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Reven Çeviri Portekizce

56 parallel translation
"Never" is just "reven" spelled backwards.
"Nunca" não quer dizer nada.
What's on the reven-genda this evening, hmm?
O que temos na "vingan-genda" para esta noite?
Takeda had his own reven-genda?
O Takeda tinha a sua própria vinga-agenda?
Plus I, uh, have my own Grayson reven-genda this week.
Além disso, eu... tenho o meu próprio plano de vingança contra os Grayson, para esta semana.
I agree, Reven.
Concordo, Reven.
Reven Wright said that main justice would be sending an attack dog.
Reven Wright disse que iam enviar um cão de ataque.
A redacted operational report to Reven Wright.
Um relatório operacional dirigido à Reven Wright.
I've assigned Reven Wright to oversee the investigation of Agent Keen.
A Reven Wright será supervisora da investigação à agente Keen.
He's right to keep us out of the loop.
Ele tem razão em não nos dizer, Reven.
I just got off the line with Reven Wright.
- Acabei de falar com a Reven Wright.
I appreciate what you've done, Reven.
Agradeço o que fez, Reven.
Reven. Hey.
Reven speaks very highly of you.
- O Reven fala muito bem de si.
Look, if you got a problem, why don't you take it up with Reven Wright?
Olhe, se você tem problemas, porque não assume tudo com a Reven Wright?
Reven wright's waiting for you in mr. Cooper's office.
A Reven Wright está à sua espera.
Jesus, i told reven wright that cooper betrayed us - - Betrayed me.
Disse à Reven Wright que o Cooper traiu-nos, traiu-me.
Reven. I wasn't expecting you.
Não contava consigo.
You said you took care of the Reven Wright situation.
Disseste que tomaste conta do problema Reven Wright.
Until that time you'll be held here under the authority and protection of Reven Wright.
Até chegar esse momento, vais ser mantida aqui, sob autoridade e protecção da Reven Wright.
Nobody's heard from Reven Wright since last night.
Ninguém sabe da Reven Wright desde ontem à noite.
You know Reven Wright will never allow this.
Sabe que a Reven Wright nunca permitirá isso.
- Where's Reven Wright?
- Onde está a Reven Wright?
Look, Reven said I could trust you.
A Reven disse para confiar em si.
As for Reven Wright, last time we talked, she mentioned an associate.
Quanto à Reven Wright, na última vez que falámos, ela mencionou um associado.
Reven Wright's not coming back.
A Reven Wright não vai voltar.
Was a guy I told Reven about, only Reven, and Hitchin just asked about him.
Um tipo que só falei com a Riven. A Hitchin anda fazer perguntas sobre ele.
I consulted with Reven Wright before I drafted the order.
Consultei-me com a Reven Wright antes de dar esta ordem.
I know you killed Reven Wright.
Sei que matou a Reven Wright.
But I also expected Reven Wright to be there to intervene.
Mas também esperava que Reven Wright estivesse lá para intervir.
Look, Reven may be gone. The safeguards we put in place for your arrest are intact.
A Reven pode ter morrido, mas as salvaguardas que preparámos para a tua detenção estão intactas.
That's the judge Reven Wright selected?
Foi esse o juiz que a Reven escolheu?
Reven Wright and Diane Fowler were good people.
A Reven Wright e a Diane Fowler eram boas pessoas.
See, I know you murdered Reven Wright, and one day, I'm gonna prove it.
Sabes, eu sei que mataste o Reven Wright e um dia... vou prová-lo.
Reven Wright... was my superior and my friend, so I don't like this any more than you, but the inquiry into her disappearance...
A Reven Wright era minha superior e minha amiga. Isto também não me agrada, mas o inquérito ao seu desaparecimento...
Reven Wright didn't disappear. She was murdered by Laurel Hitchin.
A Reven não desapareceu, foi morta pela Laurel Hitchin.
Case files. Reven Wright's disappearance.
Os ficheiros do desaparecimento da Reven Wright.
The Reven Wright case?
O caso da Reven Wright?
The disappearance of reven Wright.
O desaparecimento de Reven Wright.
Sir, a new witness just came forward in the reven Wright case.
Senhor, há uma nova testemunha no caso Reven Wright.
Enough with the reven Wright thing. Come on.
Donald, chega com essa coisa da Reven Wright.
We think krilov somehow programed ressler to believe hitchin abducted a witness that could connect her to reven Wright's murder.
Achamos que Krilov programou Ressler para pensar que Hitchin raptou uma testemunha que a ligaria à morte de Reven Wright.
Now, miss hitchins here is a prime suspect in reven Wright's murder.
A Ms. Hitchin é suspeita no assassinato de Reven Wright.
Not when she's the only person that can tie you to reven Wright's murder.
Não quando é a única ligação ao assassinato de Reven Wright.
Keen, I found a witness who saw hitchin's men dispose of reven's body.
Keen. Encontrei uma testemunha que viu Hitchin livrar-se do corpo de Reven.
We will find justice for reven.
Faremos justiça pelo Reven.
Your hunt for reven Wright is over.
A tua busca pela Reven Wright terminou.
You get Prescott, he gives us reven Wright. Her body gives us that bullet, that bullet gets us hitchin who has the power to derail a grand jury.
Apanhou o Prescott, ele deu-nos a Reven Wright, o corpo dela dá-nos essa bala, a bala dá-nos a Hitchin.
Told reven that story, told her that's the reason why I became a cop, to prevent other Tommy markins from getting away with murder.
Contei essa história à Reven. Contei-lhe que foi por isso que me tornei polícia. Para impedir que outros Tommy Markins se safassem com um homicídio.
It was like reven was sending me a message through her killer begging me to solve this case.
Foi como se a Reven me estive a passar uma mensagem, pela sua assassina, - implorando-me para resolver o caso.
Just spoke to Reven Wright.
Acabei de falar com a Reven Wright.
Reven Wright.
Reven Wright.

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