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Woodbine Çeviri Portekizce

47 parallel translation
Lady Woodbine called.
- Sim, senhor. Lady Wilbing.
And leaving in its place a dead bird and a sprig of Woodbine.
"E deixando em seu lugar um pássaro morto e um ramo de madressilva".
It's a sprig of Woodbine. Shut the door!
- Um ramo de madressilva!
I took two that had works, and I gave one to Manny at the Woodbine, so that by the end of the day, you walk in and they give you a big dinner.
E tenho dois que funcionam, e dei um deles ao Manny, assim no final do dia, aparece lá e ele dá-te um bom jantar.
- Woodbine.
- Woodbine.
He can't even get the Woodbine to bring him food no more.
Ele nem consegue mais que o Woodbine leve-lhe comida.
I know a bank where the wild thyme blows where oxlips and the nodding violet grows quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine with sweet musk roses and with eglantine.
Sei de um lugar que cheira a tomilho selvagem e onde crescem prímulas e violetas cambaleantes, totalmente coberto de madressilvas luxuriantes e aromatizado por rosas silvestres.
So doth the woodbine the sweet honeysuckle gently entwist ; the female ivy so enrings the barky fingers of the elm.
Assim se enlaça a gentil madressilva e a hera, com meiguice, afaga o tronco do ulmeiro.
I just moved here from a little town called Woodbine.
Mudei-me para aqui vindo duma pequena cidade chamada Woodbine.
His name is Conrad Woodbine, and he's painted an entire series of paintings, which detail the hallucinogenic effects of ingesting large quantities of the spice.
Ele chama-se Conrad Woodbine e pintou uma série de quadros, que descrevem os efeitos alucinógenos de ingerir grandes quantidades do tempero.
Conrad Woodbine has subcontracted to the city as a crime scene cleaner for a decade.
O Conrad Woodbine foi subcontratado pela cidade como homem da limpeza de cenas de crime durante uma década.
Mr. Woodbine?
- Sr. Woodbine?
The blood, the viscera, the heartbreak.
O sangue, as vísceras, - Sabemos que não parou com a limpeza, Sr. Woodbine, só mudou de lado. - a agonia.
Conrad Woodbine is our cleaner.
Conrad Woodbine é o nosso homem da limpeza.
In point of fact, the connection lies between Carpenter's hired hand and Woodbine.
A ligação está no contratado do Carpenter e o Woodbine.
Well, lucky for us, though unlucky for the disappeared, Mr. Woodbine's career was prolific.
Para nossa sorte e azar dos desaparecidos, a carreira do Sr. Woodbine era prolífera.
Six years ago, Conrad Woodbine retired from cleaning.
Há 6 anos atrás, o Conrad Woodbine reformou-se das limpezas.
You think the Armenians killed them and Woodbine cleaned them.
Achas que os arménios mataram-nos e o Woodbine limpou-os.
I understand you have questions about someone named Conrad Woodbine?
Soube que tem perguntas sobre alguém chamado Conrad Woodbine?
You were just one of Woodbine's clients.
Era só um dos clientes do Woodbine.
Tell us how you found Woodbine, and what he did for you, and I'm gonna help you work out an immunity agreement with the DA's office.
Diga-nos como encontrou o Woodbine e o que ele fez por si e vou arranjar-lhe uma acordo de imunidade com o Ministério Público.
One of Woodbine's customers is gonna be a very lucky person indeed.
Um dos clientes do Woodbine vai ser muito sortudo.
Woodbine above all others.
Porque queremos o Woodbine acima de todos.
Did you notice how Conrad Woodbine walked with a limp yesterday? Yes.
Viste como o Conrad Woodbine coxeava ontem?
I don't think we're going to be hearing from Mr. Woodbine any time soon.
Acho que não vamos ter noticias do Sr. Woodbine tão cedo.
As for the rest of the scene, whoever took care of Woodbine left the place spotless.
Quanto ao resto da cena, quem tratou do Woodbine não deixou nada.
Seems like the killer's just as good at cleaning up a mess as Woodbine was. It doesn't make any sense.
O assassino era tão bom em limpezas como o Woodbine.
Woodbine was the cleaner.
Não faz sentido. O Woodbine era o homem das limpezas.
'Cause it sure looks like Woodbine's gone.
Porque parece que o Woodbine morreu.
Maybe that man Artem Dedekian killed Woodbine.
Talvez aquele Artem Dedekian tenha matado o Woodbine.
Watson and I went straight from interviewing Dedekian to Conrad Woodbine's studio.
A Watson e eu fomos directos do interrogatório até ao estúdio.
Maybe we can find someone else who hired Woodbine.
Podemos encontrar outro cliente do Woodbine.
That's the superintendant of Conrad Woodbine's building.
É o supervisor do prédio do Conrad Woodbine.
Jessica Holder may have been killed by one of your paid assassins, but her body was disposed of by Conrad Woodbine.
A Jessica Holden pode ter sido morta por um assassino pago por si, mas quem se livrou do corpo dela foi o Conrad Woodbine.
You apprenticed him to Conrad Woodbine.
Ele foi aprendiz do Conrad Woodbine.
Jeremy would earn a livelihood, and Mr. Woodbine was only too happy, I'm sure, to accommodate one of his most valued clients.
O Jeremy aprendia alguma coisa, e era um prazer para o Sr. Woodbine ajudar um dos seus clientes mais importantes.
Of course, when we went to see Woodbine at his studio and ask him questions, Jeremy told you.
Quando fomos ter com o Woodbine ao estúdio para questioná-lo, o Jeremy contou-lhe.
Woodbine knew all your secrets, your family's secrets.
O Woodbine conhecia os seus segredos, os segredos da sua família.
We know some of the names of the people who hired Woodbine.
Já sabemos quem são algumas pessoas que contrataram o Woodbine.
Authorities were stunned today when 20-year-old Jeremy Carpenter confessed to killing Conrad Woodbine, a man Carpenter says trained him to clean up after murders.
As autoridades ficaram surpreendidas hoje quando Jeremy Carpenter de 20 anos confessou ter matado Conrad Woodbine, Um homem que Carpenter afirma o treinou a limpar locais depois de homicídios.
Sebastian to backup, 1214 Woodbine. Officers, there's a man outside trying to kill us.
Policia, o homem que está lá fora tentou matar-nos.
Woodbine, it's a town about 15 miles from here.
Woodbine. É uma cidade a uns 24 Km daqui.
Guy Rosie's been chatting with is Mike Van Loon out of Woodbine.
A Rosie em falado com um Mike Van Loon, de Woodbine.
And a woodbine and all to polish it off.
E até um cigarro para terminar.
129 woodbine Lane.
129 Woodbine Lane.
Conrad Woodbine!
- Conrad Woodbine!
So you had Woodbine taken care of.
Então mandou tratar do Woodbine.

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