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Maybe it's a good thing Çeviri Portekizce

75 parallel translation
Maybe it's a good thing you're going to the coast tomorrow.
Talvez seja uma boa você ir pra praia amanhã.
Maybe, it's a good thing you met me.
Ainda bem que me encontraste.
Maybe it's a good thing about us leaving. Maybe I can get myself squared away.
Talvez seja bom estarmos partindo.
Maybe it's a good thing that I talk too much.
Talvez seja uma coisa boa eu falar de mais.
Maybe it's a good thing you're going to the Coast tomorrow.
Talvez seja uma boa você ir pra praia amanhã.
- Well, maybe it's a good thing. - No, it's not a good thing.
- Talvez seja uma boa coisa.
Maybe it's a good thing you don't know what women are thinking.
Talvez seja bom não saberes o que as mulheres pensam.
Maybe it's a good thing Derek's late.
Talvez seja bom que o Derek se atrase.
Then maybe it's a good thing she's here.
- Não se acabou nada.
Maybe it's a good thing.
Talvez seja uma coisa boa.
If Crais is right about this Dampening Net being non-lethal then maybe it's a good thing for Talyn.
Se Crais está certo e a rede não é letal, será bom para Talyn.
- It's the only thing you're good at. - Maybe so.
É a única coisa em que você é bom Talvez seja assim.
Em lens, what do you know, trashed. Rommie, it's a good thing I love trashy ladies, otherwise I'd be tempted to trade you in for a newer model, maybe a supermodel.
Rommie, ainda bem que amo mulheres foleiras, caso contrário seria tentado a trocar-te por um modelo mais novo, talvez uma top model.
It feels good, but maybe he's trying to tell me throwing a ball isn't the only thing important in life.
É bom, mas talvez esteja a dizer que chutar a bola não é o mais importante na vida.
- Maybe it's a good thing she's leaving.
Faremos o que temos a fazer, Trip.
Maybe it's a good thing that you're going to a different school than the rest of your family.
Talvez seja bom ires para uma escola diferente... da do resto da tua família.
Mom said maybe it was a spell. But it's a good thing that it's gone away now.
A mamã diz que talvez fosse um encantamento, mas ainda bem que já desapareceu.
Then maybe it's a good thing she's here.
Talvez seja bom ela cá estar.
- Maybe it's a good thing, because at least now, there'll be a record of me telling you to get your priorities straight
- Talvez seja uma coisa boa, porque ao menos agora haverá um registo de mim a dizer-lhe para pôr em ordem as suas prioridades.
Listen, maybe it's a good thing I came by.
Escuta, talvez tenha sido bom eu ter aparecido.
Maybe it's a good thing that you didn't get comfortable after all.
Faço call. Talvez tenha sido bom não se ter posto confortável.
And it's a little bit bigger than I initially planned, but you know, hey, maybe that's a good thing.
Ela está maior do que originalmente planeada, mas talvez até seja bom...
Maybe it's a good thing that you talked to him.
Se calhar foi bom teres falado com ele.
Maybe it's a good thing.
Talvez seja bom.
Maybe it's a good thing this happened for us now.
Talvez isto tenha sido uma boa coisa para nós.
Is it a good thing or a bad thing that it's becoming harder maybe impossible to encapsulate information in discrete units and sell them?
Isso é algo bom ou ruim que vem tomado força, talvez impossível de enclausurar informação em pequenas unidades e vendê-las?
Well, maybe it's a good thing.
Não, talvez seja uma coisa boa.
maybe it's a good thing.
talvez seja uma coisa boa.
Maybe it's a good thing that they're here.
Talvez seja bom eles estarem aqui.
- Maybe it's a good thing you are here.
- Talvez seja uma boa coisa estar aqui.
I know it feels scary, but maybe that's a good thing.
Sei que é assustador. Mas talvez seja uma coisa boa.
naomi : Well, maybe it's a good thing.
Talvez isso seja positivo.
Maybe it's a good thing.
Se calhar, foi bom.
But maybe it's a good thing that he has the two of us.
Mas talvez seja uma coisa boa, ele ter-nos aos dois.
Hell, maybe it's the one good thing that comes out of this whole bloody mess.
Diabos, talvez seja a única coisa boa nessa trapalhada toda.
And maybe it's a good thing.
E talvez isso seja bom.
Maybe it's a good thing he didn't show up for the reunion.
Talvez seja bom que ele não tenha aparecido na reunião.
Alicia, here's the thing : You like to think you're a good person, and maybe at one time you were, but we both know you'll do whatever it takes.
Alicia, é assim, gostas de pensar que és boa pessoa e talvez tenhas sido, a certa altura, mas ambos sabemos que farás tudo o que for preciso.
Maybe it's a good thing.
Talvez seja bom sinal, não?
Maybe that's a good thing, because, you know, it would be hard.
Bom, talvez isso seja algo bom. Sabes, seria difícil.
Look, I know our plans changed. But, they changed because I did well. And I know it doesn't feel like that to you, but maybe it's a good thing that they changed.
Olha, sei que os nossos planos mudaram, mas mudaram porque fiz um bom trabalho, e sei que não sentes o mesmo, mas talvez tenha sido bom terem mudado.
So maybe it's a good thing.
Talvez até seja bom.
I'm never late for work. Well, maybe it's a good thing.
Talvez seja uma boa coisa.
Maybe not. But it's a good thing you found all that Jesus Malverde stuff.
Talvez não, mas foi bom que tenhas encontrado as coisas do Jesus Malverde.
Then maybe it's a good thing, confronting your past, even for your kids.
Então talvez seja bom, confrontares o passado, mesmo pelos teus filhos.
After what happened last night, maybe it's a good thing you got the Hood involved.
Depois do que se passou ontem à noite, talvez tenha sido que tenhas envolvido o Arqueiro.
But given my wretched appearance, maybe it's a good thing you're blind as a butter knife.
Mas com a minha miserável aparência, é bom que estejas tão cega quanto uma toupeira.
Yes. I've been thinking about it and eh... maybe that Steiner pre-school thing... maybe it's a good idea.
Tenho estado a pensar e talvez aquilo da pré-escola Steiner seja uma boa ideia.
- Maybe it's a good thing.
- Talvez isso seja bom.
We have a thing and it's good, and... I don't know, maybe I should just stay closer to him.
Temos uma cena boa a correr, será melhor eu manter-me por aqui.
Maybe it's a good thing for both Callie and Brandon.
Talvez seja bom. Para a Callie e o Brandon.

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