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Stapleton Çeviri Portekizce

179 parallel translation
- Stapleton.
- How about Miss Stapleton?
E a Menina Stapleton?
Well, good morning, Miss Stapleton.
Bem, bom dia, Menina Stapleton.
My name is Stapleton.
Eu sou o Stapleton.
Mr. Stapleton?
Sr. Stapleton?
Perhaps Stapleton can help you.
Talvez o Stapleton possa ajudar.
Leave the lanterns there, Mr. Stapleton.
Deixe aqui as lanternas, Sr. Stapleton.
- Don't you agree, Stapleton?
- Não concorda, Stapleton?
Mr. Stapleton, will you lead us back to the path immediately, please?
Sr. Stapleton, pode conduzir-nos à estrada, por favor?
I wasn't able to tell you before... but Stapleton has asked us over for a meal tonight.
O Stapleton convidou-nos aos três para jantar com ele, esta noite.
Barrymore's confirmed what I suspected. The fingers of Sir Hugo's right hand were webbed. - Stapleton.
Os dedos da mão direita de Sir Hugo estavam ligados por membranas.
- Exactly.
- O Stapleton
- Exactamente. O Stapleton.
I discovered it after Stapleton tried to kill me down there.
Descobri isto depois de o Stapleton me tentar matar lá em baixo.
"And so I am sending you the missing portrait..." "which we found at Stapleton's farm to add to your collection of souvenirs."
Envio-lhe o retrato, encontrado na quinta do Stapleton, para a sua colecção de souvenirs.
Stapleton of Merripit House.
Stapleton, de Merripit House.
Thank you Mr. Stapleton.
Obrigado, Sr. Stapleton.
Miss Stapleton.
Miss Stapleton.
Were I Sir Henry Miss Stapleton I'm sure I would not miss your beauty but I'm afraid I'm not,
Se eu fosse o Sir Henry, Miss Stapleton, não teria perdido a sua beleza, mas infelizmente não sou.
I cannot forget Miss Stapleton.
Não posso, Miss Stapleton.
Miss Stapleton,
Miss Stapleton,
Miss Stapleton is very handsome and on Tuesday we are to dine here at Baskerville Hall with all our neighbors.
A Miss Stapleton é muito bonita e na terça-feira vamos dar um jantar aqui em Baskerville Hall, com todos os nossos vizinhos para que Sir Henry
Bravo Miss Stapleton,
Bravo, Miss Stapleton!
I thought I'd invite Stapleton and his sister rather I should say, Miss Stapleton and her brother to luncheon on Monday.
Pensei convidar o Stapleton e a irmã - ou melhor, a Miss Stapleton e o irmão dela - para um almoço na segunda-feira.
if Stapleton partly believes it's true perhaps he might want his sister not to be.
Se o Stapleton acreditar nela, com certeza não quererá que a irmã...
Era o Stapleton.
Did you know there was a close intimacy between Lora Lyons and the entomologist, Stapleton?
Sabia que existe uma relação entre a Sra. Lyons e o entomologista, Stapleton?
Because Miss Stapleton is in reality Stapleton's wife not his sister.
Porque a Miss Stapleton é na realidade a esposa do Stapleton e não a sua irmã!
It's Stapleton!
É o Stapleton!
Tell Stapleton that I would have been happy to come with you but the urgent business requires me to be in town.
Diga aos Stapleton que teria muito prazer em ir consigo, mas que tive de regressar a Londres.
Mrs. Lyons we believe this to be a case of murder and the evidence may implicate not only your friend Mr. Stapleton but his wife as well.
Este é um caso de homicídio, Sra. Lyons e as evidencia parecem implicar não apenas o seu amigo Sr. Stapleton, mas também a sua esposa.
Mr. Stapleton offered me marriage on condition that I could obtain a divorce from my husband.
... o Sr. Stapleton pediu-me em casamento, na condição de me divorciar do meu marido.
And Sir Charles used Stapleton as an intermediary?
Sir Charles usava o Sr. Stapleton como intermediário?
And the sending of the letter was suggested by Stapleton?
E a carta que enviou, foi sugerida pelo Stapleton?
You said Beryl Stapleton was not there?
Disse que a Beryl Stapleton não estava lá?
Holmes had established that Stapleton had bought the dog from Mangles of the...
O Holmes provou que o Stapleton tinha comprado o cão no "Mangles"... - Ross!
Through intermediaries Baron Stapleton said that he intended to return to Central America and conduct his claim upon the estate from the depths of Costa Rica.
Através dos intermediários. Beryl Stapleton disse que ele tencionava voltar à América Central e reclamar a propriedade a partir das profundezas da Costa Rica.
I'm calling from Stapleton Airport.
Estou a telefonar do aeroporto de Stapleton.
We hear from the news department only a few flights are landing at Stapleton Airport and with storms like this I guess the entire airport will be closed within the hour.
Raros são os aviões que ainda pousam no aeroporto. E com este tempo é mais que certo que será encerrado.
And by white powder, I don't mean talcum powder. His horse is so tough it's already put 1 1 cowboys in the hospital.
Senhoras e senhores, o pior homem de Oklahoma... que fol o segindo colocado do ano passado, Rlngo Stapleton.
Stapleton of Merripit House.
Com certeza. Como está?
I'm sure an hour will not hurt.
Obrigado, Sr. Stapleton.
Go back and never set foot on the moor again.
O meu irmão vem aí. Miss Stapleton.
Sh, my brother is coming. Miss Stapleton.
Desapareça deste local o mais depressa possível!
I was telling Sir Henry it's a pity he has missed the beauties of the moor. Were I Sir Henry Miss Stapleton
Se eu fosse Sir Henry, Miss Stapleton, não teria perdido a sua beleza, mas infelizmente não sou.
You must forgive and forget my foolish outburst Doctor Watson.
Não posso, Miss Stapleton. Deve fazê-lo!
I cannot forget Miss Stapleton. You must.
Sou amigo de Sir Henry e o seu bem-estar é minha preocupação.
I cannot say anything definite for I do not know anything definite.
Miss Stapleton, só mais uma pergunta.
Miss Stapleton, I would ask you one more question, if you meant no more than this when you first spoke to me, why were you so eager that your brother should not overhear what you said?
Se era só isso, por que quando falou comigo não quis que o seu irmão a ouvisse?
Barrymore found it amongst Sir Henry's luggage when he unpacked. Miss Stapleton is very handsome and on Tuesday we are to dine here at Baskerville Hall with all our neighbors.
Miss Stapleton é muito bonita e na terça-feira vamos dar um jantar aqui em Baskerville Hall, com todos os nossos vizinhos... para que Sir Henry que se queixa das restrições impostas - possa constatar a beleza dela, em pessoa.
Possibly he's told you my name,
Stapleton, de Merripit House.

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