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Webistics Çeviri Portekizce

11 parallel translation
A partial list of the major investors in Webistics.
Uma lista parcial dos principais investidores na Webistics.
You know, Webistics would be perfect for your portfolio.
Sabe, a Webistics ficaria muito bem no seu portfolio.
Webistics is the next Yahoo.
A Webistics é o próximo Yahoo.
You're supposed to push Webistics!
Tens de vender a Webistics!
Webistics is our pick of the week.
Webistics é a empresa da semana.
Before we commence, a thousand thank-yous for Webistics.
Antes de começarmos, muito obrigado pela Webistics.
Refresh my memory on this play we're making on Webistics.
Relembra-me a jogada que estamos a fazer com a Webistics.
We dumped Webistics, whacked up the payoff.
Largámos a Webistics, ganhámos o nosso lucro.
Bonpensiero... was crucial to the webistics stock fraud case.
Bonpensiero era essencial para o caso de fraude da Webistics.
I know you're on a fixed income but with Webistics you could triple your money in a year.
Sei que vive de um rendimento fixo, mas...

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