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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / We'll talk

We'll talk Çeviri Portekizce

5,207 parallel translation
C'mon, we'll get a pizza, I'll talk to your dad.
Anda lá, vamos comer uma pizza! Eu peço ao teu pai!
We'll talk later. - We went to the same school.
Andámos juntos na escola.
We'll talk again, when the polling stations close.
Falaremos quando as urnas fecharem.
You know how she gets with all her complaining, she'll probably want to talk my ear off until we're both drunk on red wine and pass out.
Sabes como ela é quando se queixa de tudo, deve querer falar sem parar até ficarmos as duas bêbedas com vinho tinto e apagarmos.
My man. All right, we'll talk soon.
Está bem, falamo-nos em breve.
You out-bowl me, we'll talk?
Se me ganhares, falamos?
Tomorrow I'll go talk to my father and when I come back, no longer speak of Salvatore Conte a don Pietro Savastano, because not only here, but all we are his children.
Amanhã vou falar com o meu pai. E quando eu voltar não quero ouvir falar mais do Salvatore Conte, só do Don Pietro Savastano, porque somos todos filhos dele, não sou apenas eu.
We'll talk later, get in the car.
Falamos mais tarde, entra no carro.
You and I will go. We'll talk to Caleb, okay?
Vamos ambos falar com o Caleb, está bem?
Yeah, we'll talk on the honeymoon.
- Sim, falaremos na lua-de-mel.
We'll talk about it later, Rosie!
Conversamos depois, Rosie!
Well, I'll talk to the bank later. I'm sure we can clear this up.
Bem, mais tarde vou ligar ao banco, podemos resolver isso.
Obviously, we'll need to talk to him.
Como é óbvio, teremos de falar com ele.
We'll be live streaming the hearings in the auditorium all day and the guidance staff will be available for anyone who needs to, you know, talk it out.
Vamos transmitir as audiências no auditório durante o dia e os orientadores estarão disponíveis para quem precisar de... desabafar.
We'll talk about this.
Vamos falar sobre isto.
And we'll talk about that.
- Onde está o Hurst?
We'll talk about that later.
Vamos falar sobre isso depois.
You want to talk to your admirer, we'll have to send an invitation.
Se quer falar com o seu admirador, teremos de lhe mandar um convite.
OK, OK. We'll talk when you're free.
Está bem, falamos quando estiveres livre.
We'll talk later.
- Conversamos depois.
All we'll have him do is talk you through it.
Só vamos deixá-lo guiar-te.
We'll go talk to him.
Vamos falar com ele. Vamos.
Come to the table. We'll talk over dinner.
Vem para a mesa, falamos durante o jantar.
Sure. Why don't you just come to the house and we'll talk about it here?
Porque não vens até cá a casa e conversamos aqui?
We'll talk about this in the morning.
- Falamos sobre isto amanhã.
We'll talk tomorrow.
Amanhã falamos.
We're just gonna talk and make sure we're not missing anything, and then we'll be done.
Só vamos conversar, para ver se não escapou nada.
We'll talk to the state's attorney, try to keep her out of jail.
vou tentar livrá-la da prisão.
We'll talk later, but right now your daughter needs help.
Falaremos mais tarde, mas a sua filha precisa de ajuda.
We'll get old Christopher to talk.
Faremos o velho Christopher falar.
We'll talk again from Moscow.
Vamos falar de Moscovo.
Let's just look at the house and then we'll talk about it.
Vamos ver a casa e depois falamos sobre isso.
Olivia go get your brother and we'll talk about this over dinner.
Olivia, vai buscar o teu irmão, falamos sobre isto ao jantar.
We'll talk to him.
Nós falamos com ele.
We'll talk about it when she gets back from her guitar lesson.
Vamos conversar quando ela voltar da aula de guitarra.
We'll talk later... Okay. Bye, Grandma.
Arabela, come with me. We'll talk to the witnesses.
Arabela, vem comigo.
- Just lift up my britches and... - We'll talk about it later.
- Baixas-me as calças...
We'll talk later.
Conversamos depois.
Put two guys and take him a room, real nice, nothing nasty, and we'll talk to him like we did in the old days.
Coloque-o com 2 caras em um quarto. Confortável, e conversaremos, como fazíamos antigamente.
Look, John, I want us to make a pact between you and me that we'll always have this safe place where we can talk about things that other people might not understand.
Olha, John, quero que façamos um pacto entre nós os dois, de que sempre teremos este lugar seguro, onde poderemos falar sobre coisas que os outros nunca iriam entender.
Some of us have problems that we're trying to figure out. When you need 150 grand just to live, we'll talk about problems.
Quando precisares de 150 mil so para viveres, nos vamos falar de problemas.
But but, uh, how about next time... you be in charge, and then we'll talk about how simple and fun it is?
Quando fores tu a organizar, vais ver se é fácil e divertido.
So we'll go back later and talk to the night crowd.
Iremos voltar mais tarde e falar com o pessoal da noite.
We'll talk about this later, okay?
Falamos disto mais tarde.
Hey, we'll talk to her tomorrow.
Amanhã falamos com ela.
Cure her, and we'll talk about unlocking another.
Cura-a e discutiremos a descodificação de mais uma.
Unlock another, and we'll talk about curing Cosima.
Descodifica outra e discutiremos a cura da Cosima.
I gotta get back. We'll talk about it later.
- Depois falamos.
No, we'll talk about this right now.
- Não, vamos conversar agora.
- All right. We'll talk later.
- Pronto, falamos depois.

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