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Wayland Çeviri Portekizce

48 parallel translation
Judge Wayland's office.
- Gabinete do Juiz Wayland.
We are trapped alone in the wilderness with Wayland and Madam. and you just let Babe the Blue Ox walk out that door?
Estamos presas e sozinhas na selva com o Wayland e o seu fantoche Madam e tu deixaste o "Babe, o Touro Azul" sair porta fora?
Your Honor, I introduce as evidence government exhibit 27B which is a stipulation between the parties that if called as a witness Koren W. Jonic, supervisor of the U.S. Post Office located at 8721 Wayland Ave.
Apresento a prova 27B um acordo entre as partes, que se for chamado a depor Koren W. Jonic, supervisor da estação dos correios em 8721 Av.
In Paramus would testify that post office box 206 was registered to and paid for by one Ira E. Barad, who resides at 43 Bellingham Blvd., apartment 4B Paramus, NJ, and was initially rented by Ira E. Barad on September 16, 1998 with a payment of...
Wayland em Paramus diria que o apartado 206 era pago e estava em nome de Ira E. Barad, residente em 43 Bellingham Blvd., apartamento 4B Paramus, NJ, e que foi alugado por Ira E. Barad a 16 de Setembro, 1998 por...
That's great. That's what you wanted, right? So why don't I just cancel it?
Olá, chamo-me Mark Wayland e vivo numa casa com duas lésbicas.
Hey, I'm Mark Wayland, and I live in a house with two lesbians.
Olá, eu sou Mark Wayland e moro numa casa com duas lésbicas.
My name is Jenny Schecter.
Wayland Filmes O meu nome é Jenny Shecter.
Here's a little tip for you, Wayland.
Só uma dica para ti, Wayland...
Mark Wayland here, talking to Jenny and Shane, answering the question, "What are you looking for in a place to live?" And hoping that my completely obnoxious, in-your-face video camera entrance doesn't totally prejudice them against considering me as their roommate.
Mark Wayland aqui, a falar com a Jenny e a Shane, e a responder à questão : "O que procuras num local onde morar?" E esperando que a minha irritante entrada de câmara de vídeo na cara não as faça ficar com preconceitos em considerarem-me para colega de casa.
Jace Wayland. Demon hunter.
Jace Wayland, Caçador de Demónios.
Does that stand for Wayland?
Esse W é de Wayland?
My name is Jace Wayland.
Chamo-me Jace Wayland.
And my family are the Wayland.
E a minha família são os Wayland.
I'm a Wayland.
Sou um Wayland.
You're Michael Wayland's son.
És o filho do Michael Wayland.
The Wayland Home for boys.
O Orfanato Wayland, para rapazes.
I'm Jace Wayland.
Eu sou o Jace Wayland.
Step away, Jace Wayland.
Afasta-te, Jace Wayland.
- Jace Wayland!
- Anda! - Jace Wayland!
Jace Wayland!
Jace Wayland!
I will meet with Clary Fairchild and the Wayland boy.
Vou encontrar-me com a Clary Fairchild e o rapaz Wayland.
Jace Wayland.
O Jace Wayland.
The same Jace Wayland who decided to lead an unsanctioned raid against the vampires?
O mesmo Jace Wayland, que decidiu liderar um ataque não autorizado contra os vampiros?
You must be Jace Wayland.
Tu deves ser o Jace Wayland.
Jace Wayland is Switzerland.
O Jace Wayland é a Suíça.
Give me a break, Wayland. I'm just trying to do my job.
Poupa-me, só estou a tentar fazer o meu trabalho.
Why doesn't the legend, Jace Wayland, tell us what's it about?
Está bem. Porque é que a lenda Jace Wayland não nos explica?
I'm Michael Wayland.
Eu sou o Michael Wayland.
Michael Wayland?
Michael Wayland?
The face that you saw as Michael Wayland was mine.
A cara que viste como Michael Wayland era a minha.
Wait, did you see Michael Wayland transform into Valentine?
Espera, viste o Michael Wayland transformar-se no Valentine?
My friends, Jace Wayland and Magnus Bane.
Meus amigos, Jace Wayland e Magnus Bane.
Michael Wayland used to make me spaghetti.
O teu preferido. O Michael Wayland fazia-me isso.
Why did you fake your death and pretend to be Michael Wayland?
Porque fingiste a tua morte e ser o Michael Wayland?
As Michael Wayland, I knew you'd be safe.
Como Michael Wayland, sabia que estarias seguro.
And I can come to no other conclusion that Jace Wayland is a traitor to the Clave.
E só chego a uma conclusão, que o Jace Wayland traiu a Clave.
You and your friends are prohibited from any further involvement for the hunt for Jace Wayland.
Tu e os teus amigos estão proibidos de qualquer envolvimento na caça ao Jace Wayland.
Jace Wayland is a traitor.
O Jace Wayland é um traidor.
Jace Wayland is a traitor to the Clave.
O Jace Wayland traiu a Clave.
By the order of the Clave, Jace Wayland is coming with me!
Pela ordem da Clave, o Jace Wayland vem comigo!
Jace Wayland! You are hereby sentenced to the City of Bones to await trial for the charge of high treason, and aiding Valentine in the war against the Clave.
Estás condenado à Cidade dos Ossos para aguardares julgamento por traição e ajudar o Valentine na guerra contra a Clave.
I need to see Jace Wayland.
Tenho de ver o Jace Wayland.
During the attack on the City of Bones, Jace Wayland fought bravely, and thus the Clave, in their wisdom, has exonerated him from all crimes.
Durante o ataque à Cidade dos Ossos, o Jace lutou com bravura e, a Clave, na sua sabedoria, exonerou-o de todos os crimes.
Jace Wayland?
O Jace Wayland?
With special guests Crystal Gayle Wayland Flowers and Madame Heisman Trophy winner Tony Dorsett and the Cleveland Brown dancers.
Com a participação especial de : Crystal Gayle... Wayland Flowers e a sua Senhora...
We have to find Jace Wayland.
Temos de encontrar o Jace Wayland.

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