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Why would i kill him Çeviri Portekizce

68 parallel translation
Why would I kill him?
Porque o iria matar?
Why would I kill him in front of everybody?
- Porque o mataria em frente de todos?
Why would I kill him? Okay.
Por que é que eu o mataria?
If I was trying to catch him for bounty, why would I kill him?
Se eu estava a tentar apanhá-lo para receber a recompensa, porque iria matá-lo?
- Why would I kill him? - I don't know.
Não sei.
He's the only one that knew about me. Why would I kill him?
Era o único que sabia da minha existência, porque havia de matá-lo?
Why would I kill him?
Porque o mataria?
Why would I kill him?
Porquê, iria eu matá-lo?
All right? But why-why would I kill him when he gave me that money?
Mas porque é que o mataria se ele deu-me aquele dinheiro?
Why would I kill him?
Porque havia de o matar?
Why would I kill him? You tell me.
Porque é que o mataria?
Why would I kill him?
Porque te matava eu?
Why would I kill him?
Porque é que eu o mataria?
Why would I kill him?
Porque o ia matar?
Why would I kill him?
Porque havia eu de o matar?
Why would I kill him?
Porque haveria de o matar?
Why would I kill him?
Porque é que o mataria?
Why would I kill him, huh?
Porque que devo mata-lo, huh?
Why would I kill him?
Porque é que eu o mataria? Amanhã, já haverá alguém
Why would I kill him for that?
Porque o mataria por isso?
Why would I kill him?
Porque havia de o ter morto?
Why would I kill him?
Eu precisava dele.
But Pinkney was one of us... why would I kill him?
Mas o Pinkney era um de nós... Porque iria eu matá-lo?
Why would I want to kill him?
Porque é que eu quereria matá-lo?
Why would I want to kill him?
Porque o quereria matar?
I don't understand why she would kill him.
Por que é que ela o matou?
Now why the hell would I kill him to stop him from taking them?
Porque haveria de o matar para evitar que ele as tirasse?
Why would I want to kill him?
Porque havia de o querer matar?
- Why would I want to kill him?
Porque iria eu querer matá-lo?
Why would I try to kill him?
- Porque é que tentaria matá-lo?
I don't see why Anyone would want to kill him.
Não vejo razão, para alguém o quer matar.
Why would I kill him?
Porque havia eu, de querer matá-lo?
Why would I kill him?
Por que o mataria?
Why would I wanna kill him?
- Porque ia querer matá-lo?
You know, when somebody asks, "Why would I kill you?" you shouldn't give him such a good reason.
Sabes, quando alguém pergunta "Porque havia de te matar?", não devias dar-lhe um motivo tão bom.
I said I'd kill him and I meant it so why would he agree to this?
Disse que o matava. Porque estaria ele de acordo com isto?
Well, I just spent an hour with the white horse, trying to figure out why someone would wanna kill him.
Passei uma hora com o cavalo branco, a tentar descobrir porque quereriam matá-lo.
Yeah, I understand why it was important to Blake, but why would somebody kill him for it?
Era importante para o Blake, mas porquê matá-lo por isso?
Now, if that was true, why would someone turn around and try to kill him? I don't know.
Agora, se isso fosse verdade, porque alguém tentava matá-lo?
I was busier that he was, so why would I have to kill him for his chair?
trabalhava mais do que ele, então porque é que o mataria pela cadeira dele?
I mean, if he was a kingpin in New York City, why would they kill him out here?
Se ele era um chefe em NY, porque o matavam aqui?
Why would I kill him? For revenge?
Porque o mataria?
I could never figure out why Blunt would kill a pretty woman who just gave him a hummer.
Não há lógica o Blunt matar uma moça bonita com que ele dormiu.
Why would I want to kill him?
Porque é que eu iria querer matá-lo?
Why would he create a demon, if that's what I am, so that I can kill him?
Por que ele iria criar um demônio, se é isso que eu sou, para que eu possa matá-lo?
why the hell would I kill him, right?
porque raios ia mata-lo, certo?
You know, what I don't understand is, why would you kill him?
Sabe, o que não compreendo é porque o matou?
Why would I kill him?
Emily, nós sabemos da bolsa.
Why did you put him in there? Because if I didn't, I would've kill him.
- Porque colocaste-o ali?
Why on earth would I kill him?
Porque diabos o mataria?
Why would you think that I would kill him?
Porque acham que eu ia mata-lo?

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