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Ulbricht Çeviri Portekizce

5 parallel translation
What Ross ulbricht did by creating the silk road was he took this by no means common but usable cryptocurrency called bitcoin and he married it with a streamlined, workable user interface that was a free market that could sell anything.
O que Ross Ulbricht fez ao criar o Silk Road foi aproveitar uma criptomoeda utilizável chamada Bitcoin. E casou-a com uma interface direcionada ao utilizador que era um mercado livre capaz de vender qualquer coisa.
What Ross ulbricht did is a combination of Tor and bitcoin.
O que Ross Ulbricht fez é uma combinação de Tor e Bitcoin.
His real name is Ross ulbricht and his website, silk road, is packed with products like cocaine and heroin.
O nome é Ross Ulbricht. BARÃO DA DROGA PRESO ACUSADO DE DIRIGIR NEGÓCIO O seu website, Silk Road, disponibiliza cocaína e heroína.
Ross ulbricht's case is a bitcoin case. There's absolutely no denying it.
O caso de Ross Ulbricht é um caso da Bitcoin.
Charlie shrem, Ross albricht,
Charlie Shrem, Ross Ulbricht, Julian Assange.

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