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The last time i was here Çeviri Portekizce

197 parallel translation
You fixed that the last time I was here.
Arranjaste-o da última vez que cá estive.
The last time I was here, before Vittorio brought me?
Sabe da última vez que eu estive aqui, antes do Vittorio me trazer?
Well, the last time I was here, that's where I sat.
Da última vez que vim, fiquei sentada ali.
The last time I was here I didn't tell you my opinion of kidnappers.
Da última vez que estive aqui, não vos disse o que penso de tipos que são raptores.
She had to have known the last time I was here.
Ela devia saber a última vez que estive aqui.
The last time I was here, I was very rude.
Da última vez que aqui estive, fui mal-educada.
You know, the last time I was here, I forgot to ask the question, too.
Da última vez que cá estive, esqueci-me de fazer uma pergunta.
The last time I was here, Charlie, was with a G-2 from Brussels.
A última vez que aqui estive foi com um G-2 de Bruxelas.
Actually, I was just passing through on my way to Risa. The last time I was here
Ia a caminho de Risa.
Besides, I am afraid this place has lost its charm since the last time I was here.
Além disso, temo que este sítio tenha perdido o seu charme desde a última vez que aqui estive.
The last time I was here, they had this sirloin made from soybeans.
Da última vez que aqui estive, eles faziam este molho com feijões.
I read it the last time I was here.
Li-o da última vez que cá estive.
If I was a warlock, and I wanted to hurt you, don't you think I would've done it the last time I was here?
Se eu fosse um mago e vos quisesse fazer mal não o teria feito da última vez?
I'd like to apologize to you all... for the way I acted the last time I was here.
Eu gostaria de me desculpar com todos... pela forma em que me comportei o outro dia.
The last time I was here, you said there weren't going to be any solar flares for 4.8 cycles.
Da última vez, você disse que não haveria clarões por 4.8 ciclos.
I told you that the last time I was here.
Já lhe tinha dito isso na última vez que cá estive.
The last time I was here, I had a driver, okay?
Da última vez que cá vim, não conduzi, ok?
I had a key made the last time I was here.
Fiz uma chave da última vez que cá estive.
Just because you do not have the resolution to... I got more than enough resolution the last time I was here and sometimes, Scorpy, I do not like the way you do things!
Eu tive mais soluções da última vez que estive aqui e às vezes, Scorpy... eu não gosto do jeito que você faz as coisas!
The last time I was here... someone gave Kiki tap water.
Na última vez que cá estive, alguém deu água da torneira à Kiki. - A sério?
You look a shitload better than you did the last time I was here.
Vê-te muitíssimo melhor que a última vez que vim.
Look, I know I freaked out about us the last time I was here.
- Sei que me assustei connosco...
The last time I was here?
- Obrigada. A última vez que aqui estive?
The last time I was here, I was on the Command Deck of one of our cruisers... driving those blue demons back into their territory.
Da última vez que cá estive, estava ao comando de uma das nossas naves, a levar aqueles demónios azuis de volta para o território deles.
It's changed a lot since the last time I was here.
Mudou muito desde a última vez que estive aqui.
Last time I worked for Postant, I was the headline here.
Da última vez que o vi, eu era uma vedeta.
I don't remember the last time he was here.
Nem me lembro da última vez que cá esteve.
I had my hands on him the last time I was out here.
Pus as minhas mãos nele na última vez que estive aqui.
The last time I seen him lifting'a hand around here, he was testing'his deodorant.
A última vez que o vi levantando um braço por aqui, foi para testar um desodorizante.
Here - last time I saw a saddle like that, it was at the circus, you know? Had a monkey riding on it!
E tinha um macaco montado nela.
You have the clothes I left here last time I was sent to the joint?
Tens as roupas que deixei cá da última vez que fui para a prisa?
Listen, stop me if I'm out of line here but when was the last time you had something to eat?
Ouvir, deter-me se eu estou fora de linha aqui mas, quando foi a última vez você tinha alguma coisa para comer?
I was sitting here thinking, last year at this time, I was fighting the Cardassians in some nameless swamp.
Estava aqui sentada a pensar, no ano passado, por esta altura, estava a lutar contra os cardassianos num pântano sem nome.
Last time I was here, I stole the key. It was by the door.
Da última vez que vim, levei a chave da...
Maybe it's because the last time you were here you claimed that I was here to destroy your people.
Talvez porque a última vez que esteve aqui na estação, afirmou que eu era um perigo para Bajor, que eu estava cá para destruir o seu povo.
- When was the last time I came here?
- Há quanto tempo não venho cá?
What's going on? This is exactly what happened the last time I was in here. Huh.
O que se passa?
I mean, when was the last time anything good happened around here?
Quando foi a última vez que aconteceu uma coisa boa?
So this is the same Lise you told me about last time I was here.
Então esta é a mesma Lise de que me falaste da última vez que aqui estive.
It's just... the last time I was in this chair, they were all here... alive.
É que... da última vez que estive nessa cadeira... eles estavam todos aqui... vivos.
That was the last time I took the train here.
Aquela foi a última vez que eu viajei de trem por aqui.
Before I came here, when was the last time you assumed another form?
Antes de eu vir, quando foi a última vez que assumiu outra forma?
The last time I saw her, she was heading up here to see you.
Da última vez que a vi, ela estava vindo falar com você.
Well, the last time I was in here they said I had pinkeye.
A última vez que estive cá, disseram que tinha conjuntivite.
Get your freak on... ( music stops ) The last time I was out here, this was all desert.
Da última vez que estive aqui, isto era um deserto.
Last time I was here, I didn't even see the tanks.
A última vez que estive aqui, nem tinha visto o tanque. Vai ficar bonito, não acha?
I think you asked me the same question the last time we were here and the difference was a hash brown and 27 cents.
Acho que me fizeste a mesma pergunta da última vez que estivemos aqui e a diferença resumia-se a batatas e 27 cêntimos.
The whole drive over here all I could think about was the last time I saw my father.
Durante a viagem até aqui, só pensava na última vez que vi o meu pai.
The last time I came here you said some psychic told you Lisa was still alive- -
A última vez que cá vim, uma médium tinha dito que a Lisa ainda estava viva.
I think your father told you something... about Ken Hammond the last time he was here.
Acho que o teu pai falou-te do... Ken Hammond a última vez que esteve cá.
The last time I saw Kandy, she was here, she packed some boxes, she split.
A última vez que vi a Kandy, ela esteve aqui, empacotou umas caixas e foi-se embora.

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