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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You don't think i know that

You don't think i know that Çeviri Portekizce

1,433 parallel translation
Well, I don't think that you are in a position to know.
E eu não penso que estejas em posição de saber
Don't you think I should spend some time on that? You know what?
Não achas que devo pensar mais nisso?
And when do you think that'll be? I don't know.
E quando achas que isso vai ser?
You think I don't know that?
Acha que eu não sei disso?
I don't know. But I don't think you're going to find that judge.
- Não, mas acho que não vão encontrar aquele juiz.
And I think that you and I should go and visit her. Like, I don't know...
- Acho que devíamos ir visitá-la.
You know, I don't think I can make you that promise.
Acho que não posso prometer-te isso.
she doesn't do drugs. i don't know if you're responsible for that, but i don't think it's a coincidence.
Não sei se és o responsável por isso, mas não creio que seja apenas uma coincidência.
Yeah, you know, I've been thinking about that, and I don't think I'm the guy who should be taking on the forces of evil.
Sabe, andei a pensar sobre isso, e não acho que sou o tipo que deveria andar a capturar essas almas do mal.
You know, I don't think my dad felt that way about anyone.
- Acho que o meu pai nunca o sentiu.
I know she's promicin-positive but you need to convince her to come forward. I don't think that's gonna happen.
Olha, eu sei que ela é promicina positivo, mas precisas de a convencer a avançar.
I mean, don't you think we should just see her, you know, resist and resist, and then she should slowly reveal that when she was a little girl, she was sexually abused? All right.
- Certo.
I completely agree with you. I mean, that's why I don't think she should give in so easily, you know?
Por isso, acho que ela não deve ceder com facilidade.
You know I don't think Julia's a lesbian, but there's no reason Olivia has to know that.
Tu sabes que acho que a Julia não é lésbica. Mas a Olivia não tem nada que saber.
I don't know, you might wanna think about that.
Talvez seja bom pensares melhor.
You know, I don't think That we should waste all your hard work.
Sabes, penso que não devíamos desperdiçar todo o teu difícil trabalho.
I don't know what it is that you think you saw, But I've been here cleaning.
Não sei o que acha que viu, mas estive aqui a limpar.
Don't think that I don't know, about her going to live with you!
Pensa que não sei que Sriprai está morando com você?
You don't think I know that?
Achas que não sei disso?
You think I don't know that stare?
Pensa que não conheço esse olhar fixo?
Claudia, I'm not here to judge you, but I think that someone got hurt by aat youwhnd kevin did. You don't know anything.
Claudia, não estou aqui para julga-la, mas acho que alguém se feriu por causa do que você e o Kevin fizeram.
I don't know about you, but I'm beginning to think that there's no such thing.
Não sei quanto a vocês mas começo a achar que isso não existe.
I think we both know what's happened, don't we, really What's happened is I've tried to jump over the barrier and that ain't panned out as I had hoped and so if you just let me free, I'll go home and say nothing more about it, we'll both have a lovely Christmas.
Acho que ambos sabemos o que aconteceu. Eu tentei saltar a barreira, E não resultou como esperava.
- Don't you think I know that?
- Achas que eu não sei?
- Okay, that's it. I don't know who you think -
Não sei quem pensas que...
You Think I Don't Know That?
Acha que eu não sei isso?
Don't you think i know that?
Não penses que eu não sei isso?
You think I don't know that?
Fica atento à tua rectaguarda.
You think I don't know that?
Achas que não sei disso?
because i think that... i don't know, i think he kind of went crazy before he died, you know?
Porque acho que... não sei, acho que ele ficou um pouco louco antes de morrer, Ele deu todo o seu dinheiro, as suas posses, e acho que isso o fez pensar que era o Pai Natal. Sabe?
I don't think I know a person who just listens to it and doesn't try and get involved in some way by producing or something You know all these things that are taking the copyright industry totally by surprise - and they're scrambling with and not able to deal with - for the next generation it's just part of the media landscape
Eu não acho que conheça uma pessoa que apenas escuta e não tenta se envolver de alguma forma, produzindo ou algo do tipo, essas coisas que estão tomando a indústria de copyright totalmente de suspresa - e eles estão assustados com isso
You think I don't know that?
pensas que não sei isso?
Well, sir, I don't mean to correct you on everything you think you know, but, I mean, that's Megatron.
Perdão, não queria corrigi-lo em tudo, mas esse é o Megatron.
Now, you're the smartest guy that I know, and if you don't think that's any good, I'm just gonna tear it up.
És o gajo mais inteligente que conheço, e se achas que isso não presta, vou rasgá-lo em pedaços.
You think I don't know that?
Pensas que não sei disso?
- You don't think I know that?
- Acha que não sei isso?
You think I don't know that?
Pensas que eu não sei disso?
I know you don't think I'm gonna get on that thing.
Nem penses que vou andar nisso.
Not that I, uh, even really know anything about that. But, I just don't believe that anyone would really think of you like that.
Não que... saiba de alguma coisa acerca disso, mas, só não acredito que alguém, pudesse pensar em ti dessa maneira.
I just... I think that if you just... I don't know.
Eu acho que se tu... se me deres uma oportunidade de te mostrar que eu...
Look, Sean, I think you should know I don't generally do that.
Sean, já sabes que normalmente não faço isso.
Well, you know, the interesting thing about sustainable design is that I don't think it has to look in any particular way.
O aspecto mais interessante do design sustentável é o facto de não ter um aspecto em particular, a meu ver.
I'm not exciting to you anymore. You think I don't know that?
Eu não sou mais exitante pra você, acha que eu não sei disso?
You know? I don't think that we should date.
Sabe eu acho que não deveriamos namorar.
You know what? Maybe if you were around today, Fitzer would actually think that, I don't know, you like me.
Sabes que mais, talvez se tu tivesses estado lá hoje, o Fitzer tivesse realmente pensado que tu gostas de mim.
You think I don't know things that you don't know?
Você acha que eu não sei coisas que você não sabe?
You know, I don't think that's how they roll.
Sabem, acho que eles não viriam jogar assim.
But I think that, that is just because she was talking to Nancy. Who says that Jane is sleeping with your husband. And you don't know about it.
Mas acho que isso é só porque ela esteve a falar com a Nancy, que diz que a Jane anda a dormir com o seu marido e você não sabe.
You know, that's a very brave thing to admit about yourself, Jenny. I mean, I think that's why I write,'cause you just wanna get all this stuff out. I don't know.
Sabes, é muito corajoso da tua parte admitir isso, Jenny.
Max, you know, I don't want you to think for a minute that's gonna have any bearing on your job.
Max, não quero que penses... que isto vai afectar o teu emprego.
Look, I know you think you love me, but it's pretty clear that you don't.
Ouve, sei que achas que me amas, mas ficou bastante claro que não.

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