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Seaweed Çeviri Portekizce

286 parallel translation
It was an experiment with seaweed.
Foi uma experiência com uma alga marinha.
Well, what good's a medal when you're washed up on a beach in a mess of seaweed?
De que servem se acabas estirado numa praia... envolvido em algas?
Alga marinha.
Slimy cold on seaweed dishes
Gelado pegajoso em pratos de algas
Hey, dig this crazy seaweed. That's no seaweed.
Ei... vejam só esta alga estranha!
I've picked up a few hitchhikers, but you were a weird sight, running along in seaweed shorts!
Eu já vi muitos a pedir boleia, mas nunca um tão engraçado com algas nos calções.
- Seaweed.
- Algas.
Pacific Edible Seaweed Company and it's in Fresno.
Firma de Algas, em Fresno.
It's because he has sunk $ 40,000, including $ 15,000 of my money into a company that makes seaweed for people to eat.
Porque afundou 40 mil... sendo 15 meus, numa firma de algas comestíveis.
Looks like seaweed.
Parecem algas.
We're picking up seaweed, or whatever that is.
Estamos pegando algas marinhas, ou o que quer que seja.
That stuff we passed through that looks like seaweed?
Aquele troço que se parecia com algas marinhas que passamos?
Stuffed seaweed.
Recheio de algas.
- Seaweed pie. Mmm!
Então como decide?
She makes one seaweed pie and goes mad.
- Há algo mais?
As though the seaweed pie was all that marvelous. Why should Spain and Tahiti and Rio
Que desejamos ver.
Seaweed steak, from the ocean.
Bife de alga marinha, vindo do oceano.
- Let's all go for a seaweed sauna.
- Vamos todos para uma sauna de algas marinhas.
Nut cutlets, wholegrain rice, seaweed tart.
Costeletas de noz, arroz integral, torta de alga marinha.Oh, não!
All they buy is seaweed.
Tudo o que eles compram é a alga marinha.
You don't pay for a boat by peddling seaweed.
Você não paga um barco mascateando alga marinha.
The dry seaweed on the rocks you can see out there...
As algas secas sobre as rochas que pode ver ali...
Playing hide and seek in the seaweed is a silly game.
Jogar às escondidas nas algas é um jogo pateta.
Seaweed is wrapped around his body.
As algas envolvem o seu corpo.
Your legs look like seaweed.
Suas pernas parecem algas.
Broiled alive, packaged in seaweed... and shipped out here by train.
Cozida viva, enrolada em algas, e enviada para aqui por comboio.
And summer smelled like seaweed and anthills.
E o Verão cheirava a algas e formigueiros.
He had water in his lungs... salt water around his mouth, seaweed in his clothes.
Tinha água nos pulmões... água salgada ao redor da boca, algas na roupa.
They gathered seaweed and extracted the chemicals.
Apanhavam algas extraiam os químicos.
'We busied ourselves chopping palm fronds and lacing them to bamboo'with dried seaweed and snot.
Cortamos copas de palmeiras e unimo-las ao bambu, com algas secas e ranho.
Rice, raw fish and seaweed.
Arroz, peixe cru e alga.
You know, seaweed's generally not considered to be the best lure for fishin'.
Sabes, as algas não são consideradas como o melhor isco para a pesca.
He takes 10,000 G.I. Joes... slaps some gills on'em, webs their feet, packages'em in seaweed.
Pega em 10.000 recrutas, pega-lhes umas guelras, e mete umas algas no pacote.
I'm Seaweed.
Eu sou o Seaweed.
Seaweed gave me the directions.
O Seaweed deu-me direcções.
I'm L'il lnez, Seaweed's sister.
Eu sou a L'il lnez, irmã do Seaweed.
Oh, Seaweed, will integration ever come?
Oh, Seaweed, a integração alguma vez chegará?
Seaweed, look!
Seaweed, olha!
I love you, Seaweed!
Eu amo-te, Seaweed!
* I ate seaweed and parsley and peanuts, no oil *
Comi algas, pimentões e amendoins Sem gorduras Exercitava as minhas coxas flácidas
The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake
O fruto do meu vizinho parece melhor que o meu
Seaweed and kelp. If I want something from the ocean, I'll eat a fish stick.
Se eu quiser fazer alguma coisa a partir do oceano, eu vou comer um peixe pau.
There is nothing to eat on or around these barren rocks except seaweed and to get that they will have to swim.
Não há nada para comer nestas rochas estéreis além de algas, e para chegarem até elas, terão de nadar.
But the sea around here is surprisingly cold around 1 2 to 1 6 degrees centigrade and only the bigger iguanas can absorb enough heat to power the dives to enable them to go to the seaweed at any depth.
Mas o mar aqui à volta é surpreendentemente frio, rondando os 15ºC a 16ºC, e só as maiores iguanas podem absorver calor suficiente que lhes dá energia suficiente para mergulhar e apanhar as algas a qualquer profundidade.
In the shallows close to the shore the seaweed has been heavily cropped.
Nas águas superficiais, perto da costa, as algas foram fortemente colhidas.
Now they need heat in order to be able to digest that meal of seaweed and they get that by spread-eagling themselves on these black hot sun-baked rocks.
Agora precisam de calor para conseguir digerir aquela refeição de algas, e conseguem isso esticando-se nestas rochas quentes e negras banhadas pelo Sol.
we will add some of this seaweed.
- Vou juntar algumas algas.
Seaweed. There you go again.
- Outra vez.
And quite a lot of seaweed.
E muitas algas.
- Algas?

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