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What do you think of him Çeviri Portekizce

117 parallel translation
Well, what do you think of him?
Bem, o que acha dele?
So, what do you think of him?
Olha. O que achas dele?
- What do you think of him, Endora?
- Que pensas dele, Endora?
What do you think of him?
O que é que acha disso?
- What do you think of him?
- Que achas dele?
Our Amedeo, what do you think of him?
O que acha de nosso amigo Amedeo?
Well, what do you think of him?
Bem, o que você acha dele?
Now, Brad and Janet... ... what do you think of him?
Bem, Brad e Janet, que pensam dele?
What do you think of him?
O que achas dele?
What do you think of him being trained by Apollo Creed?
Que lhe parece o Rocky ser treinado pelo Apollo Creed?
What do you think of him?
Que achas dele?
What do you think of him, lron Mike?
Que achas dele, lron Mike?
- What do you think of him, anyway?
Que acha dele, afinal? - De quem?
So what do you think of him, Mr. Webster?
Então o que Ihe parece, Sr. Webster?
"What do you think of him?"
"Que achas? Que dizes?"
What do you think of him, Fisher?
Qual é o seu parecer?
What do you think of him?
Diga-me. O que pensa dele?
And what do you think of him?
E o que achas dele?
So what do you think of him?
O que achas dele?
- What do you think of him, Internet Comic? - [Beeping]
O que achas dele, Comediante da Internet?
What do you think of him?
E o que achou dele?
What do you think of him?
O que achas?
- What do you think of him?
- O que pensas dele?
So, what do you think of him?
- O que você acha dele?
What do you think of him?
O que acha dele?
What do you think of him?
O que pensa dele?
- What do you think of him?
- O que achas dele?
So what do you think of him?
Então, o que achas dele?
What do you think of him?
- E o que achas dele?
What do you think of him? A nice boy, isn't he?
Um bom rapaz, não?
- What do you think of him?
O que achaste dele?
I'll always think of him as my best friend, but what do you want me to...
Vou considerá-lo sempre o meu melhor amigo, mas o que queres que faça...
What do you think of him, Mother? Why, he's built like a bull.
- O que acha dele, mãe?
I said to him, " What do you think of a girl who wears...
Eu disse-lhe :
"What do you think he'd say if we were to tell him " that the bell " marking the start of the proceedings...
E o que acharia se lhe disséssemos,... que o sino que indica o início do processo... nem havia sido tocado?
Well, what do you think of him?
O que achas dele?
I think your father, from what I know of him, would be quite disappointed to find Miss Mallow instead of lamb chops in his freezer, don't you?
Pelo que conheço do seu pai, acho que ele ficaria desapontado por encontrar a Srta. Mallow em vez da costeleta, não acha?
- For those of us who tuned in late what do you think we want to hire him for?
- Para quem chegou tarde, que achas que queremos que ele faça?
You tell him that sometimes in the heat of passion... the little head tells the big head what to do... and that the big head should think twice about it.
Diz-lhe que, às vezes, no calor da paixão... a cabeça pequena diz à grande o que fazer... e a cabeça grande deve pensar o dobro das vezes.
Finally I asked him : professor, what do you think of me as a singer and songwriter?
Enfim lhe perguntei : professor, que opina de mim como cantautor?
You ought to go shopping with him. "What do you think of this shirt?"
Devíamos ir às compras com ele.
Do you know what I think of when I look at him?
Sabe no que penso quando olho para ele?
There is much of your father in you... although you will go beyond him, I think... which is what he would want.
Há muito do teu pai em ti... embora tu vás mais longe do que ele, eu acho, e é o que ele quereria.
What do you think your chances are of getting him?
Que hipóteses achas que tens de o conseguir?
If you think your pooch has what it takes, bring him down to the London set of Thunderbolt's exciting new adventure,
Se tu achas que ele tem o que é necessário, trá-lo ao Estúdio de Londres á nova e excitante aventura do Trovão,
Say, hate to bother you with this... ... but my husband's out of town and normally I would ask him... ... but what do you think looks better with this?
Não queria aborrecê-lo com isto mas o meu marido está para fora e, por norma, pergunto-lhe a ele mas o que acha que fica melhor com isto?
You know, you're always taking shots at Turk, but you've never really told me what you think of him as a person.
Estás sempre a falar do Turk, mas nunca me disseste o que pensas dele, enquanto pessoa.
Doesn't matter what you think, because we think you killed Fred Bayliss, put him in the trunk of your car, then transferred a fiber to the fish when you went back to clean up.
Não interessa o que pensa, porque nós pensamos que matou o Fred Bayliss, colocou-o na mala do seu carro, transferindo a fibra para o peixe quando voltou para limpar.
What do you think the chances are of him laying low for a while?
Que hipóteses achas que há de ele se ter recolhido por uns tempos?
What do you think Kansas meant when he said that Mac was gonna take care of him?
Que achas que o Kansas quis dizer quando disse que o Mac ia tomar conta dele?
What accident of providence do you think gave him those additional qualities?
Que acaso do destino achas que me deu aquelas outras qualidades?

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