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What the fuck was that Çeviri Portekizce

586 parallel translation
Say, what the fuck was that? I don't know.
"O que raio foi aquilo?" "Não sei."
- What the fuck was that?
- O que raio aconteceu?
- What the fuck was that?
- Que raios foi isso?
What the fuck was that?
Que raio foi aquilo?
What the fuck was that?
Que raio era aquilo?
What the fuck was that?
Que merda foi aquela?
What the fuck was that?
O que merda foi aquela?
What the fuck was that?
- Que diabo foi aquilo?
Man, what the fuck was that bullshit goin'on over there?
Meu, que porra foi essa que aconteceu ali?
What the fuck was that?
Que merda foi aquela? - O quê?
What the fuck was that?
O que foi isto? !
What the fuck was that?
Que porra é essa?
Look, Ann, what the fuck was that?
Olha, Ann, que porra foi essa?
What the fuck was that?
Mas que porra foi aquilo?
What the fuck was that?
- Que foi aquilo?
What the fuck was that nonsense about?
Que parvoíce foi essa?
What the fuck was that?
Mas que merda foi essa?
- What the fuck was that?
Que raio foi aquilo?
- What the fuck was that?
- Que merda foi esta?
What the fuck was that?
Que diabos foi isso?
What the fuck was that about?
O que veio a ser aquilo?
- What the fuck was that?
- Que raio foi aquilo?
What the fuck was that for?
- Que porra foi essa?
What the fuck was that?
Que raio foi isso?
- Damn. What the fuck was that about?
- Que porra foi esta?
What the fuck was that?
- Que merda é essa?
What the fuck was that?
Que merda foi essa?
What the fuck was that?
O que foi isso?
- What the fuck was that about?
De que demônios se tratava isso?
Get the blood! - What the fuck was that?
- Que merda foi esta?
What the fuck was that?
Que merda será isto? !
What the fuck was that?
O que está aprontando?
What the fuck was that, will?
Que merda era aquela?
Dammit! What the fuck was that for?
Mas para que é isso?
Wonder Woman sits up, says,'What the fuck was that? '
A Mulher Maravilha senta-se e diz : "Que raio foi isso?"
Now what the fuck was that about?
Isso referia-se a quê?
Downtown-1, what the fuck was that?
"Downtown 1", que raio foi isso?
- Just forget it. - What the fuck was that?
- Esqueçam.
Hey, "Mr. What-The-Fuck" what about "exploring the dark side" and all that? Or was that just bullshit?
Hei, Sr. "Que Se Lixe"... então a tua conversa de ontem... era mesmo só conversa?
What... what the fuck was the name of that movie now?
Qual era o raio do nome do filme?
What the fuck was that?
O que terá sido isso?
You saw me clip that guy, right? What was the fuck his name?
Viu-me atirar àquele gajo...
And the best part was that upstairs... - the board of directors didn't know what the fuck was going on. - Five thousand.
O melhor é que lá em cima, nem a Administração sabia o que lá se passava.
But even if you bought him a really nice watch, one that he thought was nice... He doesn't know what the fuck a good watch is.
Mesmo que lhe comprasses um relógio, que ele achasse que era bom, o imbecil não sabe o que é um bom relógio.
I did? from what I remember, it was your rat-fuck brother that decided to play chop suey with the hooker's fucking head.
Se bem me lembro, o teu mano é que fez chop suey com a cabeça da puta.
What the fuck was the cat so curious about that got him killed?
Se o mataram, por que diabos sente tanta curiosidade?
What in the blue fuck was that?
Que merda foi aquela?
What the fuck was the point of that?
Qual era a ideia?
What the fuck was with you pullin that kind of shit all of a sudden?
O que você fez? Quase me matou de medo!
What the fuck did we go through all that for if you knew Peter was a fake?
Porque passámos por tudo, se sabias que o Pete era tanga?
I'm going to find out what the fuck that was all about.
- Descobrir que merda foi aquela.

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