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Walter bishop Çeviri Portekizce

91 parallel translation
His name's Walter Bishop.
Chama-se Walter Bishop.
- So this guy's Walter Bishop's son.
- Ele é filho de Walter Bishop.
Your father is Walter Bishop.
O seu pai é o Walter Bishop.
I want you to know I've successfully had Dr. Walter Bishop released from St. Claire's, and he requires the use of his old laboratory.
Quero que saiba que consegui que o Dr. Walter Bishop saísse de Saint Claire, e ele quer usar o seu antigo laboratório.
Walter Bishop.
Walter Bishop.
walter bishop, dubbed by his contemporaries as a successor to albert einstein, worked for the defense advanced research projects agency from the late'70s... until he was committed to the st. clair's mental institution for manslaughter.
Walter Bishop, apelidado pelos seus contemporâneos como o sucessor de Albert Einstein. Trabalhou para a Agência de Estudos de Defesa Avançada. Desde o final dos anos 70...
that'll do. hello, i'm dr. walter bishop.
Sou o Dr. Walter Bishop.
Dr. Walter Bishop, we're forwarding his photo.
O Dr. Walter Bishop, vamos enviar a fotografia.
Welcome to the joys of Walter Bishop.
Bem-vindo às delícias do universo do Walter Bishop.
- His name's Walter Bishop.
- Ele chama-se Walter Bishop.
Peter Bishop and Dr. Walter Bishop.
Peter e Dr. Walter Bishop.
- His name's Walter Bishop.
- Chama-se Walter Bishop.
His name's Walter Bishop.
- Chama-se Walter Bishop.
Walter Bishop claims he remembers Kim telling him a story about a woman who put him to sleep with a Christmas tree and then took him away. - Green and red lights.
O Walter Bishop afirma que se lembra do Kim lhe contar a história de uma mulher que o pôs a dormir com uma árvore de natal e a seguir levou-o.
Dr. Walter Bishop?
Dr. Walter Bishop?
You've assured me that Walter Bishop is doing fine.
Você garantiu-me que o Walter Bishop está bem.
If that's the case, I'll allow Walter Bishop to talk to Mr. Kim and ask your questions.
Se for esse o caso, permitirei que o Walter Bishop fale com o Sr. Kim e lhe faça as suas perguntas.
Walter Bishop is assisting us in a criminal investigation which you are currently obstructing.
O Walter Bishop está a ajudar-nos numa investigação criminal a qual você está neste momento a obstruir.
Walter Bishop, who was sent to St. Claire's because he was deemed unfit to stand trial for manslaughter,
Walter Bishop, que foi enviado para St. Claire porque foi considerado incapaz para ser julgado por homicídio por negligência.
Let's just put it in the category of "crazy things happen in Walter Bishop's lab."
Vamos colocá-lo na categoria de : "tolices que têm lugar no laboratório do Bishop".
Peter and Walter Bishop.
Peter e Walter Bishop.
Walter Bishop.
- Walter Bishop.
Target is Walter Bishop.
O alvo é Walter Bishop.
His father, Dr. Walter Bishop...
O pai dele, Dr. Walter Bishop...
I'm Walter Bishop.
Chamo-me Walter Bishop.
This is Peter and Walter Bishop.
Estes são Peter e Walter Bishop.
We need to have Andre Hughes'body taken back to Walter Bishop's lab as soon as possible.
Precisamos que o corpo do Andre Hughes seja levado o mais rápido possível para o laboratório do Walter Bishop.
His name's Walter Bishop.
O nome dele é Walter Bishop.
I'm Dr. Walter Bishop.
Eu sou o Dr. Walter Bishop.
Peter Bishop and Dr. Walter Bishop.
Peter Bishop e Dr. Walter Bishop.
It's about Walter Bishop.
É sobre Walter Bishop.
You can have me... or Walter Bishop.
Você pode me ter... ou Walter Bishop.
Olivia, please, you got to get back here.
- Faça sua escolha... mim ou Walter Bishop. Olivia, por favor, você tem que voltar aqui.
But there's only one Walter Bishop... and we'll be needing him before this is over.
Mas só há um Walter Bishop... e nós vamos precisar dele antes disto acabar.
Walter Bishop, hai.
Walter Bishop. Olá.
Hello, I'm Dr. Walter bishop.
Olá, sou o doutor Walter Bishop. Este...
His name is Dr. Walter Bishop.
O nome dele é Dr. Walter Bishop.
- Walter Bishop.
- Walter Bishop.
Walter bishop.
Walter Bishop.
Hello, I'm Dr. Walter Bishop.
- Olá, sou o Dr. Walter Bishop.
Excuse me, I'm Dr. Walter Bishop.
Com licença. Sou o Dr. Walter Bishop.
You're Dr. Walter Bishop.
É o Dr. Walter Bishop.
Each one represents a child injured by Walter Bishop. Injured how?
Cada um representa uma criança a quem o Walter Bishop fez mal.
Walter Bishop isn't responsible for all the goodness in the world. But he is responsible for so much evil.
O Walter Bishop não é responsável por tudo o que há de bom no mundo, mas é responsável portanto mal!
Otherwise, Walter will keep making noise until he gets his way and I'd really prefer not to get the bishop involved.
Senão o Walter vai continuar a fazer barulho até conseguir o que quer e preferia que o bispo não fosse chamado a intervir.
Peter bishop. walter bishop's son.
O filho do Walter Bishop.
I'm Walter Bishop.
Eu sou o Walter Bishop.
Dr. Walter Bishop.
Dr. Walter Bishop.
-... Dr. Walter Bishop.
Um Dr. Walter Bishop.
Dr. Walter Bishop hired me.
Queres saber porque te procurava?
What else did Walter Bishop tell you?
Que mais te contou o Walter Bishop?

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