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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / Why would you tell me that

Why would you tell me that Çeviri Portekizce

64 parallel translation
- Why would you tell me that?
Por que farias isso?
Why would you tell me that?
Porque é que haverias de me dizer isso?
Why would you tell me that?
Porque me dizes isso?
- Why would you tell me that?
- Por que me dizes isso?
Why would you tell me that?
Por que haverias de me contar isso?
Why would you tell me that?
- Porque me diria isso?
Why would you tell me that?
Porque me dirias isso?
Why would you tell me that?
Por que me dizes isto?
Why would you tell me that I don't need to worry?
Por que me dirias para não me preocupar?
Why would you tell me that?
Está a contar-me isso porquê?
Why would you tell me that things were over between you when they're clearly not?
Por que haverias de me dizer que as coisas estavam terminadas entre vocês os dois quando, claramente, não estão?
Why would you tell me that?
Porquê que contaste-me isso?
- Why would you tell me that?
Porque me diz isso?
- Why would you tell me that?
- Porquê que estas a contar-me isso?
Tell me, Sarah, why would that cause you to leave me?
Mas diz-me, Sarah, por que razão isso te faz deixar-me?
I would just like for you to be able to tell me why am I going to be doing the things that I'm going to be doing?
Só gostaria que me dissesse por que razão vou fazer as coisas que vou fazer?
Whoever you are, would you tell me why we should go through all that?
Pode dizer-me o porquê de tudo isto?
And I often wondered why it is that somebody as articulate as John... would be so confusing when he would tell you... what - what you were doing.
E muitas vezes me perguntei porque é que uma pessoa tão clara como o John podia ser tão confusa a dizer o que queria que fizéssemos.
Now you want me to risk my ass busting into some place, probably disable some fancy little alarm system, then you want me to play doorman for you and your rich little friends. Now you tell me- - why in the hell would I want to do something like that?
Diz-me lá por que raio havia eu de querer fazer uma coisa dessas?
Why on earth would you tell me that story?
Porque me estás a contar esta história?
Why would you ever tell me that you went out with Liam Neeson?
Porque me disseste que saíste com o Liam Neeson?
Tell me why you would even still have that.
Diga-me por que ainda tinha aquilo.
How did you think that... not telling me... why... how... why would you not tell me? I've lived in five different places in the last two years.
Como pensaste que... em não dizer-me... porque... como...
Now, you tell me. Why would anyone but the killer be whistling that specific song?
Diga-me lá por que razão alguém a não ser a assassina assobiaria essa música?
Why would you not tell me that?
Por que não me contarias isso?
Well, if you Knew all that, Why would you Tell me you didn't want to talk to the priest?
Bem, se sabias isso tudo, porque não me disseeste que não querias falar com o padre?
Why wouldn't you tell me that? Why would I tell you?
- Porque não me disseste nada?
Why would you not tell me that?
Porque não me disseste isso?
Tell me... That first time you came to see me, why would you only speak to me?
Diz-me uma coisa, a primeira vez que vieste ao tribunal porque é que querias falar somente comigo?
No, and maybe you were just doing it to be a friend, but I would never let you do that, and you knew that, which is why you didn't tell me.
Não, e se calhar só o fizeste para seres um amigo, mas nunca te deixaria fazê-lo, e tu sabias isso, foi por isso que não me contaste.
OK, Mitchell, now you just tell me why I would want to do that.
Ok, Mitchell, mas diz-me só porque eu faria algo assim.
You tell me - why would she do that?
Diga-me, porque haveria de fazer isso?
- Why would you tell me a thing like that? - I just...
- Porque me dizes uma coisa dessas?
You know, you are probably not the first person I would tell that to, so why don't you do me a favor and hold all your questions till forever? !
Provavelmente, não és a primeira pessoa para quem contaria, por isso, porque não me fazes um favor e aguentas as tuas perguntas para sempre?
Why didn't you tell me that Harker would be going to work... for Count Dracula?
Por que não me disseste que Harker ia trabalhar para o Conde Drácula?
Listen, if that's why you didn't sign the divorce papers, I just wish you would tell me.
Ouve, se é por isso que não assinaste os papéis do divórcio, só gostava que me contasses.
Why would you tell him that I said that? Do you know what that makes me look like?
Por que lhe haverias de dizer que eu disse aquilo?
She didn't tell me she got a job. Why would she hide that from you?
A defesa fará perguntas para ouvir o seu lado.
Why would you want me to tell you that?
Porque queria que lhe dissesse isso?
I just wish that you would tell me why you would do something so stupid as to steal from me.
Só desejava que me dissesses porque é que ias fazer uma coisa tão estúpida como roubar-me.
And tell me something, darling, why would you want to fight for a man like that?
Diz-me uma coisa, querida. Porque haverias de querer lutar por um homem assim?
Now, why don't you tell me right now why you would do something like that?
Agora, porque é que não me dizes, imediatamente, porque é que farias uma coisa dessas?
Now, why don't you tell me right now why you would do something like that.
Porque não me dizes agora mesmo porquê fizeste uma coisa assim?
Why would he tell you to ask me that?
Porque é que ele te mandaria perguntar isso?
You thought I was being a cop. Look, I don't even know why I'm gonna tell you this, but you know, if you hadn't have been looking for me, I have the strange feeling that I would have shown up eventually.
Nem sei porque te vou dizer isto, mas se não tivesses andado à minha procura, tenho a estranha sensação que eu eventualmente teria aparecido.
But if this was his idea in the first place, why would he tell me that you're a liar?
Mas se esta ideia foi dele porque é que me ia dizer que eras mentiroso?
Now you tell me, why would he killed them over that?
Agora, diga-me... Ele ia matá-los por causa disso?
Now why would I tell you something like that, especially after you gave me a better way out?
Por que é que eu lhe iria contar isso, principalmente após me ter dado uma saída melhor?
Why the fuck would you tell me a story like that?
Porque raio haverias de contar-me uma história dessas?
Why would you tell me that? Depends.
Porque me contarias isso?
Why would you tell me that?
- Certo, Adam? Só...

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