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Mcqueen Çeviri Portekizce

506 parallel translation
Does she look like Cameo McQueen, for instance?
É parecida com a Cameo McQueen, por exemplo?
♪ But Mary, she married poor Jimmy McQueen
Mas casou com o Jimmy McQueen
Mr McQueen, the lower berth in number four.
Sr. McQueen, o beliche de baixo, no 4.
Then as a director of the line, I command you to place Monsieur Poirot in what we know to be the empty berth above Mr McQueen's number four.
Como Diretor eu Ihe ordeno dar o beliche vago acima do Sr. McQueen, no 4.
Mr McQueen, there is no other berth on the train.
Não há mais beIiches.
And tell Mr McQueen I want to see the text of the telegram he sent from Belgrade.
E diga ao McQueen que quero ver o telegrama enviado a belgrado.
Mr McQueen, Monsieur Poirot would be grateful for a few minutes of your time.
Sr. McQueen, o Sr. Poirot quer falar com o senhor.
Mr McQueen, I regret to have kept you waiting, but there has been much to establish.
Sr. McQueen, desculpe a demora, estava ocupado.
About 1 : 30, I remember seeing the English colonel say goodnight to Mr McQueen outside number three and four.
Cerca de 1 h30, o CeI. inglês se despediu do Sr. McQueen junto ao compartimento número três e quatro.
I should be more inclined to suspect you, Mr McQueen, if you displayed an inordinate sorrow at your employer's decease.
Suspeitaria mais se mostrasse muito pesar por sua morte. Pesar?
I am not here to tell you anything, Mr McQueen.
Não tenho que Ihe dizer nada.
Thank you, Mr McQueen.
Obrigado, senhor.
Now, could McQueen, admiring the gentleness, commit so foul a murder without betraying the gentleness of what we might call his fairy godmother?
Como poderia, admirando essa doçura, cometer o crime sem trair a doçura de sua fada madrinha?
- There will. - Tell Mr McQueen I wanna see him, now.
Dlga ao Sr. McQueen que quero vê-lo agora.
So you instructed Mr McQueen and then returned to your own compartment, the number one and two, whose upper berth was occupied by Signor Foscarelli.
Então chamou o Sr. McQueen e voltou ao seu camarote, o número um e dois cujo beliche superior era ocupado por FoscareIIi?
By now, Mr McQueen has doubtless informed you - of the true identity of Mr Ratchett?
Imagino que McQueen informou a identidade de Ratchett.
I was yarning with young what's-his-name, McQueen, in his compartment.
falava com o jovem McQueen, em seu camarote.
But I confess to a mild surprise when the first passenger I interrogated, Mr McQueen, admitted, under emotional stress, that he had actually known Mrs Armstrong, albeit very slightly.
Mas sim que o sr. McQueen que indaguei primeiro reconheceu que havia conhecido a Sra. Armstrong.
Was Mr McQueen lying when he denied ever having known that Ratchett was Cassetti?
Mentia quando negou saber que Ratchett era Cassetti?
We have, one, Mr McQueen, who became boyishly devoted to Mrs Armstrong at the time of the kidnapping.
O Sr. McQueen que se apaixonou juveniImente pela Sra. Armstrong.
Mr McQueen, how many capital letters, each inscribed by a different hand, were contained in each of the two threatening messages you showed me in Ratchett's correspondence file?
Quantas maiúsculas haviam sido escritas em cada uma das cartas que me havia mostrado?
- There will. Tell Mr McQueen I want to see him, now.
Slm há.
And since Mr McQueen had overemphatically said that Ratchett spoke no languages, I was being deliberately manoeuvred into believing that Ratchett was already dead when a voice cried out from his room in French.
E como o Sr. McQueen havia dito enfaticamente que Ratchett não sabia idiomas me faziam crer que Ratchett já estava morto quando a voz gritou desde sua alcova, em francês.
When Steve McQueen met the Blob, he tried to kill it.
Quando o Steve McQueen viu a bolha, ele tentou mata-la.
- Steve McQueen.
- Steve McQueen.
Science Officer Buchan, excellent scientific background, 169 IQ, and Flight Coordinator McQueen, superlative mathematician, 172 IQ.
Buchan oficial de ciências, excelente no campo da ciência, QI de 169, e o McQueen coordenador de voo, grande matemático, QI de 172.
You steal Steve McQueen's car?
- Roubaste o carro do Steve McQueen?
You can bring in the state enlisted... the ghost of Steve McQueen, ten Roman gladiators.
Podes chamar os heróis do estado... o fantasma do Steve McQueen, dez gladiadores Romanos.
Hey, McQueen! You got no chance!
McQueen, não tem juízo!
She caught a stray bullet on Ocean Drive.
Apanhou um tiro em Ocean Drive. Katherine McQueen.
Miss McQuean?
Menina McQueen?
So, Miss McQuean, I'm a little confused.
Menina McQueen, estou um bocado confuso.
Hello, is Kate still there?
A menina McQueen ainda aí está?
So, Juantorena, Miss McQuean is still alive.
Afinal, Juantorena, a menina McQueen ainda está viva.
Under Kate McQuean account.
À cobrança para Kate McQueen.
Numbers are so beautiful. Don't you think so, Miss McQuean?
Os números são coisas lindas, não acha, menina McQueen?
- Yes, sir. You ever see the one called The Man From Rio with Peter Lorre and Steve McQueen?
Alguma vez viste um chamado "The Man From Rio" com o Peter Lorre e o Steve McQueen?
It's called The Man From Rio with Peter Lorre, Steve McQueen.
Chama-se "The Man From Rio" com o Peter Lorre, Steve McQueen.
Anyway, Peter Lorre makes a bet with Steve McQueen... that Steve McQueen can't light his cigarette lighter ten times in a row.
De qualquer maneira, Peter Lorre faz uma aposta com o Steve McQueen, em como o Steve McQueen não consegue acender o seu isqueiro dez vezes seguidas.
Now, if Steve McQueen lights his cigarette lighter ten times in a row, he wins Peter Lorre's new car.
Se Steve McQueen acender o seu isqueiro dez vezes seguidas, ganha o carro ovo do Peter Lorre.
But if he does not light his cigarette lighter ten times in a row, Peter Lorre gets to chop off Steve McQueen's little pinky.
Mas se ele não conseguir acender o isqueiro dez vezes seguidas, o Peter Lorre pode cortar o dedo mindinho do Steve McQueen.
They haven't liked anyone since Steve McQueen died. - You just...
Desde que o Steve McQueen morreu, não gostam de ninguém.
Steve McQueen.
Steve McQueen.
- Nice to meet you, Mr McQueen.
- Muito prazer, Sr. McQueen.
Am I foxier than Brook McQueen?
Eu sou mais * gata * que a Brooke McQueen?
Brooke McQueen is having a party this friday.
Brooke McQueen vai dar uma festa nesta sexta!
You know, when did Brooke McQuenn become the sun aroud which all of us revolve?
Sabe, quando é que a Brooke McQueen se tornou o mundo em que todos giramos em volta?
Brooke McQueen and her posse - - they're a cult.
Brooke McQueen e sua turminha... são como um culto religioso.
Samantha McPherson, Brooke McQueen.
Samantha McPherson, Brooke McQueen!
What, what? Hey, hey, hey. When all of a sudden,
Quando de repente, viramos para o Steve McQueen e o Peter Lorre a ser altamente fodido.
We flip on Steve McQueen, Peter Lorre being fuckin'badasses. - Badass!
- Fodido!

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