger Korby. Escuto.
Dr Roger Korby has been located, he and part of his expedition remaining alive due to underground ruins left by the former inhabitants of this world.
Ele e parte do grupo sobreviveram graças a ruínas subterrâneas deixadas pelos anteriores habitantes deste mundo.
Enterprise to Korby, we are preparing to beam down a party.
Enterprise a Korby, preparamo-nos para enviar um grupo.
The man making it is Dr Roger Korby.
O homem que o faz é o Dr. Roger Korby.
Dr Korby?
Dr. Korby?
is that you, Dr Korby?
É o senhor, Dr. Korby?
Dr Korby was detained.
O Dr. Korby ficou empatado.
Korby's assistant. I presume you're Kirk.
Sou o Brown, assistente do Korby. Deve ser o Kirk.
Come, Dr Korby will be waiting.
Venham, o Dr. Korby aguarda-vos.
A signal from planet Exo-Ill.
Um sinal do planeta Exo III. O Dr. Roger Korby foi localizado.
Dr. Korby.
Dr. Korby?
Is that you, Dr. Korby?
É o senhor, Dr. Korby?
Dr. Korby was detained.
O Dr. Korby ficou empatado.
Contact established with Dr. Korby.
- Fala o Spock, Capitão.
We were becoming concerned, Captain.
- Contactámos com o Dr. Korby.
I'll beam up shortly with Dr. Korby and party. Good.
- Tudo.
Where's Dr. Korby?
Onde está o Dr. Korby?
A signal from planet Exo lll.
Um sinal do planeta Exo III. O Dr. Roger Korby foi localizado.

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