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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ P ] / Parrish

Parrish Çeviri Portekizce

582 parallel translation
It looks like a sunrise by Maxfield Parrish.
Parece um pôr do sol de Maxfield Parrish.
Know Mrs. Parrish? She told me that Mr. Parrish came home one night with lipstick on his collar.
A Sra. Parrish disse que o marido chegou em casa manchado de batom.
MAN 2 : Gill, 50, Picket, 45, Talbot, 70, Parrish, 85.
Talbot Gill, 50, Piquete, 45, 70, Parrish, 85.
Get a word to Topp and Parrish and warn the others.
Avise ao Topp e Parrish para alertar os outros.
Marshall, Gill, Pickett, Topp and Parrish.
Marshall, Gill, Pickett, Topp and Parrish.
Homer Parrish.
Homer Parrish. - Aqui!
- Parrish?
- Parrish. Glad to know you.
- Prazer conhecê-lo.
May I help you with that, Mrs Parrish?
- Posso ajudá-la com isso, Mrs. Parrish?
- Good afternoon, Mr Parrish. Have you seen Homer?
- Boa tarde, Mr Parrish.
Mr. Parrish.
- Sr. Parrish?
You came out here to die, Mr. Parrish.
Veio aqui para morrer, Sr. Parrish.
- Goodbye, Mr. Parrish.
- Adeus, Sr. Parrish.
Mr. Parrish, better keep out of this.
Sr. Parrish, é melhor ficar fora disto.
I guess that's all Mr. Parrish has to say.
- O Sr. Parrish já não tem mais nada a dizer.
None of us wants to get hurt, Mr. Parrish.
Entendem? Nenhum de nós se quer ferir, Sr. Parrish.
Sure, Mr. Parrish.
Claro, Sr. Parrish.
Mr. Parrish, for what it's worth to remind you... My dad and mother helped you that first winter you came out here.
Sr. Parrish, se é que vale a pena lembrá-lo, os meus pais ajudaram-no no primeiro inverno que passou aqui.
Capt. Parrish, they tell me you served with Gen. Kirkpatrick in Georgia.
Capitão Parrish, disseram-me que serviu o General Kirkpatrick na Geórgia.
Are you just trying to be different, Mr. Parrish, or is it something else?
Está a tentar ser diferente, Sr. Parrish, ou é outra coisa?
Go inside, Mr. Parrish.
Entre, Sr. Parrish.
Mr. Parrish, please come in.
Sr. Parrish, faça favor de entrar.
What a pity, Mr. Parrish.
Que pena, Sr. Parrish.
Come and meet Mr. Parrish.
Vem conhecer o Sr. Parrish.
Lew dear, Mr. Parrish is our guest.
Lew querido, o Sr. Parrish é nosso convidado.
I can't walk on them, Mr. Parrish.
Não posso andar com elas, Sr. Parrish.
Parrish is too sure of himself.
O Parrish é demasiado seguro de si.
I'm going to make sure Parrish sells.
Vou certificar-me de que o Parrish vende.
Matlock, I work for Parrish.
Matlock, eu trabalho para o Parrish.
This will help Parrish make up his mind.
Isto vai ajudar o Parrish a decidir-se.
Mr. Parrish, he said it's to help you make up your mind.
Sr. Parrish, ele disse que era para o ajudar a decidir-se.
Now, Mr. Parrish... We've got here what you might call a peculiar situation.
Sr. Parrish, temos aqui aquilo a que se pode chamar uma situação peculiar.
Now, Mr. Parrish, you're a reasonable fella.
Sr. Parrish, o senhor é razoável.
Nothing personal intended, Mr. Parrish... But out here we just don't take kindly to strangers who come among us... And try to use our law to settle their private grudges.
Não é nada de pessoal, Sr. Parrish, mas nós não aceitamos muito bem que venham forasteiros... tentar usar a nossa lei para resolver os seus rancores privados.
My name's Parrish.
Chamo-me Parrish.
Well, Mr. Parrish, this is a strange place for you to come today.
Bem, Sr. Parrish, é estranho que venha aqui hoje.
If Mr. Parrish weren't so stubborn, the valley would be yours.
Se o Sr. Parrish não fosse teimoso, o vale seria teu.
Mr. Parrish.
Sr. Parrish.
Excuse me, Mr. Parrish.
Com licença, Sr. Parrish.
Bud always spoke well of you, Mr. Parrish.
O Bud sempre falou bem de si, Sr. Parrish.
I won't keep you any longer, Mr. Parrish.
Não lhe levo mais tempo, Sr. Parrish.
You keep it, Mr. Parrish.
Fique com ela, Sr. Parrish.
You see, Mr. Parrish, we're farmers.
Sabe, nós somos lavradores.
Wait for Mr. Parrish's signal.
Esperem pelo sinal do Sr. Parrish.
Your real concern should be Parrish.
A tua preocupação devia ser o Parrish.
I'm beginning to think I was all wrong about Parrish.
Estou a começar a pensar que me enganei acerca do Parrish.
How can you talk so tolerantly about Parrish?
Como podes ser tão tolerante com o Parrish?
Cole was following out your orders of driving Parrish out of the valley.
O Cole estava a seguir as tuas ordens de tirar o Parrish do vale.
He's put every nester on the side of Parrish.
Ele pôs todos os colonos do lado do Parrish.
- Parrish.
What is it, Homer?
- Parrish.

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