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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / Who you talking to

Who you talking to Çeviri Portekizce

2,218 parallel translation
Who you talking to?
- Well, if I'm dead, who you talking to?
Nesse caso, com quem estás a falar?
Who were you talking to?
- Com quem estavas a falar?
Lois, do you even know who you're really talking to?
Lois, sabes mesmo com quem estás a falar?
Do you know who you're talking to?
Sabes com quem tás a falar?
Who are you talking to?
- Com quem estás a falar?
To make a splash like you're talking, I can't imagine who you'd have to take down to do that.
Para causar um impacto como está a dizer, não imagino quem teria de derrotar para o conseguir.
Who the hell do you think you're talking to?
Com quem achas que estás a falar?
- Who's that you were talking to?
- Com quem estavas a falar?
Who do you think you're talking to?
Com quem pensas que estás a falar?
Hey, who's talking to you, lightweight?
Desculpa, mas não estava a falar contigo, peso-pluma.
Remember who you're talking to.
- Lembra-te de com quem estás a falar.
Honey, you're talking to a woman who never paid for a drink.
Querido, estás a falar com uma mulher que nunca na vida pagou uma bebida. Por favor.
Well, who the hell you talking to?
Bem, com quem é que estás a falar?
Who are you talking to?
Com quem estás a falar?
MARGE : Bart, who are you talking to?
Bart, com quem está a falar?
Who were you talking to?
Está a falar com quem?
Then who are you talking to?
Então com quem estás a falar?
Okay, you need to remember who you're talking to.
Está bem, tens de te lembrar com quem estás a falar.
Who are you talking to?
- Com quem pensas que estás a falar?
You rely on anyone who's still talking to you.
Confiamos em qualquer pessoa que ainda fale connosco.
You're talking about a man who was in tears when he had to lay off his staff.
Está a falar de um homem que chorou quando teve que despedir o pessoal.
- Who have you been talking to?
- Com quem tens falado?
You rely on anyone who's still talking to you...
Confiamos em qualquer pessoa que ainda fale connosco.
You rely on anyone who's still talking to you. - A trigger-happy ex-girlfriend...
- Uma ex-namorada atiradora...
Who are you talkinto? I'm talking to the cemetery. They want to move my dad's casket.
Estou a falar com o cemitério, querem mudar o túmulo do pai.
You're talking to a guy who made his way through college by driving a pedicab.
Estás a falar com um tipo que pagou a faculdade a conduzir um bicitaxi.
Who were you talking to?
Com quem estavas a falar?
You do know who you're talking to, right?
Sabes com quem estás a falar, não?
- Do you know who he's talking to?
- Sabes com quem ele está a falar?
Excuse me, who do you think you're talking to?
Com quem pensas que estás a falar?
Who was that you were just talking to over there?
Com quem estavas a falar?
Who were you just talking to?
Quem foi que você acabou de falar?
But the people in our agency who are talking to you
- Nem deve.
I wanted to see who you were talking to this morning.
Queria ver com quem falavas, esta manhã.
- Who have you been talking to?
Com quem tens andado a falar? Ninguém, ninguém.
So, I ask you once again, who was the guy on the phone talking and why did she lie to us about it?
Então, pergunto de novo quem era o homem no telefone e porque é que ela mentiu sobre ele?
Who do you think you're talking to?
Com quem julgas que estás a falar?
Who the hell you think you're talking to?
Com quem pensas que estás a falar?
Who have you been talking to?
Com quem andaste a falar?
Who are you talking to?
- Com quem estava a falar?
You should be talking to all the people who were on the compound when Austin was killed.
Tem de falar com todas as pessoas que estavam no local quando o Austin foi morto.
Who was that girl you were talking to?
Quem era aquela rapariga que estavas a falar?
I'm talking about the man you were about to identify before the attempt on your life, who wanted me dead.
Eu estou a falar do homem que estava prestes a identificar antes do atentado contra si, que me quis morto.
Who are you talking to?
Estás a falar com quem?
Okay, now, who do you think you're talking to, boy?
Muito bem, com quem julgas que estás a falar, rapaz?
Boy, do you know who you're talking to?
Sabe com quem está a falar?
You know who i was talking to at the party who was really inspiring...
Sabes com quem conversei na festa? Um amigo do Terry.
Who the hell do you think you're talking to?
Com quem raios achas que estás a falar?
"Do you know who you're talking to?"
"Não sabes com quem estás a falar?"
Skylar, who are you talking to?
Skylar, com quem tens falado?

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