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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / Why would you assume that

Why would you assume that Çeviri Portekizce

45 parallel translation
Why would you assume that?
Porque assumiste isso?
But why would you assume that a ULF would want to kill us?
Por que presumes que uma FVD quererá matar-nos?
- Why would you assume that it's Jess?
- Porque haveria de ser o Jess?
See, now, why would you assume that?
Por que presumes isso?
- Why would you assume that?
- Porque presumes isso?
Now, why would you assume that?
Porque é que supôs isso?
Why would you assume that?
Porque é que acha isso?
Why would you assume that?
- Porque assumiu isso?
Why would you assume that?
Por que acharia ele isso?
And why would you assume that?
E porque é que presume isso?
Why would you assume that?
- Porque assumirias isso?
Why would you assume that?
Porque presumirias isso?
Why would you assume that?
Porque presumes isso?
Why would you assume that they were horrible?
Porque acha que eram horríveis?
Why would you assume that?
- De todo. Porque acha isso?
Why would you assume that that was my worst day?
Porque presumiu que foi o meu pior dia?
- Why would you assume that?
- Porque pensarias isso?
- Why would you assume that?
Porque presumis isso?
No. Why would you assume that?
Presumo que tenhas ganho.
Now, why would you assume that?
O que te leva a pensar isso?
Why would you assume that?
Por... porque pensas isso?
- Why would you assume that?
- Porque achas isso?
Why would you assume that?
Porque haveria de assumir isso?
Why would you assume that he's the CEO?
Porque presumiria que é ele?
Why would you assume that I want anything?
Porque achas que quero alguma coisa?
Why would you assume that?
- Porque é que achas isso?
Why would you assume that?
E porque farias isso?
Why would you assume that?
Why do you assume that John Lennon's death would mean nothing to me?
Acha que Lennon não significava nada para mim?
Second of all : you don't even know me that well. Why would you just assume that I was gay?
Porque presumiram que eu sou gay?
Why the hell would you assume that?
E por que presumiu isso?
Why would you just assume that you get to do the eulogy?
Porque julgaste logo que serias tu a escrever o elogio fúnebre?
Why would you just assume that?
Porque assumiria isso?
Yeah, I wonder why you would assume that he broke up with me.
Por que razão presumiu que tivesse sido ele a acabar comigo?
Why would you assume something like that?
Porque haverias de presumir isso?
Why would you assume I worked for that tyrant?
Porque presumirias que trabalharia para esse tirano?
Now, given Ava's bad blood with my family, why, naturally, you would assume it was a Crowder, but what if it was the assumption before that one that was erroneous?
Dado que a Ava é sangue ruim para a minha família, então, naturalmente, assume que foi um Crowder, mas como seria se a suposição anterior estivesse errada?
Now, why would you always assume that when it's bad and bloody, it's my crew?
Porque é que assumes sempre... que quando algo mau e sangrento acontece é culpa nossa?
Why would I assume, just because you and I are back together, that everything would be fine?
Porquê pensar, só porque voltámos, de que tudo ficaria melhor?
That's a heartwarming tale, but why--why would you just assume that Chuck is with Blair anyway?
Que história emotiva. Por que achas que o Chuck está com a Blair?
I assume you mean, why would we want to do that, sir?
Acho que quis dizer : "por que faríamos isso, senhor?"
You might even assume that spy to be among the agents coming here to save you now, holding his private, encrypted network phone, and you would know that that's exactly why I'm here.
Até assumia que o mesmo ia estar entre os Agentes e vinha aqui para a salvar. Com um telemóvel particular e criptografado, e sabia que essa é a razão de minha presença aqui.
Wh-Why would you just assume that?
Porque achas que é isso? Porque se fosse algo do tipo "Vou chegar tarde"
Why would he assume that you had anything to do with that lecture series?
Porque é que presume que és responsável pela palestra?

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