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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ T ] / There are so many of them

There are so many of them Çeviri Portekizce

57 parallel translation
There are so many of them.
Tem por todas as partes.
There are so many of them.
Ela tem tantos.
I mean, if there are so many of them... what can you do if they're all armed?
O que podem fazer, se eles são tantos e estão armados?
There are so many of them.
São tantos.
There are so many of them about.
Há muitas delas por aí.
There are so many of them here.
Há tantos aqui.
It may be that there are so many of them that it will take time... for the flush and deactivate command to spread through their ranks.
Podem ser tantos... que a saída e o comando de desactivação demorem... a espalhar-se pelos vários níveis.
But there are so many of them.
Mas são imensas.
There are so many of them?
Há muitos deles?
Yeah, there are so many of them.
Sim, há muitos.
There are so many of them.
Há tantas!
There are so many of them
Por aqui existem muitos.
And that's life, But just because there are so many of them, beka, don't think that it's not valuable Or that it doesn't make a difference.
E isso é vida... mas apenas porque existem tantas delas, Beka, não pense que isso não tem valor ou que não faz diferença.
There are so many of them.
São tantos...
There are so many of them.
Eles são tantos.
There are so many of them.
Há tantos.
They are confident in their dominance over us, but mainly because there are so many of them ; too many to sustain for long.
Estão confiantes de que nos dominam, mas, principalmente porque são muitos, são demasiados para se sustentarem.
There are so many of them!
Há tantos deles!
There are so many of them.
Estavam lá tantas.
There are so many of them that theres not enough room for them all on her back.
Há tantos bebés que não há espaço para todos nas suas costas.
And i can't shut them out, there are so many of them.
E não os consigo evitar, são tantos.
There are so many of them!
São tantas.
I'm sorry, mistress. There are so many of them.
Desculpe-me, Dominadora, são muitos.
There are so many of them, even with wife and children.
Existem tantos como ele, mesmo com esposa e filhos.
No. Not yet. But there are so many of them.
Ainda não, mas pensem.
Don't worry, Dagen. because there are so many of them.
Não te preocupes, Dagen só parece ser algo grande porque são tantos.
Wow, there are so many of them.
Há tantos.
Yes, there are far too many of them... so you might as well kill him.
Sim, existem demasiados deles então podias matá-lo também.
There are so many plants on the Earth that there's a danger of thinking them trivial of losing sight of the subtlety and efficiency of their design.
Há tantas plantas na Terra, que existe o risco de as vulgarizar, e de deixar de ver a subtileza e eficiência dos seus desenhos.
I don't know how many of them there are, so be ready for anything.
Não sei quantos é que eles são, por isso, preparem-se para tudo.
There are so many young girls in the house, what if he woos one of them?
Há tantas raparigas jovens na casa. E se ele galanteia uma delas?
Hilbert showed that although there are infinitely many equations, there are ways to divide them up so that they are built out of just a finite set, like a set of building blocks.
Hilbert mostrou que, embora exista uma infinidade de equações, existem maneiras de as separar, de modo a que sejam construídas por um conjunto finito de elementos.
'It's a love of solving problems. 'There are so many problems I could tell them about,'but I've chosen my favourite.'
Podia falar-lhes sobre muitos problemas, mas escolhi o meu preferido.
After all, there are so frakking many... I'm sure even I can be relied upon to find God in one of them.
Afinal, são tantas que até eu serei capaz de encontrar Deus numa delas.
There are so many cars... and each one of them has someone inside driving.
Há tantos carros e todos têm alguém lá dentro, a conduzir.
Or are there so many of them you don't even mention it?
Existem alguns que você não menciona.
So who knows how many of them are really out there?
Portanto, quem sabe quantos existem, realmente?
S-So, how many of them are there?
Então, quantos deles existem?
There are so many Masters in Dojo Street just ask any of them will do
Há tantos Mestres na Dojo Street que bastaria pedir a um qualquer.
Dr Oosthuizen, our vet. But there are too many of them. So I help out, do what's left on a Sunday.
Mas são demasiados e abato os que ficam, aos domingos.
Why are there so many of them?
Por que razão há tantos?
How are there so many of them? We blew the hell out of them.
- Como cresceram tanto desde a noite passada?
Use some of the funds to make sure there are strong institutions within the country that will protect them against human rights violations and so many other issues that we face. But these funds are not used for that, because whenever it's given, they tell you specifically what project you have to use it for. And mainly it's usually mining projects to get access to resources.
Usar parte dele para criar instituições fortes no país que evitem a violação dos direitos humanos e tantos outros problemas. para terem acesso aos nossos recursos.
All of them are marked deceased. Why are there so many?
Estão todos marcados como falecidos.
There are so many great books you haven't read, like all of them.
Existem muitos livros bons que ainda não lês-te, tipo... todos eles.
Why are there so many of them?
Porque é que há tantos?
There are so many of us, let's attack them.
Há muitos de nós, vamos atacá-los.
Only there are... so many of them
Só que há... tantas.
- There are too many of them. - So?
- Há muitos deles.
There are only so many reform schools in England, and only so many prisoners in each of them.
Estes documentos não estavam selados?
There are so many young witches who have resisted their calling because they're afraid... of how they may be perceived, or what's expected of them.
Há tantas jovens bruxas que resistiram à sua vocação porque têm medo de como serão vistas ou do que esperam delas.

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