They say that Çeviri Portekizce
4,889 parallel translation
They say that her husband is connected.
Dizem que o marido tem contactos.
Why would they say that?
O quê? Por que diriam isso?
They say that Max's asthma has a chronic condition limit, and if they don't think the asthma's gonna get any better, then they're not gonna approve new treatment.
Eles dizem que a asma do Max chegou a um limite crónico, e se acharem que a asma não vai ficar melhor, não vão aprovar o novo tratamento.
They say that there's a gasoline truck stuck on the Williamsburg Bridge.
Eles dizem que é um camião de gasolina preso na Ponte Williamsburg.
They say that if you look up, it stops you from crying.
Dizem que, se olharmos para cima, assim não choramos.
Wow, they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but don't you think you're going a little overboard?
Dizem que o pequeno-almoço é a refeição mais importante do dia, mas não acha que está a exagerar?
They say that the first step in fixing a problem is to admit you're powerless over it.
Dizem que o primeiro passo para superar um problema, é admitir a nossa impotência perante ele.
They say that Paul of Tarsus has recovered from his blindness, and join the Galileans.
Dizem que o Paulo de Tarso recuperou da cegueira e juntou-se aos Galileus.
- I don't think they say that. - You sure?
- Acho que ninguém diz isso.
I checked in with Miller's unit, and they say that Hutten hasn't left the house in 14 hours.
Eu confirmei com a unidade do Miller, e eles dizem que o Hutten não sai de casa há 14 horas.
They can say this or that.
Podem dizer o que quiserem.
He's gonna say that things are exactly as they were when you called an hour ago.
Eu vou ligar para o médico. Ele irá dizer exactamente as mesma coisas que ele disse quando ligaste uma hora atrás.
And you heard the real estate broker say that they are very willing to consider anything until 3 : 00.
E ouviste muito bem a vendedora a dizer... que eles estão dispostos a Considere qualquer coisa até 3 : 00.
If you go to the desert. I'll say I handed you over to the army... and that they killed you.
Se fores para o deserto... direi na tua aldeia que te entreguei aos militares... e que eles te mataram.
But the conclusion that we've come to... and I should say that we feel fairly certain... after a very frank conversation... that the guys who are doing this... that they're not actually working for anyone in this room.
Mas a conclusão a que chegámos, e devo dizer que com bastante certeza, após uma conversa muito franca, é que os tipos que andam a fazer isto não trabalham para ninguém nesta sala.
Imagine what they'd say if they knew that you're the reason that they had to chase that ship in the first place.
Imagina o que eles diriam se soubessem que tu és a razão pela qual eles tiveram de perseguir aquele navio.
Say Cardinal Richelieu sends his compliments and promises His Holiness that if he wishes to send any more envoys, they will be returned in the same condition.
Diga que o Cardeal Richelieu envia os seus cumprimentos e promete a Sua Santidade que, se quiser enviar mais emissários, eles serão devolvidos nas mesmas condições.
They were like, "Yeah, no, people say that, too."
Responderam : "Também se usa assim."
Well, I think when most people say they don't want to talk about it, it means it didn't go very well, but with you, I'd infer that, uh, it it went pretty well.
Quando as pessoas dizem não querer falar duma coisa, costuma querer dizer que não correu bem, mas contigo, imagino que tenha corrido bastante bem.
That's what they all say.
É o que todos dizem.
That's what they say.
É o que dizem.
- That they all say.
- Foi o que ela disse.
Hard to say but someone went through a lot of trouble to make sure that they were well preserved.
Não sabemos. Mas esforçaram-se por conservá-los.
You're going to do exactly what they say, that's what.
Vais fazer exatamente o que disserem.
You could put up a greeting card display, so while people were waiting for their prescriptions, they'd say to themselves, " Look at that.
Podia colocar um expositor de cartões de felicitações. Enquanto as pessoas esperam pelas receitas, podem pensar :
They told me you would say something like that.
Eles disseram-me que irias dizer algo como isso.
I notice you didn't say "not horny," Karen. Know what they call that?
Não desmentiste a parte do "excitada", Karen.
Look, all I'm trying to say is that the two local murders were investigated by the Sheriff, and they were not investigated properly, and the two deputies who said something were fired.
Olha, só estou a tentar dizer que os dois assassinatos locais, foram investigados pelo Sheriff e, não foram convenientemente investigados e os dois agentes que disseram algo, foram despedidos.
That's what they say!
É o que eles dizem!
Yeah, definitely, but you know, Pete kind of talked me into it, and then after that first night, when they all clapped, let's just say I'm addicted to more than just coffee.
Sim, com certeza, mas o Pete convenceu-me, e depois da primeira noite, quando todos aplaudiram, digamos que me viciei em alguma coisa além de café.
They say a trucker patrols that highway looking for people to kill.
Dizem que um camionista patrulha a estrada à procura de gente para matar.
See, the demons have a choice. Take orders from the world's angriest ginger, and that's saying something, orjoin my team, where everyone gets a say, a virgin and all the entrails they can eat.
Os demónios tem uma escolha... receber ordens da ruiva mais zangada do mundo... para não dizer outra coisa... ou juntar-se à minha equipa onde todos recebem uma palavra, uma virgem, e todas as entranhas que eles conseguem comer.
And they say we... we can't... know God's intention sometimes, that- - that it's too big for a human to understand, but...
Dizem que não podemos entender a vontade de Deus, às vezes. Que é algo grandioso demais para o entendimento humano, mas...
I'll say whatever they want me to say. So I made up all that stuff about Al. Confessing to us and telling us that and, uh, so it was all a story.
Digo o que quiserem, por isso inventei aquilo sobre o Al nos contar e confessar. "
County records say that when they sold the house, the Bensons bought a home in Brookline.
Os registos da câmara dizem que quando venderam a casa, os Bensons compraram outra em Brookline.
Yeah, what does that say about your police skills if they gave me the job you wanted?
Onde está a tua competência visto que tomei o teu lugar?
They say it's so deep in the bayou that not even an Atrian can swim there.
Dizem que é tão longe no pântano, que nem mesmo um Atriano consegue nadar até lá.
So about a mile up that way is the site of a famous Civil War battle where two rivers merge, and they say the river turned red with blood.
Cerca de uma milha adiante é o local de uma famosa batalha da Guerra Civil onde 2 rios se encontram, e dizem que o rio ficou vermelho com o sangue.
Well, naturally, they have to say something like that to sell the stuff, Harriet.
Eles devem dizer isso para vender as coisas, Harriet.
That's not to say they're not out there.
- Não quer dizer que não existam.
That's what they say about head cheese.
Isso é o que dizem do queijo de porco.
Yeah, and they definitely don't say his name in a room that's wired for audio.
Não dizem o nome, numa sala com o áudio ligado.
What do you think they're gonna say when they learn that you and I were pen pals when I was in prison?
O que é que achas que eles irão dizer, quando souberem que tu e eu trocávamos cartas, quando eu estava na prisão?
Let's just say that they do fry my brain... - I'll kill them.
Digamos apenas que me fritam o cérebro...
I'm supposed to be giving them a tour of the building right now, but I just know they're gonna pass by a monitor with coverage from Boston and one of them's gonna say, " Oh, God, I just can't watch that.
Era suposto eu estar a dar-lhes neste momento uma visita guiada ao edifício, mas eu só sei que eles iriam passar por um monitor com a cobertura de Boston e um deles iria dizer, " Oh, Deus, eu não posso ver isto.
And that, as they say, is that.
E como dizem, é isso mesmo.
I don't care what you say, they did something funny to you up in that hospital.
Digas o que disseres, algo te fizeram naquele hospital.
Anyhow, what is it that they say?
Seja como for, como é que se costuma dizer?
There's all these studies that say that if... if you don't talk to the baby, they end up, like, fucked by the time they're five.
Há estudos que confirmam que, se não falarmos com os bebés, aos cinco anos estão lixados.
After he started working, in San Fransico at Condé Nast, he comes into the office and they want to give him a computer with all this crap installed on it and say that he can't install any new things on this computer, which to a developer is outrageous, right?
ESCRITÓRIOS CONDÉ NAST EM SÃO FRANCISCO REVISTA WIRED REDDIT Depois de ele ter começado a trabalhar na Condé Nast, em São Francisco, ele entra no escritório e querem dar-lhe um computador com um monte de porcaria instalada e dizem-lhe que ele não pode instalar nada novo naquele computador, o que, para um desenvolvedor, é ultrajante, certo?
They found that computer in this room in the basement of an MIT building they could have unplugged it, they could have waited for the guy to come back and say " Dude, what are you doing?
Encontraram o computador numa sala na cave de um edifício do MIT. Podiam tê-lo desligado... ADVOGADO DE DEFESA DO AARON... podiam ter esperado que o tipo voltasse e ter dito :
they say 605
say that again 344
say that 54
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
say that again 344
say that 54
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334