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What did you do to me Çeviri Portekizce

1,106 parallel translation
What did you do to me?
O que fizeste comigo?
- What did you do to me?
- O que me fizeste?
What did you do to me?
O que me fizeste?
What did you do to me, newsboy?
O que você fez comigo?
What did you do to me?
O que é que me fizeram?
I mean, what did you expect me to do?
Que esperavas que fizesse?
What did you expect me to do, tell a three-year-old kid that his mom's doin'ten years for robbin'banks?
Que dissesse a um garoto de 3 anos que a mãe foi presa... por assaltar bancos?
And you'll do to me what you did to Howard?
E farás comigo o mesmo que fizeste ao Howard?
I guess you did what you had to do to get me out.
Fizeste o que era necessário para me libertar.
What the hell did you want me to do?
E que poderia fazer?
I know what they're doin'to you. They did it to me. Just because you went to Harvard, you think you have some stake in the system?
Lá porque andou em Harvard, pensa que faz parte do sistema?
- Do you know what they did to me?
- Sabes o que eles me fizeram?
And what did you intend to do with me now?
Um convento, talvez?
You don't know how many times Miles spoke about what the Cardassians did to the prisoners at Setlik lll, what they were like afterwards.
Não sabe quantas vezes o Miles me falou disto, do que os cardassianos faziam aos prisioneiros em Setlik Três, de como ficavam a seguir.
I mean, I did, but then I did exactly what you told me to do, and I came back.
Quer dizer fiz, mas depois fiz o que me mandaste e voltei.
And if you did pull the trigger, there has to be a reasonable answer other than what you've told me here.
E se premiste o gatilho, tem de haver uma explicação melhor do que a que me deste.
Do you want to see what those fuckers did to me?
Quer ver o que aqueles sacanas me fizeram?
What you did to me every night.
Do que me fizeste todas as noites.
You told me what to do, and I did it.
Tu sabes o que eu passei. A minha familia esteve em prigo por causa de ti.
How could you do what you did to me and to her?
Como pudeste fazer-nos isto, a mim e a ela?
For he danced the first two with her, and then the next with Charlotte Lucas, which vexed me greatly, but lo, there in the very next nothing would please him but to stand up with Jane again. And then he danced with Lizzy, and what do you think he did next?
Dançou as primeiras duas músicas com ela, depois com a Charlotte, o que muito me irritou, mas depois nada lhe dava mais prazer do que dançar outra vez com a Jane, depois dançou com a Lizzy e sabe o que fez depois?
But... I did support you when you got your licence. And some people might think that entitles me to half of what's yours.
Mas sustentei-te enquanto tiravas a licença, e talvez isso me dê direito a metade do que é teu.
When he proposed, people said, "He'll do to you what he did to Rachel."
Quando ele me pediu em casamento, todos disseram : "Não aceites. Far-te-á o que fez à Rachel."
Listen, Señor Spielbergo I want you to do for me what Spielberg did for Oskar Schindler.
Ouça, Señor Spielbergo quero que faça por mim o que Spielberg fez para Oskar Schindler.
You'd show me mercy after what I did to you?
Você me mostraria clemência depois do que fiz a você?
You coming back for me really meant a lot after what I did to you.
Teres voltado depois do que te fiz significou muito para mim.
I may be a criminal, but I'd never do to anybody what you did to me.
Posso ser um criminoso, mas nunca faria a ninguém o que me fizeste.
Admit that what you did to me was much worse than anything I did to you or shut up!
Admite que o que me fizeste foi muito pior do que tudo o que te fiz, ou cala-te!
I could never presume to guide her as you did me. - Oh! - But I might be able to show her a little of what I know.
Jamais poderia guiá-la como me guiou... mas posso ensinar um pouco do que sei.
I'm talking about you lecturing me about what David did to Gary, and then turning around and acting a million times worse yourself.
Do sermao que me deste pelo que o David fez ao Gary e depois fazes mil vezes pior.
What the fuck did you want me to do, back down?
Que raio querias que fizesse, amansasse?
What did you want to see me about?
- Do que querias falar-me?
What did you expect me to do?
- O que querias que eu fizesse?
- Or you'll do to me what you did to Anna.
- Ou vocês fazem-me o que fizeram à Anna.
You know how much it meant to me to have a Mickey mantle... and what did you do?
Sabia como era importante para mim ter uma bola do Mickey Mantle, então o que fez?
Do you remember what they did to me 10 years ago?
Lembras-te do que me fizeram, há 10 anos?
What did you want to talk to me about?
Do que é que queria falar-me?
You have a lot of nerve to show your face around here... after what you did to me last night.
Tens muita coragem em aparecer aqui depois do que me fizeste.
Come on, you don't have to do this... Thank you for what you did for me for killing those animals who raped me.
Não és obrigado a fazer isto Obrigado por ter feito o que fez :
You have to have a real hate-on to do what you did to me.
Tu tens que me ter muito ódio para fazer o que me fizeste.
I'll tell you somethin'else : even after what you did to me, I kept my part of the bargain.
E digo-te mais : mesmo depois do que me fizeste, mantive a minha parte no acordo.
- What did you do to my trunk?
- Que é que me fizeste à mala?
What did you guys do to the wood? I'm going to ask brother Fung to teach me.
Puseste uma bola na madeira?
Look, Tom, I really appreciate what you did- - what you were willing to do for me- - but as far as I'm concerned, I was under the influence of some weird Vulcan chemical imbalance and whatever I did, whatever I said- - it wasn't me.
Olhe, Tom, Eu realmente aprecio o que fez... O que estava disposto a fazer por mim... Mas, no que me diz respeito, eu estava sob a influência de algum estranho desequilíbrio químico vulcano, e tudo aquilo que fiz, seja lá o que disse... não era eu.
I can't believe you'd want to after what he did to me.
Não acredito que queiras sair com ele, depois do que ele me fez.
What - what the hell did you do to me?
Que raio me fizeram?
What the hell did you do to me?
Que raio me fizeram?
What you did had nothing to do with me.
O que tu fizeste não teve nada a ver comigo.
I mean, after what happened, after what you did to me?
Quer dizer, depois do que sucedeu e depois do que me fizeste?
- Well, what did he say? Don't you two have anything else to do? Um, we're discussing a case, sir.
Mas se acreditei, prejudicando-me a nível financeiro e emocional, na publicidade enganosa de Miss Frutt...
I'm not gonna let you do to me what you did to my brother.
Eu me recuso que me faça o mesmo que fez ao meu irmão.

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