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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ T ] / They want to talk to you

They want to talk to you Çeviri Portekizce

205 parallel translation
They want to talk to you.
Querem falar contigo.
They want to talk to you.
Ele quer falar contigo.
They want to talk to you.
Eles querem falar com o senhor.
They want to talk to you.
Querem falar com você.
They want to talk to you about that bomb.
Querem falar contigo sobre aquela bomba.
Come, they want to talk to you.
Venha, eles querem lhe dizer alguma coisa.
These men are military police. They want to talk to you.
- Estes senhores são da Polícia Militar e querem falar consigo.
They want to talk to you.
Eles querem falar contigo.
Sr. Lassen, está aqui a polícia, querem falar consigo.
They want to talk to you. - Cops?
They saw you play and they want to talk to you.
Eles viram que tu jogas bem e querem falar com você!
It's Don Pascual Muzquiz and his son, Pedro. They want to talk to you.
Don Pasqual Múzquiz e o filho Pedro pedem para falar com a senhora.
Did they want to talk to you about your behavior?
Falaram-te do teu comportamento?
When they say they want to talk to you, are they lying?
Quando dizem que querem falar contigo, estão a mentir?
Professor Helmer, it is the police. They want to talk to you.
Sr. Professor Helmer, a Polícia quer falar consigo.
They told me to do that, and now they want to talk to you.
Mandaram-me fazer isto. E agora querem falar consigo.
Hey, they want to talk to you upstairs.
Oi, eles querem que vás lá acima falar com eles.
They want to talk to you about some sort of car accident?
Querem falar contigo por causa de um acidente rodoviário.
That's what they want to talk to you about.
- É sobre isso que Ihe querem falar.
Why did they want to talk to you?
Porque te procuraram?
They will arise at five o'clock and being their duties. Now come to my room, I want to talk to you. Stupid!
Levantam-se às 5 para começar as tarefas agora, vem ao meu quarto, quero falar contigo
I want to talk to you about that... they'll blow down this winter anyway.
Queria fala-lhe sobre isso, elas vão cair no inverno. É preciso abatê-las.
- Oh. - They want you to talk on the Crisis of Faith.
Eles querem falar do "Crise de Fé".
Talk to him. Now that you're changing, I want you to see just how unimportant they are.
Agora que estás a mudar, eu quero que vejas quão insignificantes eles são.
Happily, Her Majesty's farseeing benevolence provides a sanctuary for sad people like you... who think they can talk to animals and want to treat them like human beings.
Ele comeu seis pratos de torta de amora-preta. Obrigado.
Some day when your children grow up and you want to talk serious I hope they make jokes.
Quando os teus filhos crescerem e quiseres falar a sério... -... espero que eles façam piadas.
They didn't even want to talk to you.
Nem quiseram falar contigo.
"'cos they don't want anything from you, you don't want anything from them, you just hang out, you can be with them and get fun and just talk to them and all that bullshit, maybe hanging out with them.
" Porque não querem nada de nós, e nós não queremos nada deles, somos amigos, podemos estar com eles e divertirmo-nos, talvez até mesmo sair com eles.
Temptation is the greatest sin of all. People talk over so they do what you want. In their beds to sleep!
Tentar é o pior dos pecados, retorcendo as mentes para que façam o que tu queiras, dormindo nessa cama.
They just want to talk to you.
Só querem conversar consigp.
They buried Emily Ngubene today... and you want to talk about survival.
Enterraram Emily Ngubene hoje... e você quer falar sobre sobrevivência.
They say you want to talk to me.
Dizem que você quer falar comigo.
You want me to talk with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics see if they have any problems?
E você quer que eu ligue para o Departamento Federal de Narcóticos para ver se eles têm algum problema?
People come to talk to you about things they want to reveal.
As pessoas vão até você para falar de coisas que querem confessar.
As Counsellor, you get them to talk about things they don't want to reveal.
Como conselheira, tem que lhes tirar as coisas que não querem confessar.
I guarantee that they don't want to talk to you, Captain.
Garanto que não querem falar consigo, Capitão.
They don't want you here, and nobody gonna talk to you.
Eles não o querem aqui e ninguém vai falar consigo.
You want to talk to Michael about that. He was there when they found the poor mate.
Devia falar sobre isso com o Michael.
I want to talk to you about morals. The morals of the young people today is gonna get them in big trouble. Because they act like they don't know the difference between right and wrong.
Eu quero falar sobre ética ética dos jovens de hoje, vamos ter problemas sérios porque, parecem não saber a diferença Entre o bem e o mal é a verdade, e uma das razões é os seus pais
At least they want to talk to both of us, it's not just you on your own.
Querem falar connosco. Não só contigo.
I know you want Tom Riker to go out in a blaze of glory that they talk about for the next ten years.
Quer que o Tom Riker morra com um aparato que seja lembrado durante dez anos.
Fuckin'bosses ; they're smokin'their Di Nobilis... and they're eatin'trippa and fuckin suffritte, you know, fried pigs'guts. If I want to talk private, I gotta go to a bus stop.
Os cabrões a fumar Di Nobilis... e a comerem tripas fritas, e eu tenho de ir a uma paragem de autocarro para falar em privado.
- They'll want to talk to you.
- Eles vão querer falar contigo. - Não vou.
You want to talk about where they're going?
Queres conversar sobre onde eles estão a ir?
- They want to do a cover story on you and G.I. Jane. - Wonderful news, Peter. Let's talk about this when I get back to the office.
Óptimas notícias, mas vamos conversar no meu escritório.
I understand that, but they don't want to talk to you... and this is private property.
Compreendo, mas eles não querem falar com vocês. E isto é propriedade privada.
Nobody coming to see you or talk to you unless they want something?
Ninguém vindo te ver ou conversar... a menos que queira algo de você?
What do you think these ghosts want when they talk to you?
O que estes fantasmas querem quando falam com você?
I do not know if they're there, but I want to talk with you.
Não sei se estás a morar aí, mas preciso de falar contigo.
And what about when they take a baby girl out to dinner... talk about you can eat whatever you want, money's no object?
E quando levam uma rapariga a jantar : "Come o que quiseres, dinheiro não é problema"?
This is your bedside manner, right, where you talk to people like they're idiots then you do whatever the fuck you want.
É a sua conversa de cabeceira, onde fala com as pessoas como idiotas e, depois, faz o que lhe der na telha!

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