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Palm beach Çeviri Portekizce

266 parallel translation
Berryman practically built Palm Beach and Miami, but he said he wouldn't touch this.
John Berryman veio vê-la no mês passado.
When a man like that passes a place up, no one wants it.
Foi ele que quase construiu Palm Beach e Miami mas disse que não tocaria nela.
If I were to buy, I should prefer some place like Palm Beach.
Onde estará quando tiver 65 anos? Ou seja dentro de 3 meses.
Palm Beach? The Atlantic City of yesterday? The slums of tomorrow?
Se é o que eu devia comprar seria um sítio como Palm Beach.
You know the population of Cocoanut Beach doubled last week?
Palm Beach? O Atlântic City de ontem? A região de amanhã?
Palm Beach, Savannah, Jacksonville New York, Philadelphia. All aboard!
Autocarro Nocturno para Nova Iorque
All aboard for Miami, Palm Beach and Point South.
Tudo a bordo para Miami, Palm Beach e Ponto Sul.
You know, I recognized you as soon as you came in, though I haven't seen you since that night at the casino at Palm Beach.
Sabes, reconheci-te só pelo jeito como vinhas, não nos vemos desde aquela noite no casino em Palm Beach.
Palm Beach?
Palm Beach?
Tell me, blossom, what made you take your white body to Palm Beach?
Diz-me, minha flor, por que levaste o teu corpo branco a Palm Beach?
I want to speak to Palm Beach, Florida.
Quero falar para Palm Beach, na Florida.
She's at the home of Lord Cedric Bottomley, Palm Beach.
Ela está em casa de Lorde Cedric Bottomley, em Palm Beach.
Miss Lorraine Sheldon from Palm Beach.
Miss Lorraine Sheldon de Palm Beach.
Palm Beach has been so hectic.
Palm Beach está um caos.
After all, I came all the way from Palm Beach, even on Christmas Eve.
Afinal, eu vim de Palm Beach, até na Véspera de Natal.
Isn't it curious, there was Lorraine snug as a bug in somebody's patio in Palm Beach?
Não é curioso, lá estava a Lorraine, bem confortável, no pátio de alguém, em Palm Beach?
It's the latest report from Palm Beach on the winter maneuvers of Lorraine Sheldon against the left flank, or rather all flanks, of Lord Cedric Bottomley.
As últimas notícias de Palm Beach, sobre as manobras de Inverno de Lorraine Sheldon contra o flanco esquerdo, ou melhor, todos os flancos, de Lorde Bottomley.
Missing Persons Bureau reported him seen... in Chicago, Denver, Palm Beach and Hollywood, but all at the same time.
De Desaparecidos diz que foi visto... em Chicago, Denver, Palm Beach e Hollywood ao mesmo tempo.
You know, I recognized you just as soon as you came in, though I haven't seen you since that night at the casino at Palm Beach.
Sabes, reconheci-te só pelo jeito como vinhas, não nos vemos desde aquela noite no casino em Palm Beach.
I rather thought you'd be in Bermuda or Palm Beach.
Imaginava-o antes nas Bermudas ou em Palm Beach.
"Hard-Hearted Hannah" is a Palm Beach stroller consisting of mustard crash pants and a blouse of gray and white silk.
"Hannah lmpiedosa" é um traje de passeio de Palm Beach... que consiste em calças cor de mostarda e blusa de seda cinzenta e branca.
- Europe, Palm Beach- -
- Europa, Palm Beach...
So I telephoned my housekeeper in Palm Beach and she's airmailing some books from my home.
Então eu telefonei para minha governanta em Palm Beach e ela está enviando alguns livros da minha casa.
So is Fred Cusik in Palm Beach.
O Fred Cusik em Palm Beach também.
Like we did in Palm Beach, remember?
Como fizemos em Palm Beach, lembras-te?
Were you one of those faceless young bodies in Palm Beach?
Eras um daqueles jovens corpos sem rosto em Palm Beach?
- You called yourself Carl in Palm Beach.
- Disseste que era Carl, em Palm Beach.
- You bought it for me in Palm Beach.
- Compraste-mo em Palm Beach.
I got a big job in Palm Beach mixing with all kinds of important people.
Um emprego importante, em Palm Beach, a lidar com gente importante.
The curator of the Palm Beach Museum is flying up in the morning.
O curador do Museu de Palm Beach está vindo pela manhã.
- Palm Beach County.
- Da comarca de Palm Beach.
That would set me up for life in Palm Beach.
Pagaria minha aposentadoria em Palm Beach.
You see here, Mr. Charleston of New York, Palm Beach and Beverly Hills.
Olhe você, Mr. Charleston, de Nova lorque, Palm Beach e Beverly Hills.
Suspect vehicle registered in the name of Fred Shine, 2016 Palm Beach Drive, not reported stolen, Ten four.
O nome do dono do carro suspeito é Fred Shine, 2016, Palm Beach Drive. O carro não foi roubado.
Palm Beach Drive.
- Palm Beach Drive.
2016 Palm Beach Drive.
2016, Palm Beach Drive.
Can we talk about it in Palm Beach tonight?
Podemos combinar uma conversa sobre isto esta noite em Palm Beach?
2-3 Sierra, this is Palm Beach Approach.
2-3 Sierra, Controlo de Palm Beach.
Look, we have a date tonight in Palm Beach, so you take care of yourself.
Escuta, temos um encontro esta noite em Palm Beach, por isso, cuida de ti.
Just my sisters and Luigi live here with Mother. - Mac and I live in Palm Beach.
Mac e eu, em Palm Beach.
- Palm Springs? - No.
- Palm Beach.
Palm Beach. - Palm Beach. You go out on the beach and get a tan, do you?
Vai à praia se bronzear?
Tallahassee? That's not very far from where I live in Palm Beach.
Não é longe de onde eu moro, em Palm Beach.
Al built our condo in Palm Beach.
Construiu o nosso apartamento em Palm Beach.
Glenda is seriously involved with a narc from Palm Beach.
ela namora um dos Narcóticos de palm Beach.
Plus we got a major score in Palm Beach for you in six weeks.
Além disso, temos um grande assalto em Palm Beach para ti, em seis semanas.
I love Palm Beach at this time of year.
Adoro Palm Beach nesta época do ano.
She won't take the kid north of Palm Beach.
Ela não levará o miúdo além de Palm Beach.
I saw us on a ship looking at the sea and the stars... standing on a tropical beach in the moonlight, with palm tress sighing.
Vi-nos num barco, olhando para o mar e para as estrelas... Numa praia tropical, ao luar, com as palmeiras em cima de nós.
And if not, you'll be on a clean white beach protected by palm trees.
E se não derem, pelo menos está numa praia limpa com palmeiras.
The Beach Boys. Palm trees...
Louras por todos os lados, os Beach Boys,

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