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Off with their heads Çeviri Portekizce

63 parallel translation
Off with their heads!
Cortem-lhes as cabeças!
Off with their heads.
"Now off with their heads," said the Queen of Hearts.
Que lhes cortem as cabeças! Disse a Rainha de Copas.
"Off with their heads!" screamed the Queen.
Que lhes cortem as cabeças! Disse a Rainha.
"Off with their heads!" screamed the Queen.
Que lhes cortem as cabeças! Gritou a Rainha
Objection? Why not "Off with their heads"?
Por que não : "Que rolem as suas cabeças?"
Until then, off with their heads.
Até lá cortem-lhes a cabeça!
And if they don't... off with their heads!
E se não o fizerem.. Fora com as suas cabeças!
Now... off with their heads!
Agora... fora com as suas cabeças!
- Off with their heads.
- Austera.
Off with their heads!
Cortem as suas cabeças!
Underneath that phoney tour guide shtick, she is as crazy as the Red Queen. "Off with their heads."
Por trás desse papel foleiro de guia turística... é doida como a Rainha de Copas. "Cortem-lhes a cabeça!"
Under that phony tour-guide shtick she's as crazy as the Red Queen. "Off with their heads."
Por trás desse papel foleiro de guia turística... é doida como a Rainha de Copas. " "Cortem-lhes a cabeça!" "
- Forget the'off with their heads'bit. - Why?
Mas, poupe-me dessas coisas revolucionárias.
"Off with their heads".
"Cortem-lhes a cabeça."
"'Off with their heads!
" Cortem-lhes as cabeças!
Off with their heads!
Cortem-lhes a cabeça!
500 of them stark-naked, screamin'their heads off, all with spears.
Eram 500, todos nus, aos gritos e de lanças na mão.
I've just seen 34 American GI's with their heads blown off by Chinese troops.
Acabei de ver 34 soldados americanos serem mortos pelos chineses.
Anyway, this mechanism emits the rays, the nature of which escapes me... but one thing is absolutely certain, that these rays... come into contact with every obstacle in the way and rebound off that obstacle... back into their little heads and warn them.
Continuando, este mecanismo emite os raios, cujo motivo escapa-me mas uma coisa é certa, estes raios entram em contacto alertando-os na sua pequena cabeça.
It was a real butchery : dead people everywhere, with their bowels out and their heads cut off, and blood running on the ground, like a sea of wine.
Parecia um matadouro, com tantos mortos, com as entranhas de fora, as cabeças cortadas, e o sangue que corria como um mar de vinho.
Hands and feet tied up with rope, all the hair on their bodies shaved off. Their heads were found in different places.
As cabeças estavam em sítios diferentes.
I've seen better organised creatures than you running around farmyards with their heads cut off.
Já criaturas mais organizadas que você a correr por pátios com as cabeças cortadas!
Women don't blow their heads off with a shotgun, especially a beautiful woman like Erin Wolfe.
Oh, está bem, está bem. 200 por dia. - E mantemos contato a cada duas horas. - A cada seis horas.
I don't believe in women going off to college with the men, cramming their heads full of Latin and Greek.
Não acredito em mulheres na universidade com homens, a encherem as cabeças de latim e de grego.
I mean, in a few minutes... this place is gonna be swarming with military types... and those bounty hunters are gonna be running around here... like chickens with their heads cut off.
Aquilo vai estar a abarrotar de polícia militar e os caçadores... de prémios vão andar por aí que nem umas galinhas tontas. Tens de ficar.
No reason to admire someone for filling London with a load of garlic-chewing French toffs crying "Ooh la la!" and looking for sympathy just because their fathers had their heads cut off.
O meu café está cheio de francius, e tudo por causa desse maravilhoso Scarlet Pimpernel. O Scarlet Pimpernel não é maravilhoso.
- Funny, as in he likes to ventilate people with a shotgun and then cut their heads off.
Ele despacha as pessoas a tiro de caçadeira e corta-lhes a cabeça.
But I've also seen two agents family men, laying belly down in the grass out there with their heads blown off.
Mas vi também dois agentes homens de família, virados de barriga para o chão...
Can't live with them, can't blow their heads off.
Não pode viver com elas, nem se pode estourar as cabeças delas.
And with fake hair on their heads that falls off when you're having sex with'em.
E com cabelo postiço na cabeça que cai quando estamos a fazer sexo com eles. Simplesmente, cai.
Create their drug addiction, pull them off, then fill their addled heads with noble thoughts of suicide.
Cria o vício delas e corta a dose. Depois enche-lhes a cabeça confusa de pensamentos nobres de suicídio.
And when they were right down, I'd slice off their heads with a sickle.
Chegava lá embaixo, cortava o cangote deles todinho na foice.
Well, chickens live with their heads cut off.
As galinhas vivem, mesmo sem cabeça...
So I say... Cut off their heads, take'em with us.
Eu digo que... cortamos as cabeças, e levamo-las connosco.
Just like they did with those people when they cut their fuckin'heads off.
Tal como fazem com as pessoas, a quem cortam as cabeças.
In Chester they celebrated their victory in battle over the Vikings by cutting off one of their fucking heads and having a game of footy with it.
Em Chester celebraram a victória sobre os Vikings cortaram a cabeça de um e jogaram à bola com ela.
Bunch of towel-heads Are probably laughing their asses off right now, Watching the infidels screaming with pain.
Um monte de árabes estão possivelmente agora no gozo, a ver os infiéis a berrar de dor.
They're knocking on doors, chickens with their heads cut off.
Andam a bater a todas as portas como galinhas sem cabeça.
Yet here you all are, running around like chickens - with their heads cut off.
Cá estão vocês todos, a correr de um lado para o outro como galinhas degoladas.
Off with their fucking heads.
Cortar-lhes a porra das cabeças.
- Depois de eu ter sexo com um gajo, eu corto-lhes as cabeças.
Those two boys nearly had their heads chewed off by some vicious creature with tiny, sharp fangs.
Aqueles dois rapazes quase tiveram as cabeças mastigadas por alguma criatura raivosa com uns dentes pequenos afiados.
The rebels reportedly cut the heads off of their victims with machetes and mutilated their corpses smearing their entrails all over the faces of their children.
Os rebeldes cortaram as cabeças das vitimas com facões e mutilaram os cadáveres esfregando suas entranhas na cara de seus filhos.
I made it very clear, they even breathe in your direction I'm ripping their heads off, starting with Ari.
Deixei bem claro que se respirassem na tua direcção, arrancar-lhes-ia a cabeça, começando pelo Ari.
10 years later, we dump'em on some godforsaken shore with a rifle in their hands waiting to get their heads blown off.
10 anos depois, atiram-nos para uma terra esquecida por Deus com uma espingarda na mão, à espera que te arranquem a cabeça.
He convinced Glitch that if he dug up a couple of Jamaicans and cut off their heads, that it would get him back in tight with his Westie pals.
Ele convenceu o Vacilão que se ele decapitasse uns jamaicanos, ele voltava firme para os seus amigos de Westie.
Basically, death squads of Grimms would roam the countryside lopping off heads, gouging out eyes, cutting off limbs, testicles, and then marking their kills with the Sterbestunde brand.
Basicamente, esquadrões da morte de Grimms rumavam pelo campo a cortar cabeças, a arrancar olhos, a cortar pernas, testículos, e depois marcavam as vítimas com a marca da Sterbestunde.
After the girls recovered from what he'd done to their toes... and only after they'd recovered... he'd saw off their heads with a rusty saw.
Depois de as raparigas recuperarem das lesões feitas nos pés, e só mesmo depois de recuperarem, é que ele as decapitava com uma serra ferrugenta.
"With their heads cut off." What?
Como baratas tontas.
"running around like chickens with their heads cut off."
Diz-se "Correr de um lado para o outro como uma barata tonta".

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