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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ N ] / Nyholm

Nyholm Çeviri Portekizce

20 parallel translation
On the other hand, Ms. Nyholm, "inadvertent," my ass.
Por outro lado, Dra. Nyholm. Descuido, o caraças.
Ms. Nyholm, you just gave Mr. Gardner back his third day.
Dra. Nyholm, acabou de devolver o terceiro dia ao Dr. Gardner.
Mrs. Nyholm, I know how this works.
Dra. Nyholm. Eu sei como isto funciona.
Your Honor, Ms. Nyholm stomped out of Mr. Eldredge's deposition two days ago, and we have been constrained with questioning
A Dra. Nyholm fugiu do depoimento do Mr. Eldredge há dois dias e desde aí que não conseguimos falar com a Mrs. Conley ou o Mr.
Ms. Nyholm.
- Mrs. Nyholm.
Ms. Nyholm, how long will you need to prepare your defense?
Mrs. Nyholm, de quanto tempo precisa para preparar a sua defesa?
Nyholm's not budging.
A Nyholm não cede.
Patti Nyholm offered to pay, if we drop our class action.
A Patti Nyholm pode pagar, se abandonarmos a ação popular.
Ms. Nyholm, I get it.
Mrs. Nyholm, já percebi.
I'm ready to rule, Ms. Nyholm.
Estou pronto para decidir.
Quickly, Ms. Nyholm.
- Depressa.
Ms. Nyholm can't pick one attack and then failing that, try another.
A Mrs. Nyholm não pode escolher um ataque, falhar e experimentar outro.
Ms. Nyholm is counting on this surgery being irrelevant by the time you decide.
A Mrs. Nyholm espera que esta cirurgia se torne irrelevante quando o Meritíssimo decidir.
Ms. Nyholm, prepare your witnesses and your exhibits, and I will hear on this matter tomorrow.
Mrs. Nyholm, prepare as testemunhas e as provas e ouvirei este assunto amanhã.
No, Nyholm's right.
Não. A Nyholm tem razão.
I downloaded firmware and cloned Patti Nyholm's phone, in order to intercept her text messages.
Descarreguei software e clonei o telemóvel da Patti Nyholm, para intercetar os SMSs dela.
You really cloned Nyholm's cell?
- Clonaste mesmo o telemóvel?
Nyholm said she was trying to hide Pam.
A Nyholm disse que estava a tentar esconder a Pam.
Ms. Nyholm, you're late.
- A Mrs. Nyholm está atrasada.
Ms. Nyholm?
- Mrs. Nyholm?

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