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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / Where were you this morning

Where were you this morning Çeviri Portekizce

157 parallel translation
Where were you this morning?
Onde te meteste esta manhã?
Where were you this morning?
Onde estiveste esta manhã?
Where were you this morning about 5 a.m.?
Onde estavas esta madrugada, por volta das 5 horas...
Where were you this morning?
Onde estavas esta manhã?
Where were you this morning early a.m.?
E onde estava você hoje de manhã cedo?
Where were you this morning at about ten?
- Onde estavas hoje às 10 : 00 da manhã?
Where were you this morning at 10 : 00?
Onde estava esta manhã às 10 : 00?
- Where were you this morning?
Onde estiveste hoje de manhã? A dar explicações.
Where were you this morning at 10 : 40, Malcolm?
Onde estavas esta manhã, às dez horas, Malcolm?
- Where were you this morning at 9 a.m.?
- Onde estava hoje às 9 da manhã?
So, where were you this morning? Uh, I was here.
- E onde esteve hoje de manhã?
Where were you this morning? Uh...
- Onde esteve hoje de manhã?
Brother, where were you this morning?
Irmão, onde estiveste esta manhã?
Where were you this morning at 10 : 00?
Onde estava esta manhã às 10h00?
Where were you this morning, Adam?
Onde estava esta manhã, Adam?
Where were you this morning?
Onde estava esta manhã?
Where were you this morning at 8 : 00?
Onde estava esta manhã, às 8 horas?
Where were you this morning, otis?
Onde estiveste esta manhã?
Where were you this morning?
Onde esteve hoje de manhã?
- Where were you this morning?
- Onde estava às 10h de hoje?
- Where were you this morning?
- Onde esteve esta manhã?
Where were you this morning?
Onde é que esteve, esta manhã?
Hey, Morgan, where were you this morning?
Amigo, onde estavas hoje de manhã?
Where were you this morning?
Aonde estava esta manhã?
Where were you this morning?
Onde estavas hoje de manhã?
Where were you this morning, Mr. Garland?
Onde esteve de manhã, Sr. Garland?
They never venture beyond where you were met this morning.
Nunca se aventuram para além de onde os encontrámos.
Where were you until 3 : 00 this morning?
Onde estiveste até às 3h da manhã?
When we saw you this morning, where were you going?
Quando o vimos pela manhã, para onde ia?
And therefore I will ask you where you were between 11 : 00 and 12 : 00 this morning.
Assim pergunto-lhe, onde estáva entre as 11 : 00 e as 12 : 00 da manhã?
Where were you at 3 : 13 this morning, Hammett?
- Onde estavas às 3h30?
Miss Gershwitz, on 4th March of this year,..... in the morning,..... where were you?
Miss Gershwitz, no dia 4 de Março deste ano, de manhã, onde é que estava?
- Where were you in the lab this morning?
- Onde estavas no laboratório, esta manhã?
Cat, where were you when the lights went out this morning?
Cat, onde estavas quando se apagaram as luzes, esta manhã?
At approximately 10.40 this morning, a man was apprehended not far from where you were arrested.
Por volta das 10.40 da manhã de hoje foi detido um homem perto do local onde o senhor foi preso.
Where the hell were you this morning?
Onde raio estiveste esta manhã?
Hey, yo, where were you early this morning?
- Vai amaldiçoar-me?
Could you tell me where you were from 0700 to 1 100 hours this morning?
Pode dizer-me onde você estava de 0700 até 1100 horas esta manhã?
This is exactly where the two of you were when I left this morning.
Vocês estão aí desde que eu saí esta manhã.
- Where were you at 6 : 00 this morning?
Onde estava hoje às 6h00?
Well, where... where were you last night? Like around 2 : 30 or so this morning?
Onde estava ontem à noite por volta das 2 : 30 da manhã?
Mr. Krenshaw, where were you at 10 : 30 this morning?
Sr. Krenshaw, onde estava hoje de manhã às 10 : 30.
Where the hell were you this morning?
Onde estiveste hoje de manhã?
Where were you at 8 a.m. this morning?
Onde esteve às oito desta manhã?
Where were you coming from when you arrived at home this morning?
Donde estava a vir quando chegou a casa esta manhã?
well, where the hell were you this morning?
Bem, onde estavas hoje de manhã?
Take this back to where you were this morning and you're good to go.
Levem isto ao mesmo sítio e está tudo resolvido.
Where were you off to so early this morning?
Onde vais tão cedo?
Even so, we still need to know where both of you were this morning.
Mesmo assim, temos que saber onde estavam os dois esta manhã.
Hi, honey. I was looking all over for you this morning. completely got busted by matthews. where were you?
Olá, querido, andei á tua procura a manhã toda, estava presa com o Matthews, onde andaste tu?
Dr. Gaz, can you tell me where you were this morning?
Dr. Gaz, onde estava hoje pela manhã?

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