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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / What did you think you were doing

What did you think you were doing Çeviri Portekizce

57 parallel translation
What did you think you were doing?
O que foi que fizeste?
What did you think you were doing, you little punk?
Quem pensas que és? O que pensas que estavas a fazer, seu sacaninha?
What did you think you were doing?
- O que você estava fazendo?
What did you think you were doing running to the cops, Deloris?
O que estavas a pensar quando foste falar com a polícia.
What did you think you were doing?
O que pensou que estava a fazer?
What did you think you were doing?
Que pensaste que estavas a fazer?
What did you think you were doing?
O que foi que te deu?
Kiara, what did you think you were doing?
- Kiara, que pensavas que estavas a fazer?
What did you think you were doing?
O que andavam a fazer?
What did you think you were doing? A girl's gotta have some fun.
O que achas que estás a fazer?
What did you think you were doing making a fool of yourself with that horn player?
O que pensavas que estavas a fazer com aquele musico?
What did you think you were doing?
Que andaste tu a fazer?
What did you think you were doing?
O que foi aquilo?
What did you think you were doing?
O que você acha que estava fazendo?
And what did you think you were doing... when you went to the Captain with this proposal?
E o que pensava que estava a fazer quando apresentou ao capitão esta proposta?
Just what did you think you were doing, Missie?
O que é que pensas que estás a fazer, Missie?
- What did you think you were doing?
- Qual é a sua ideia?
What did you think you were doing, you bloody idiots?
O que pensam que estão a fazer, seus malditos palermas?
- Tinker Bell, what did you think you were doing?
- Sininho, o que pensaste que estavas a fazer?
What did you think you were doing?
O que vos passou pela cabeça?
- What did you think you were doing?
- O que achou que estava fazendo?
What did you think you were doing?
- O que acháveis que estáveis a fazer?
What did you think you were doing?
- O que pensaste que estavas a fazer?
- What did you think you were doing?
O que pensaste que estavas a fazer?
What did you think you were doing anyway?
Mas afinal o que querias fazer?
What did you think you were doing?
O que pensavas que estavas a fazer?
What did you think you were doing?
O que é que vocês pensavam que estavam a fazer?
Did you ever think what you were doing by invading another galaxy?
Alguma vez pensou no que estava a fazer ao invadir outra galáxia?
What did you think we were doing?
Que é que pensavas que íamos fazer?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Mas que raio é que pensaste que estavas a fazer?
Just what in the hell did you think you were doing?
Mas que veio a ser aquilo? Quero eu saber.
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Que diabo pensava que estava a fazer?
What on Earth did you think you were doing?
Que diabo de ideia era a sua?
What did you think we were doing?
Que pensavas que estávamos a fazer?
Caligula... What on Earth did you think you were doing?
Calígula que demônios crês que estás fazendo?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Afinal o que é que vocês achavam que estavam a fazer?
Did you not think that what you were doing was wrong?
Não pensaram que algo poderia acabar mal?
what the hell did you think you were doing?
Mas que raio estava a pensar fazer?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Que tinhas em mente?
When we were in college, did you think that we'd be doing what we said we'd be doing?
Caramba... É por isso que preciso desta pausa, neste sítio lindo.
What the hell did you think you were doing?
O que raios pensas que estás a fazer?
Peter, what the hell did you think you were doing?
Peter, que diabo pensaste que estavas a fazer?
What did you think your friends were doing?
O que achaste - que os teus amigos estavam a fazer?
- Good as gold. What the hell did you think you were doing back there?
- O que é que achas que estavas a fazer?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
O que pensaste que estavas a fazer?
What else did you think we were doing here--playing house?
O que achaste que estávamos a fazer?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Que diabos pensas que estás a fazer?
What, did you think you were doing me a service calling me down here?
O quê, pensaste que me estavas a fazer um favor ao me chamares aqui? Huh?
What in the hell did you think you were doing?
O que raios pensa que estava a fazer?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
O que raio achou que estava a fazer?
If we start killing scientists on U.S. soil... who knows where it leads? What the hell did you think you were doing?
Se começarmos a matar cientistas em território dos EUA, quem sabe aonde isso levará.

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