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Try that Çeviri Portekizce

9,087 parallel translation
Let me try that.
Deixe-me experimentar.
Let's try that again.
Vou tentar novamente.
You try that again, I'm calling the police.
Se tentares de novo, chamo a polícia.
Don't ever try that again.
Nunca mais voltes a tentar isso.
Well, if you're going to be pathetic until you're human again, I suppose we should try to make that happen.
Bom, se vais ser patética até voltares a ser humana, acho que devíamos tentar que isso acontecesse.
I'm gonna go get myself a coffee and try very hard to forget you said that.
Vou buscar um café e tentar esquecer que disseste isso.
- Let me try, at least. We're ringing around, trying to find a unit that can take her in.
Estamos a tentar descobrir uma unidade que a aceite.
You try living with that kind of crazy.
Tenta viver com esta maluquice.
We should get dinner again next week. There's this amazing sushi place that I want to try.
Há um restaurante de sushi fantástico que quero experimentar.
You try to fix that part.
Tentamos resolver isso.
Try running with that, for once.
Trabalhe com isso, para variar.
And once that happens, anything you say to try to indict Reiden will be met with understandable disbelief.
E quando isso acontecer, tudo aquilo que disserem para tentar incriminar a "Reiden", será encarado com um compreensível cepticismo.
We'll try. We all have to do jobs that we don't normally do, right?
Temos todos de fazer trabalhos que normalmente não fazemos, certo?
So just... Will you just tell me how exactly did I try to do... all that to you?
Podes dizer-me exactamente como tentei fazer-te tudo isso?
I'll try and remember that.
Vou tentar lembrar-me disso.
- I was thinking that maybe we try more of a stealthy approach.
Estava a pensar que, talvez, pudéssemos tentar uma abordagem mais furtiva.
But you and I both know that you can't really bury who you truly are... .. no matter how hard you try.
Mas ambos sabemos que não podemos enterrar quem realmente somos, por muito que tentemos.
but it honestly never occurred to me that I should try sending a young woman.
mas nunca me ocorreu tentar mandar uma jovem.
You can't print that, so try this...
Não podem publicar isso, então, experimentem isto...
You think about that the next time you try something.
Pensem nisso da próxima vez que tentarem alguma coisa.
Try telling Uzay that.
Tenta dizer isso ao Uzay.
I'm going to try and find my own places that are just mine.
Vou tentar encontrar lugares que eu possa chamar de meus.
I try everyday to erase that moment.
'Tento esquecer aquele momento todos os dias'.
And for all the good that we try to do, what if our destiny is to become agents of destruction?
Apesar de todo o bem que tentamos fazer, e se o nosso destino é tornarmo-nos agentes de destruição?
I'd like to try to find a way to keep that working for the both of us.
Gostaria de encontrar um modo de manter isso entre nós dois.
And since Howe was their commander, anyone that survived would try to rescue
E como o Howe era o comandante deles, quem sobrevivesse tentaria resgatar
All I ask is that you try to understand.
Só peço que tentes compreender.
And don't try convincing me that there's anyone else in the archipelago who could pull something like this off!
E não tentem convencer-me de que há mais alguém no arquipélago que podia fazer isso!
Come to think about it, I did read that global warming has disrupted migration patterns. Try Georgia.
Por acaso, li que o aquecimento global tem perturbado os padrões migratórios.
Don't fly too close to that planet. Someone will come out and try to wash your windshield.
Não te aproximes muito, senão começam-te logo a limpar o para-brisas.
Oh is that how you're gonna try to win, by implying I'm competitive?
Oh, é assim que vais tentar ganhar, insinuando que eu sou competitiva?
You got somebody that's half good, try to fix'em!
Nada por aí. Se tiverem pessoas meio boas, tentem melhorá-las!
Then they try to deny it, "Man, that ain't me."
Então, tentam negá-lo : "Não sou eu."
As for this Jane Doe, let's try to squeeze some blood out of that stone.
Quanto a esta, Jane Doe, vamos tentar espremer algum sangue daquela pedra.
You're not gonna try to disarm that bomb, are you?
Não vais tentar desarmar a bomba, pois não?
And that if it didn't go well, You would try to get a sympathy mud.
E que se não corresse bem, ias tentar um banho de lama de caridade.
But what I do know is that I have to try.
Mas o que sei é que tenho que tentar.
That is confirmed. They used your operation to try to take me out, and it was not their first attempt.
Isso está confirmado, usaram a tua operação para tentar matar-me, e não foi a primeira tentativa.
- Is that what you think, I didn't even try?
- Achas que nem tentei?
And I know that you'll try to poison him against me.
E eu sei que ireis tentar envenená-lo contra mim. Sou mãe dele.
That was a nice try!
Boa tentativa.
Let's all just try to remember that.
Vamos todos lembrar disto.
You could try places that have those.
Podiam tentar locais que as tenham.
And after everything you guys have done for me, I think I should give that a try.
E depois de tudo o que fizeram por mim, vou tentar fazer o mesmo.
I try to escape, but instead, I end up killing the person that I love the most.
Eu tentei fugir, mas ao invés disso, acabei matando a pessoa que eu mais amo.
I didn't try to stop him or run after him, mainly because I figured that you would need me here.
Não que o possa culpar, considerando que não o tentei impedir nem fui atrás dele. Principalmente porque achei que ias precisar de mim aqui.
Look, try to understand, I was sure, absolutely certain that he was going to change the world in some way.
Ouça, tente compreender, eu tinha a certeza, a certeza absoluta de que ele ia mudar o mundo de alguma maneira.
We're gonna be able to actually create very humanlike robotic systems to the point that they are nearly indistinguishable, both in movement and in morphology. You look at something like the sort of entities that were dealt with in the movie Blade Runner, the kinds of Turing tests that were done there to try to spot the androids. STEVE FULLER :
Seremos capazes de criar sistemas robóticos muito parecidos a humanos, a ponto que serão quase indistinguíveis... tanto nos movimentos quanto na morfologia.
Ok, Kelly, would you be willing to try something that could help us find out what else you might remember?
Kelly, estaria disposta a tentar uma coisa que pode ajudar-nos a descobrir o que mais pode lembrar-se?
We try to teach them everything that they need so that they could actually use their brain as well as they can, including PE, including arts, including music... Anything that can actually make brain work better.
Nos tentamos ensinar-lhes tudo aquilo que necessitam, de modo a que possam usar efectivamente os seus cérebros o melhor que podem, incluindo educação física, artes, incluindo musica... tudo o que possa de facto fazer o cérebro trabalhar melhor.
But we are more like a big group and we try to take care of each other within that group.
Mas nós somos mais como que um grande grupo, e nós tentamos cuidar uns dos outros dentro desse grupo.

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