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Waffen Çeviri Portekizce

37 parallel translation
He'd transferred to the Waffen SS, which was the military arm of the SS, who were always in the thick of the battle, but he'd survived.
Ele tinha sido transferido para a Waffen SS, que era o braço militar das SS que estava sempre no coração das batalhas, mas sobrevivera.
The army and the Waffen SS had fought a war of extermination.
O exército e as Waffen SS tinham travado uma guerra de extermínio.
Waffen niederlegen!
Waffen niederlegen!
The generals had little control on the hundreds of thousand of elite troops in the divisions of the Waffen and the SS.
Os generais tinham pouco controle sobre as centenas de milhares de tropas de elite nas divisões da Waffen e das SS.
All had been voluntariado stop the active service in Waffen SS, because they found that the fight against the bolchevismo it was the task most important in the Europe.
Todos se haviam voluntariado para o serviço ativo nas Waffen SS, porque achavam que a luta contra o bolchevismo era a tarefa mais importante na Europa.
The privilege of looting houses as they searched for Jews belonged to the Ukrainians of the Waffen SS
Nas casas desertas, começava a caça aos clandestinos. E as pilhagens. Os Ukranianos, alistados nas tropas das SS, tinham os seus previlégios.
Carlheinz Behnke volunteered for the Waffen SS in 1940.
Carlheinz Behnke voluntariou-se para as Waffen SS em 1940.
Hitler sent the Waffen SS into the mountains to repel invaders.
Não. O Hitler ordenou à Waffen SS que defendesse as montanhas... e afastasse os invasores.
Waffen SS, huh?
Então são as Waffen SS?
Lieutenant of Waffen S.S.
Tenente das Waffen SS.
- Albrecht's going to be a Waffen SS officer after school.
- O Albrecht's vai ser um oficial das Waffen SS depois de terminar a escola.
And I expect you to voluntarily join the Waffen SS by yourself.
E espero que te voluntaries para ingressares nas Waffen SS.
Deutsche Waffen und Munitions Fabrik. * * German Weapons and Munitions.
Deutsche Waffen und Munitions Fabrik.
While people at home suffered I served German girls to whom soldiers and Waffen SS were admitted nightly under scientific supervision.
Enquanto pessoas em casa sofriam eu servia raparigas Alemãs para cujos soldados eram admitidos de noite sob supervisão cientifica.
An ex-Waffen-SS Group Commander would like to speak with you about asylum.
Um comandante das ex-Waffen-SS quer falar consigo sobre asilo.
Colonel Hermann von Umsprung, Waffen SS.
Coronel Hermann von Umsprung, Waffen SS.
And the Waffen SS.
- E as Waffen SS.
there's not any Waffen SS Here with us.
- Não há aqui Waffen SS.
He's a volunteer, the fatherland's defender, Waffen SS corporal,
Ele é um voluntário, um defensor da pátria, um soldado da Waffen SS,
The SS has now created a veritable army of its own the Waffen SS.
As SS estão agora a criar um verdadeiro exército próprio, as Waffen SS.
who dominated the battlefield and dashed through artillery fire... They're terrified of a mere girl...
Veteranos da Waffen-SS, que dominaram o campo de batalha e correram entre fogo de artilharia aterrorizados por uma mera rapariga...
SS waffen troopers too which are like the baddest ass Nazis of the whole Nazi family.
E são também soldados S.S. Waffen, que são, tipo, os piores dos Nazis de toda a família Nazi!
Ich bin karl gustav wolf, Waffen ss panzergrenadier division.
Eu chamava-me Karl Gustav Wolf, divisão SS.
He joined the waffen ss as a guard Until the end of the war.
Ele juntou-se às SS e foi guarda até a guerra terminar.
He came up with the idea to join the Waffen-SS.
Ele teve a ideia de se incorporar nas Waffen-SS
He was sorry that you were against him joining the Waffen
Ele ainda gostaria de pertencer ás Waffen-SS.
Else the coup will be stopped by the Waffen-SS.
Caso contrário, se pararmos temos que lutar contra a Waffen-SS
According to ballistics, the makeup of the brass identifies the company as Deutsche Waffen munitions, who manufactured their bullets for their Luger semi-automatic pistols.
De acordo com a balística, a composição da liga metálica identifica a empresa como sendo a "Deutsche Waffen Munições", que faziam balas para as suas pistolas Luger semi-automáticas.
The Waf fen-SS will take possession of the second bomb tomorrow for the test.
As Waffen-SS vão apoderar-se da segunda bomba amanhã para a testar.
There's a murderer out there, a former member of the Waffen-SS at Auschwitz.
Há um assassino solto lá fora, um antigo membro da Waffen-SS em Auschwitz.
Alois Schulz, Unterscharfuhrer in the Waffen-SS, now teaches at the Goethe School. Interested?
Alois Schulz, líder de esquadrão na Waffen-SS, dá aulas no liceu Goethe, interessa-lhe?
Schulz was indeed in the Waffen-SS.
De facto, Schulz pertenceu à Waffen-SS.
"The Ministry of Education was already informed on March 25th" "and has been ignoring his Waffen-SS membership for six weeks."
"O Ministério da Cultura foi informado no dia 25 de Março e há seis semanas que ignora o facto de ter pertencido à Waffen-SS."
The annual commemoration of Otto von Wächter's Waffen SS Galicia division created by him in 1943 includes a ceremony to rebury newly discovered remains of German and Ukrainian soldiers who fell in the fields near this chapel.
A comemoração anual da Divisão da Waffen-SS da Galícia de Otto von Wächter, criada por ele em 1943, inclui a cerimónia para enterrar restos mortais recém descobertos de soldados alemães e ucranianos que morreram nos campos junto a esta capela.
One of them is even in the Waffen-SS.
Um deles até está na Waffen-SS.
Untersturmführer Krobel. After the campaign in France, he He was assigned to the ranks of the Waffen SS.
Após a campanha em França, foi nomeado para o Quartel General das SS.

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