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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ T ] / Toller

Toller Çeviri Portekizce

136 parallel translation
It's no use, Mrs. Toller.
Não adianta, Mrs. Toller.
Sam Toller had no call to go out like that.
O Sam Toller não devia ter saído assim.
If Sam Toller and his posse couldn't take the Morgan gang, what chance have we got?
Se o Sam Toller e a sua posse não acabaram com o bando dos Morgan, que possibilidade temos nós de o fazer?
Well, you tell that to Sam Toller's wife and kids.
Bom, diga issp à mulher e aos filhos do Sam Toller.
- He was going to kill you, Toller.
- Ele ia matar-te, Toller.
Toller, Chata may have already started north across the border.
Toller, Chata pode já ter atravessado a fronteira a norte.
And half Toller's horses aren't saddle-broke.
E metade dos cavalos de Toller ainda não estão domados.
- Be careful, Toller.
- Cuidado, Toller.
- Toller, I'm sorry.
- Toller, lamento.
- Hurry it up, Toller.
- Despacha-te, Toller.
You got 29 including me, Toller and Grange.
Tu tens 29 contando comigo, com o Toller e o Grange.
- Are you busting with things to say, too?
Também estás doidinho para dizer alguma coisa, Toller?
- Toller?
- Toller?
Mr Toller, I understand you fought through a few of these Indian campaigns.
Sr.Toller, Eu sei que lutou em algumas campanhas índias.
- Toller.
- Toller.
All up to you now, Toller.
Agora é contigo, Toller.
That's my man, Toller, he likes to keep it secure.
Este é o Toller. Ele gosta de nos ter em segurança.
Oh, Mrs. Toller, this is Miss Violet Hunter, who is taking up the position of governess to Master Edward.
Sra. Toller, esta é a Mna. Violet Hunter, a nova preceptora do menino Edward.
Come along now, Toller, fetch the trunk.
- Obrigada. Vamos, Toller, vá buscar a mala.
I call him mine, but in fact, Toller is the only man that can do anything with him.
Chamo-lhe meu, mas o Toller é o único homem que faz alguma coisa dele.
- Toller! - Sim.
Mrs. Toller?
Sra. Toller!
Mrs. Toller, I think Edward has locked himself in the cellar. The cellar?
Sra. Toller, julgo que o Edward se fechou na cave.
I saw Toller come out with a bottle.
A porta estava aberta antes, vi o Sr. Toller sair com uma garrafa.
I've dispatched Toller to Mrs. Rucastle to summon such assistance.
Mandei o Toller e a Sra. Rucastle buscar essa assistência.
It's clear Mrs. Toller knows more of this matter than anyone else.
É claro que a Sra. Toller é quem sabe mais sobre este assunto.
Mrs. Toller, please sit down.
Faca o favor de se sentar, Sra. Toller.
Ms. Toller. When you were picked up for shoplifting your freshman year at Blue Bay and you were allowed to make one call you called Mr. Lombardo.
Menina Toller quando foi presa por furto de mercadoria, no seu primeiro ano da secundária e lhe foi concedido um telefonema, telefonou ao Sr. Lombardo.
Ms. Toller?
Menina Toller?
Ms. Toller, you will wait until you are asked before responding and you will refrain from using profanity in this court.
Menina Toller, responderá quando o advogado lhe indicar. E abstenha-se de usar palavrões neste tribunal.
Ms. Toller, are you gonna sit there today, under oath and swear that Samuel Lombardo raped you?
Vais ficar aí e sob juramento, insistir em que o Sam te violou?
Let me ask you a question, Ms. Toller.
Uma pergunta, menina Toller.
Ms. Toller, you will have to answer the question.
Menina Toller, tem de responder à pergunta.
- Ms. Toller.
- Menina Toller.
Ms. Toller is clearly responding to defense counsel's badgering.
Meritíssima, a menina Toller está a responder sob ameaça do advogado.
Court would like to hear what Ms. Toller has to say.
O tribunal quer ouvir o que tem para dizer.
I think I made it plain this court intends to hear Ms. Toller's story.
Acho que fui clara, este tribunal quer ouvir a versão da testemunha.
Ms. Toller.
Manina Toller?
Suzie Toller's missing.
A Suzie Toller, está desaparecida.
Chief Goodsall Detective Duquette found Susan Marie Toller's teeth and blood near the area known as Stoner Beach.
Chefe Goodsall o detective Duquette encontrou os dentes e sangue de Susan Marie Toller perto da praia Stoner.
Miss Toller's blood was also found in the Van Ryan Range Rover.
Também havia sangue dela no Range Rover dos van Ryan.
This has led this office to conclude that Susan Marie Toller was murdered by Kelly Lanier Van Ryan.
Isso levou a que este departamento concluísse que a menina Toller foi assassinada por Kelly van Ryan.
Okay, Toller. I wanna trim the sail. Grab a hold of that winch.
Está bem, Toller quero orientar a vela.
Did you enjoy being a guest of the state?
Uma pergunta, menina Toller. Desfrutou da hospitalidade do estado?
Ms. Toller, you will wait until you are asked before responding and you will refrain from using profanity in this court.
Menina Toller, responderá quando o advogado lhe indicar. E abstenha-se de usar palavrőes neste tribunal.
Ms. Toller, you will have to answer the question.
Menina Toller, tem de responder ŕ pergunta.
- Ms. Toller.
- Menina Toller.
- Toller!
- Toller!
- Suzie Toller.
È Suzie Toller.
- Suzie Toller.
Č Suzie Toller.

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