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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / Winslow

Winslow Çeviri Portekizce

383 parallel translation
Get Parker at the Union, Read at the Exchange, Winslow and old man Harris at the Home Mortgage.
Chame o Parker do Union, o Read do Exchange, o Winslow e o velho Harris do Home Mortgage.
A fellow named Winslow here wanted to handle my business for nothing too.
Um tal Winslow também queria tratar-me das coisas de borla.
We worked together on Winslow's Carnival.
Trabalhamos juntos no Carnaval de Winslow.
Jimmy Winslow, also late Oflag 9A.
Prazer conhecê-lo. Jimmy Winslow, também antigo prisioneiro do Campo 9-A.
Jimmy Winslow coming back with his tail between his legs and that blasted Frenchman making Colditz look as lethal as a baby's play pen. " -
Jimmy Winslow voltando com o rabo entre as pernas... E ainda por cima, perdemos para esse danado louco Francês. Raios o partam.
They are perhaps better known to you as Pat Reid and Jimmy Winslow.
Talvez melhor conhcidas por vocês, como Pat Reid e Jimmy Winslow.
Well, like I said, after you was gone Leland and Coigne decided to run into Winslow.
É como disse, depois de teres saído, Leland e Coigne decidiram ir a Winslow.
" He rode a man and a little person down in the streets of Winslow.
"Parece que o Coigne atropelou um homem e um jovem..." "nas ruas de Winslow."
I reckon someone come to settle with Coigne on account of what happened in Winslow... and got Leland instead.
Pensei que alguém quis atingir o Coigne pelo que aconteceu em Winslow, mas apanhou o Leland por engano.
Seem to me like if Leland had been involved with the event in Winslow... he'd have rode off too, wouldn't he, like the way you told me Coigne done.
Não sei, mas parece que se o Coigne se tivesse envolvido com alguém em Winslow... também se tinha pirado, não achas? Como disseste que o Coigne fez.
West of Winslow.
A Oeste de Winslow.
I think we are coming to Winslow soon.
Acho que estamos a chegar a Winslow em breve.
We are coming to Winslow.
Estamos a chegar a Winslow.
I don't know, that looks awful big for Winslow, Arizona.
Não sei, aquilo parece demasiado grande para Winslow, Arizona.
I think we've gone about 300 miles past Winslow.
Acho que passámos cerca de 450 km por de Winslow.
According to NORAD, his original course and rate of descent would have taken him here, - south of Winslow.
De acordo com a NORAD... o rumo original e o ângulo de descida deveriam levá-lo aqui ao Sul de Winslow.
Well, let's establish a command post at Winslow.
Montamos um posto de comando em Winslow.
And tell the Winslows not to come for the graduation.
E diz aos Winslow para não virem à cerimónia.
Winslow and Dockins should have set their second markers by now.
O Winslow e o Dockins já devem ter colocado os segundos marcos.
Dockins, Winslow, Riley, right on schedule, contact point two.
O Dockins, o Winslow, o Riley, à tabela, contacto no ponto dois.
Winslow just set number four.
O Winslow colocou o quarto marco.
"I got two for the Winslow tumour. I got two."
"Tenho dois para o tumor do Winslow."
- Winslow would never permit that.
- O Winslow nunca o permitiria.
- Winslow! Winslow retired last year.
O Winslow reformou-se o ano passado!
My name's Harry Winslow.
Meu nome é Harry Winslow.
Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for Harry Winslow!
Senhoras e Senhores, Vamos ouvi-lo por Harry Winslow!
- Goodbye, Harry Winslow.
- Adeus, Harry Winslow.
High school kid from Winslow.
Miúdo de liceu, de Winslow.
Mr. Harrison Winslow?
Sr. Harrison Winslow? É o próximo.
Harrison Winslow.
Harrison Winslow.
Call Bob Winslow.
Ligue para Bob Winslow.
I talked to, uh, Bob Winslow.
Eu falei com Bob Winslow.
Here's the snap. Fouts dumps it across to Winslow!
Fouts passa a Winslow.
Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Admiral Winslow.
Obrigado por me receber, Almirante Winslow.
Carl, you and the Orlando are about to take part in a highly experimental war game conceived by Admiral Winslow.
Carl, você e o Orlando vão participar num jogo de guerra experimental concebido pelo Almirante Winslow.
- Does Admiral Winslow know about this?
- O Almirante Winslow sabe disto?
Yeah, it's you, Winslow.
É você, Winslow.
Only the toymaker, Winslow Schott, was convicted. "
Somente o fabricante de brinquedos, Winslow Schott, foi condenado.
It's also a Winslow Homer rip-off, except you got whitey rowing'the boat there.
E pretende imitar o Winslow Homer, tirando o remador ser branco.
Better than when we were in law school and I was about to go out with Robby Winslow. You said you were worried about me catching E. Coli.
Melhor do que na faculdade, quando estava para sair com o Robby Winslow e tinhas medo que eu apanhasse uma bactéria.
I'm talking with the curator of the Museum of TV and Television Mr. John Winslow.
Estou a falar com o conservador do Museu de TV e Televisão, - Mr. John Winslow.
Oh, judge Winslow sends his regards.
- O juiz Winslow manda cumprimentos.
- Thank you, Mrs. Winslow.
- Obrigado, Mrs. Winslow.
- Hello, Mrs. Winslow.
- Viva, Mrs. Winslow.
I should've added, "with the exception of Voltaire and Dickie Winslow."
Devia ter dito : "Com a excepção de Voltaire e Dickie Winslow."
- McGill, Winslow.
McGill, Winslow.
The Dow has dropped 30 points.
A Bolsa caíu 30 pontos desde a bertura e o analista Winslow Roberts da Stone Clemmer, disse que se não se fizerem ajustes na tomada de ganhos, esta tarde a Bolsa sofrerá uma perda recorde...
Analyst Winslow Roberts of Stone Clemmer says that if no profit-taking adjustments are made in blue chips, the Dow may set a record loss..... people killed in a civil war among low-rider clubs.
Dez pessoas morreram numa guerra entre bandos juvenis. E em Miami, as autoridades informaram a prisão de um vigilante suspeito.
Uh, Lee, judge Winslow's clerk is on the phone.
Eu sabia que era ela.
Detective Winslow.
Detective Winslow.
- O Winslow. Viste-o?

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